Separation Anxiety for dogs????
@royal52gens (5488)
United States
September 8, 2007 1:38pm CST
As some of you are aware, my hubby and I separated in July. Now you would normally expect some issues to arise with the children, right? The children are doing rather well. But Lizzie (one of our dogs) is having a very hard time. My hubby comes to visit mostly on the weekends. Lizzie thinks he is there to see only her. She immediately wants to play ball and go for walks. She wants lots of hugs. And she wants to cuddle with him. (she is 73 pounds) But she climbs up into his lap. He never tells her "NO". My hubby is very good about doting on her. He has many long talks with her and has tried to help her understand what is happening.
When he goes to leave, Lizzie runs for the door. She wants to get in the car and go with him. After he leaves, she runs through the house to the other door. She wants to go out on her chain and sit on the porch. She watches him leave. Then she lays on the porch for a long time and cries. Worse yet, she pouts.
Last night, hubby came to town. He went to the high school football game to watch our girls in the band. Afterwards, he came to the house to put the new motor in the dryer. He was here for a long time. Lizzie was happy until it came time for him to leave. As usual, she sat on the porch and watched him go down the driveway and down the road. She refused to come in after many hours. She laid on the porch crying and crying.
It was 2:30 in the morning before I could get her to give up and come into the house. I think she thought her daddy would come back if she just waited long enough.
Have any of your pets gone through any kind emotions that humans go through during times of stress or crisis??
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13 responses
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I am not going through this, but I feel so bad for your dog. Isn't possible that she could spend a few weeks with him...or one week you take her and the next he take her? She is really having a hard time.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
8 Sep 07
After hubby gets settled, it might be possible for Lizzie to do weekend visitations. But this is wild. We are looking at having to work out visitation for a dog. I suppose I should start shopping for an overnight bag for her. She will need to pack some food and her treats and her favorite ball. She will also need to pack her leash and brush. Good Grief! I can not believe this is what it has come to. lol
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Some animals are like people.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Yes we had a dog who had that very problem and he was so hard to deal with. He was a stray that we took in but he became too much to handle by myself for hubby had to go away for a year so I had no choice but to give him away to someone who knew how to handle his situation.
In your case, what about letting your dog go with your husband for a few days and have him return her to you maybe after a few tries she'll learn that he'll never leave her for any length of time. Instead he'll be back and she'll settle down knowing that? Bless her sweet heart. That is such a sad thing for the poor thing doesn't understand.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Sep 07
Sweetie you and I both know that the Dogs have feeling like we do
When I was rushed into hospital 5 months after I got Gissi the Kids said he would not eat and just lie by the Door as he could not understand why I had not come back
When we moved here I know that Gissi missed the Children and I had even said to my Daughter if he does not snap out of it as hard as it would have been for me I would have taken him to the Kids, my Daughter said no way as he would be pinning more for me
I did not want him to suffer though but he settled down after a couple of Days but he does love it when the Children come here or when we go to see them he is a bit quiet for a Day when we come back here but then he is ok again
So yes no matter what anyone says our Pets have feelings just like we do
I really hope the poor Baby will get used to it

@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Maybe I should start looking for a psychiatrist for Lizzie. LOL She might need professional help if she does not snap out of it soon. I don't think I would like to have a neurotic dog on my hands. Do they make little white straight jackets for dogs??? LOL
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
8 Sep 07
That is so sad!!
That poor doggie!
I have heard about animals acting like this before. Especially when their owners die. This is so sweet and really says a lot about their relationship.
I hope you all pull through this difficult time quickly :)
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
8 Sep 07
There are times that I don't think Lizzie realizes she is a dog. She thinks she is a kid. She knows she is daddy's little girl and she is spoiled rotten. She sleeps on the couch, on a pillow and enjoys having a lap blanket in the winter months. Not normal and that was before the separation. Lizzie and my hubby are very close. She is too big to go live with him at the apartment. I don't think she would do well living in the city, being away from Gizmo, the girls and home. Of course, she does not know that. As in all things, we as parents try to make good decisions for our children and our pets.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I agree and I think you made the right decision about her staying there. Even though she does terribly miss your hubby. She would most likely be the same way at his house missing you all.
I know what you mean with pets not realizing their not human. I think my cats, especially our youngest, are like that too.
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@kjhasselstrom (304)
• United States
8 Sep 07
When my ex and I divorced, we had 3 cats at the time. I know that the older one did not like the change--as most cats love routine and hate change. My cats did eventually adjust to my new husband, however, when the ex would come over for the kids, meow, the older cat, would always go over to him for his pets.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
9 Sep 07
My mom has a boxer that quit eating almost entirely when she and my dad went on vacation for a week. This time my dad stayed home because she went to visit a sick family member. The boxer is fine, but her Jack Russell Terrier sits at their bedroom door and cries for her. We let her in there to look around but she stil goes right to that door and cries everytime, waiting for my mom to come out. Thankfully she will be back tomorrow!
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
10 Sep 07
Your post has got me thinking. Gizmo, the other dog, has been having a hard time keeping food down lately. Maybe both dogs are having a hard time understanding what is going on.
