Daughters without fathers: Is it always a negative thing?
By gmakesmoney
@gmakesmoney (2923)
United States
September 10, 2007 11:54pm CST
There are lots of daughters out there that have grown up or are growing up without a father, it's sad but it is a statistic of life these days. Do you think it always has a negative affect to not have a father present in a young girl's life? Can it be positive in any way? What do you think the affects are?
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16 responses
@thenguyenclan (90)
• United States
11 Sep 07
there are pros and cons to any situation in life; i grew up mainly without my dad present..he was in and out of prison while i was young and i also have 3 younger sisters too who grew up mainly without our father being there...then my mom and dad got divorced and we didnt see him for years..finally when i reached high school is when my father tried to come back into our lives by that time it was really too late to do anything about it..the cons are that you dont have a male role model in your life and you get to miss out on things that involve your father..or things that one parent couldn't do or whatever..the pros being that you can spend more time with your mother (though i never did that) and develop a meaningful relationship with her...you can become an independent woman and not have to rely on daddy for anything (not sure if thats true or not but some people do rely on their fathers a lot)..everything depends on how she was raised without her dad present..i didnt have that great of a childhood but i want my kids to have a good one..i want them to know that both me and my husband will always be there for them..overall it all depends on the current situations of the household and how she was raised
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I agree there are pro and cons to it. I was raised with my father pretty much no being there and it did lead to a much closer relationship between my mother and I. I also learned to be more indpendent and no rely on my father (or any man for that matter). The cons, I think it's lead to a lot of issues in relationships for me. All in all though I think I came out ok.
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@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Let's not forget that there are other permanent role models who can take a fathers place. Mybe this is why my daughter does not believe that there are overall negative effects to not having a father around. She has an uncle and a stepfather who have always been there for things like teaching her to drive and taking her to father/daughter dances.
There are people who can replace the father. As long as the child is loved and cared for, that is what is important.
@meanangel (167)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I grew up without a father and I am fine. The thing that did damage was the promises my father never kept. Every weekend it was I will be there I promise or yes honey I'll be at your birthday party. He never kept any promises and never stoped making them. When I had my daughter I let her father know he was either going to be a part of her life or not at all the choice was his. I would not let her be hurt as I was. He has tried and his family is close to her so she has a strong male influence without a man in the home. I want my daughter to grow up strong and independent I want her to know that anything she wants in life can be hers through hard work and self reliance. I have watched to many people need another person to validate their lives this will hopefully not happen to my child.

@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I can relate to the broken promises and the fact that I feel like I'm fine too. It was tough at moments but all in all I'm happier and stronger. I'm sure your daughter will grow up to be strong as you did.
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@briarose (124)
• United States
12 Sep 07
This is how I feel with my niece I think forced her father to have a relationship with her has caused more harm then good. Yes she knows her father but he is a jerk to her and she takes it personally like she did something wrong. I am so glad you laid that out to him and he has stepped up to the plate! You sound very strong so I think your daughter will take right after you. Rose
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I would not say "always" but I will say most of the time it does have a negative affect when any childs father is not present in the upbringing (unless it is an abusive father which in that case, it would be better if the father is not in the child(rens) lives). Who do you think teaches a son how to love a woman? His father. Who do you think is the example to a daughter how a woman is to be treated? Her father. A mother can not teach her son how a man is to love a woman. Nor can a mother teach a daughter how a man is to treat a woman.
We all have different roles as woman and as man and as mother and as father. There are certain characteristics that each teach their children and on certain levels teach eachother.
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@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
12 Sep 07
If a mother finds a good man, who will treat her and her children with respect, the daughter will likely grow up and be with the same type of man. Too many women (myself included) have let men take advantages of them in one way or another. I must say that I am happier now that I have broken that pattern for myself. My only hope is that my daughters have learned the correct lessons from my life, and that they keep that pattern broken.
@Nazz4Nazz (8)
• Pakistan
11 Sep 07
Dear friend!
I agree with you that it is a sad statistic of life for a young girl growing up without a father. I would however, like to mention about one of my friends who grew up without a father and now she is a successful personality, independent and a very true to life kind of a lady.
She grew up with her mother and she did bring her up in the best way she could have ever done for her child. She became her mother and her father at the same time.
Nevertheless, it does not mean that a growing up girl doesn't need a father.It's the ethics which her mother instilled in her which destined her to a successful life.
The simple truth is that a loving father has a positive effect on his daughter and her life for her better future.
If a girl who grew up without a father can be successful then she could have been more successful if she had a father.
But at the same time one will also agree that a father in a family is like a pillar upon whom the family's foundations are laid upon. Therefore, his presence and role could not be neglected.
We therefore, come to the conclusion that it have both of the features of positive and negative as well.
God Bless You...
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Thank you and yes I believe there are both positive and negative features to it. It really depends on the mother and how the child is raised. Your friend sounds like a lovely person.
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@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
11 Sep 07
I grew up without a father. It has made me realised that to be dependent on anyone other than God is futile. Well I have learnt to fend for myself and not to rely on anyone for help.
Most of the men here think it all fun and joy just to be told that they are going to be a father but the support is never there. My daughter's father helps out whenever he is in the mood to do so. I think it has made me wary of men totally and has taught me to be self reliant in any event of life.
