Which is your Favourite Sport ?

@icon_001 (584)
September 9, 2007 7:54am CST
Hi, Which sport do you like the most ? I like Cricket,Tennis and Football .
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3 responses
• United States
9 Sep 07
I like hockey, American football, baseball,curling, and figure skating.Which football do you like, American or International? I have always wanted to learn about Cricket. Is it hard to the rules of cricket?
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@icon_001 (584)
• India
10 Sep 07
I like International Football ;also called as Soccer.
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• United States
10 Sep 07
My mom loved soccer. I think she liked it beter than American Football. She would watch matches on the Spanish t.v. stations.It was great. would watch with her from time to time.I like it too. It is like hockey on a bigger stage.
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@icon_001 (584)
• India
13 Sep 07
Nice to hear that .
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@soumodeep (944)
• India
11 Dec 07
I like many sports but most of the time i like floor hockey, tennis,cricket, slamball, sepaktakraw, and winter sports!!
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I love all kind of sports.Specially in the morning I like to execercise airobick, taeboo and kick box.It bring me energy for all day and I feel very good after it.And I am not saying how healthy it is.In the summer I like to bike, swimm and paly tennis or volleyball. There are not many sports I like to watch wile I like to be more activ.But if I would watch something it would be a soccer or hokey.I like to watch it when there is some championship and my country is on the top.Also I like skatying.It is nice to see all those dresses and so
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