Is there really ALIENS?
By claire03
@claire03 (1443)
United States
September 8, 2007 2:00pm CST
Some say they really exist, but only behind closed doors, far from the media and public eye. Conspiracy theories are abundant, which cry claims of alien visitation, alien abduction, government cover-ups, silenced witnesses, MIB's, advanced technology and experimentation. the list goes on and on but is there really any truth to any of it? some of us already believe in UFO's and their supposed alien occupants, but still lack of absolute proof necessary to be 100% convinced that they have visited Earth. Based on studies and witnesses, Do you believe there is aliens or UFO's? For me, Maybe there really aliens but i'm really sure about their existence cause i never really seen one. Tell us what you think.
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17 responses
@dont_pick_your_nose (2279)
• Australia
27 Feb 08
Know one knows if there are really aliens! that is what the mystery and interest is all about. I think it is so nieve to think that the tiny little spec in the solar system we call earth is the only one with life on it!! How could that be? I think there are other life forms. I dont know why people think it is such a crazy thought, although i have never seen one to be absolutely sure. Maybe the whole alien abduction conspiracies are there to cover up much larger findings.
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@markdan (127)
• Philippines
26 Feb 08
Hi claire. Well I believe on that too. you can see this video for your reference. this is a complete documentary which are compiled that aliens exist. hope this will help.
@TheGreatMaster (261)
• Romania
10 Sep 07
I don't belive in aliens. I think aliens doesn't exist. Maybe we trust this because we saw too many Sience Fiction movies...
@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I think there has to be something else out there besides us.
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@david2005 (798)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
I think that they exist and that the government is covering it up and doesn't want the public to know.
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
9 Sep 07
With the universe as huge as it is as well as millions of other universes, It would be arrogant of us to believe we are the only intelligent species alive.Would they look like us I can not say, are they more advanced than us very likely.It boggles the mind that there is such a vast space and we are the only ones, I don't believe that for a second.
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@browneyed (2522)
• United Kingdom
9 Sep 07
Hi Claire :-)
Who's to say they do or do not exist? There's so much that we as humans don't know - I mean, as it is, we apparantly only use 10% of our brains.
The universe is so vast that there's a lot out there that we don't know - that we'll never know - and I think that just because we don't know or aren't sure about the existence of something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
That's what I think, anyway.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
Hi claire03! I have heard so much about aliens or extra terrestrial beings in all over the news and some hearsays but I really don't not believe in them. They are all hearsays with no concrete evidence to prove such existence except for people who said that they were abducted by aliens but how can one be really sure of these kind of things. Take care and have a nice day.
@claire03 (1443)
• United States
9 Sep 07
yah, i'm not really sure they exist and they have visited the earth. but i hear a lot of things about aliens, like humors that they seen one but there's no hard proof there really is. so it's so hard to believe.
NOTE: i ommited the word "not" to my post, i hope everyone would understand what i mean. have a nice day to all. :)
@d4rk3nds0ul (26)
• United States
9 Sep 07
This Universe is so vast. I believe that there are other forms of intelligent life out there, but there needs to be a plant with exactly the right features to support life like ours. So if there is extraterrestrial life its far away as for ufos im not so sure that they exist, but life is highly possible.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I don't know what to think, whether or not there is or not. I'm open minded on this subject however I'm so sick and tired of hearing about this and that about ufo's and aliens and the like because I want to see proof one way or the other or for the people to shut up about it. (NOT MEANING YOU!! LOL) My dad is a firm believer and my mother is not. As for me, I'm very open minded because I really don't know but there are other planets out there in our solar system so who's to say? There has to be some kind of life forms or beings out there, right? lol
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@murkywaters (123)
• India
9 Sep 07
I dont think aliens exist.until now people have reported of flying saucers or such kind but it has always been disproved or atleast most of the times.may be over the years scientists would come up with more advancement in terms of technology and find something.but as of now i dont think there is a necessity to believe in aliens
@8ctavarium (552)
• Australia
9 Sep 07
I'm sure there are aliens and other living beings out there somewhere but whether they have encountered Earth is another story. When you consider the size of earth with respect to the rest of the galaxy, universe and so on, there has to be something else out there. And it wouldn't surprise me either if other species are more advanced in terms of technological capabilities, and hence the ability to travel down to earth. But then again, the government seems to be hiding lots of things these days, even political matters, and so it wouldn't surprise either if some agencies are covering up these things.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
9 Sep 07
ive always heared that there are aliens, on tv, on the radio... but i didnt believe it not unless i will see it personally...
but if i am mad to my neighborhood since they are too bad, then thats the time i believe in aliens... coz they exsist... (my neighbor) lol
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I really doubt that aliens exist. If aliens were to be discovered then they will tell the public about it to gain fame. Of course with a time machine they will definatly keep that a secret.