So in a relationship I dont look for a father figure I look for someone who will love me for who I am. It makes you know what you want in life and go for what you want. Atleast for me.
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I agree, it does make you know what you want and gives you more ambition to go after those things on your own. You learn not to have to depend on a man and more how to do for yourself.
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@isaiah12 (416)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I am a single mother of two daughters. Both are adults now with kids of their own and I could not be prouder of them. They might have not had their father in their life, but they did have their grandfather. My youngest daughter would follow her grandfather around "helping" him in the garden. Then come in and sit in his lap and fall asleep. My oldest daughter had her grandfather give her away when she got married. At the reception she danced with her grandfather and I was almost in tears.
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
12 Sep 07
It's sweet that your girls had their gradfather there to help them along in life. I think that as long as women have positive male infulences then the absense of a father isn't totally felt.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Sometimes having no father is better than having a father. My biological father was never around for me, and my step-father was an verbally abusive drunk. A lot of my friends have gone through the same thing I have been through, and they have said that they wish they never had their fathers.
@rinaaus (1201)
• Australia
11 Sep 07
In my opinion, there is always not good if the child grown up without mother or father. There is always a hole in their soul that no one can heal it. They said they are normal, everyone sees them normal as other kids who grown up with their parent's love. Yes, they are normal but they always lack of something in their life that they never known. My niece grown up without father, she is fine , she really likes to play with the old man. She likes they hold her, carry her that no one do it to her before. There is very small thing but it makes her happy a lot. So for me without mother or father the child always lack of something that you can call negative thing.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
11 Sep 07
There is always a negative effect to a child when he/she grows up in a family with one parent missing... the impact of a father cannot be compensated by the presence of the mother alone no matter what they say... the effect will clearly be seen when the child becomes an adult...
@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
12 Sep 07
This is not necessarily true, not in every situation.
I just spoke to my 17 year old daughter, and she says that there is not an overall negative effect.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
11 Sep 07
I think that it is a bad thing for a daughter not to have Father of her own. On their way to growing up, they will surely keep asking their mother about their father. She will grow up in an atmosphere not to be well respected by her playmates. I think that fathers have the responsibilities to take good care of their family and daughters as this is their duty.
@riccialmanzor (40)
• Philippines
11 Sep 07
More often than not, I would say that it has a negative effect to a young girl's life, given that the father she does not have is the responsible and loving type. The ideal father figure would be that pillar of the home. The provider and the protector. Without this entity in a girl's life, she would more likely grow up to be rebellious and misdirected. However, if that father would be the person to abuse his own daughter, then I would say that having none would be the positive advantage in this premise.
@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I grew up without my Dad, he passed away when I was very young, but the memories I have of him have always brought me happiness. I missed not having my dad at times, wondering what he would have done or said. My Mom did the very best she could to keep his memory alive, and oftten would say things like Dad would have been so proud of you or dad would like that color! I felt cheated by not having my dad and yes it has affected the way I think in my adult life.
@briarose (124)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Well it all depends on who the father is. My sister had a baby girl when she was engaged after that they broke up. My sister felt no matter what my niece should have a relationship with her dad worst mistake she ever made. For the first year he wanted nothing to do with the baby. When he did have her his mom took care of her (by the way he was 26 at the time)and he would disappear for the whole weekend. Anyway he has just played games for the past 11 years and treats my sister like crap which is her fault because she takes it. He remarried and my niece sleeps on the couch, his step children don't want to share their rooms. My niece is not allowed to cry if she is homesick if she does he screams at her and asks what is she going to do when she has to go to college (she was 8 at the time), she was never allowed to take any of her stuffed animals out of her bag, sometimes he shows up at the meeting place other times he forgot and made plans. If there is a football party he will not take her for the weekend because he doesn't want to have to leave in the game to return her. He promises he will make sure she gets to her basketball games but then won't take her because it interferes with his stepchildrens activities. She hates going there and he is a total jerk, she is a tomboy and he actually told her that her mom was turning her into a lesbian! So I completely think she would be so much better without this "father" I could on and on. That said my niece does have some good male figures in her life which I do feel is important - it doesn't always have to be the sperm donor!
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I couldn't agree more, the donor doesn't always have to be the positive infulence. That guy sounds so much like my friend's exhusband.
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@hammertime12 (1)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Yes it is negative....for me all the time....I am in 6th grade and have no dad...all of my friends have their perfect little families and I have nothing....My lil brother has a dad that wants nothing to do with me and the closest thing I have ever had to a dad hsnt talked to me in 6 months all except for 1 text message! I cry my self to sleep every night and i hate my life
@Galena (9110)
12 Sep 07
I grew up without my father.
any attempts I had to have anything to do with him just proved he was not a nice man, and actually deeply unpleasant.
I don't think there has been any damage in not having that thing involved in my life. in fact, I think if I'd had to grow up around him it would only have had a negative effect on me.
@eachen2002 (889)
• United States
12 Sep 07
My daughter doesn't have a dad and she's a very happy child of course she not allowed to really have a mother either because she lives with her grandmother.So I guess she has the best of both worlds.