@sunshinecup (7871)
9 Sep 07
Animals are so much like people. Yes I had a pug that got attached to my ex husband. When we divorced he came to collect his belonging after being gone for a month. Our pug peed from the doorstep to him she was so excited to see him. Then for the next two days, I could not get her to eat or play. She scared me and I took her to the vet. But there was nothing wrong with her. The vet felt she was depressed. Finally she came out of it and I refused to let him around her again. I couldn't stand to see her like that. Heck I wasn't even that attached to him, LOL.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Lizzie sounds so cute. She reminds me of my beagle, Ladybug. She's a daddy's girl. He cooks for her, she sleeps in the bed next to him, which can be a pain. When my husband was deployed, my poor dog was so sad. She would sit by the front door until around 8 pm and just give up. Everytime the repair guy came around to look at our leaky ceiling that he never fix just give excuses, she would be so happy. Now that she's older she knows the difference and would bark at any man. When my husband left again just for 2 wks, got all excited one day when I was talking to a neighbor and her husband came home and he was wearing the same uniform. It was funny and sad at the same time. She would run up to him all happy and as a balloon being popped got all upset when she realised it wasn't daddy. She wouldn't sleep on the bed, after 8 pm rolled around she would work her way under the bed and stayed there until morning. She was such a sad sight, we even got a puppy a week before he left to give her a buddy to play with. As I write this, she's laying on my pillow next to daddy. The puppy is laying at the foot of the bed, 6 months old and is huge, lol. She's becoming a daddy's little girl as well.
Best thing to do is just show her more attention, love on her. Show her that you love her, and when your ex to be has his apartment ready. Maybe he can take her for a weekend, maybe she will relax once she see's the new place. Poor thing, with the 2:30 am crying. Just breaks my heart.
I really think pets gets stressed out when things change. My brother's dog was in his house at the time my brother was murdered. My mom tried her best to get her to eat, she must of seen my brother when it happened because she would run behind the couch and shake if anyone raised there voice around her. The vet said that she was in shock and to do there best to get her to eat. When they were able to get food down her, she would get sick and it would come back up. I think pets gets attached to someone just as humans do and it truly messes with them when something happens.
Good Luck with this situation. I hope it ends well and Lizzie gets though this hard time.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
10 Sep 07
To answer your question........we have separated so some emotional issues can be worked out. We are not looking at a divorce. Although that has not been ruled out. This is not a court-ordered or legal separation.
He keeps coming back because he wants to visit with the girls and the dogs and, I hope, with me. He tries to attend activities that the girls are involved in, like the school band and the school play. I do appreciate it when he helps me with difficult tasks like fixing the tractor or the dryer. We have 10 acres of land to attend to. We still have a huge house to maintain. We do sit and try to work on our relationship also. We have not given up on our marriage of 17 years. He is learning to take care of his health better and not depend on others to do it for him.
All of his family is here also. He does not stay overnight at the house. If he is in town for the weekend, he spends the night at his dad's house and works on his classic car that is in the barn. We still attend family events together.
We also sit down and go through the bills together and make household decisions together and do the taxes together. Divorce would actually financially bankrupt both of us. Together, we are financially strong. We have a lot of financial investments. Sometimes, marriage truly is a business.
Also, in today's society, too many young folks jump into a divorce without thinking it completely through. I did that with my first marriage and I lost everything except the bills and the kids....I lost the house, the car, the land, the investments, my credit rating, and my independence. I had to go live with my parents. That was so embarrassing and humiliating. My parents never said a word but they were disappointed in me for not fighting. I am not a quitter and I know it. We are middle-aged. We are not young enough to start over from scratch.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
9 Sep 07
My son and I went home for my sister's wedding for about three weeks in June and July this year. My husband couldn't come with us, so we left the pets all home with him.
My small dog laid outside my son's bedroom door and cried every single day. She would also lay on my pillow at night and cry and look for me. My big dog also looked around for us a lot, but not as much as the small one. When we came home they were both sooo happy.
Our bigger dog absolutely hates it when my husband switches shifts at work. He switched back to days this week, after working nights for 3 or 4 months. She cried ALL day on Tuesday. She was so happy when he got home, that she wouldn't let him out of her sight. She was his baby long before we got married, so she is definitely more attached to him than the other dog is.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
10 Sep 07
My dog, Petey, passed away last year and when my ex and I split up years ago although they weren't close it still upset him that things changed. Anytime I'd go anywhere out of the house he'd lay by the door moaning and crying till I came back. At one point I had surgery and had to stay at my Mom's for 3 weeks recuperating (she lived 30 miles away) and Petey had to be brought up with me b/c he quit eating and was distraught.
My I realized last year that this isn't resticted to just dogs. We had Morgana, our cat, for about 4 months before Petey passed away and when he did she would wander around the house for days looking for him. It was so sad that she couldn't figure out where he went.
Now Morgana can't stand to have me out of her sight. I go to bed, she goes to bed. I go to the bathroom, she will follow me in or lay in the hall shoving her paws under the door. I take a shower, she lays on the floor right outside the shower. I leave the house and she will lay by the door and wait for me to come back. Even now she is laying under my desk with her head on my foot. LOL
They really are alot like kids.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
8 Sep 07
My dog developed seperation anxiety after my ex left -- not that they were particularly close, but she hated the change. That coupled with several roommates in the 2 years following that, and she's pretty well impossible to deal with now. Does she ever get any alone time with you? Maybe a long walk, just you and her? Or playing with the kids in the yard?
Sounds like she really needs you right now, and it's best to nip it in the bud before she gets harder to handle and destructive.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
10 Sep 07
That's so sad about pets, there's no way you can make them understand about the people they love who are absent. I feel bad whenever I go on a vacation where I can't take my dog with me, even though she's taken care of while I'm gone. I don't think she cries, but my mom had a dog who would cry pitifully for hours whenever I would leave after a visit. My mom told me the dog also wouldn't eat for a while.
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