When you make a mess do you clean it up right away?

United States
September 11, 2007 1:35am CST
Years ago, I was not so good at my housekeeping habits and would often end up with a very messy house. Sometimes I would take out things from the cabinets and not even bother to put them up. Of course, at the time there was no little kid running around my house to get into those messes. Now that there is, I have to keep everything put up or risk losing it. So, now when I make a mess, I try my best to clean up after myself. I am also in charge of cleaning up after my daughter as she makes her little messes. I am sure over time that she will pick up my neat habits and begin cleaning up after herself. My spouse is another story entirely. He rarely cleans up after himself. But then again, he rarely makes messes either. Do you always clean up after yourself when you make a mess? When you are done cooking, do you clean the spills off the counter tops and stove right away or wait until they are dried? Does your spouse add to your cleaning chores by being messy and never putting his or her own things away?
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28 responses
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
11 Sep 07
When I make a mess in the house, in most cases, I forget to put the things back to where they are. As a result, the house is messy until some day I think that it is time for me to reofganize them again when it is my day off.
@Pompon (1757)
• Poland
11 Sep 07
I'm a one big mess xD When I eat a meal I just left the plait in the kitchen. Ok, it isn't something to be proud of... maybe I'm just taking advantage of still living with my mother? That must be it, because when I go on a vacation I always try to keep my room clean. I think it's the same with your child, she's just spoiled like me xD
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@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 07
i was same as like you beautyquees26. i m not kind of tidy person. i usually put my stuff everywhere. but if in my opinion its already over mess up, then i make clean and tidy it up. now, i m trying to change my bad behaviour. even not 100 percent working good, but at least i already to change it
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
11 Sep 07
For me, it depends on where the mess is, and whether or not it's dangerous to anyone. It also depends on how much time I have. If I drop some kind of food or something in the kitchen floor, I give the dogs a few minutes to eat it, and then I mop. If I make some kind of mess on the kitchen counter, I clean it up right away. As far as the regular cooking mess, or dirty pots and pans and things like that, I tend to leave them all out until after we eat. When I am putting away leftovers, one of us loads the dishwasher and wipes down the stove, counters, etc. As far as other messes, like dirty clothes in the floor, I usually pick them up when I am cleaning that room. Sometimes that means that they sit there for a day or two, but I'm not really concerned, unless I know we are going to have company! I do feel like I am constantly picking up my husband's messes. His messes tend to be things like tools and screws, which are pretty dangerous if my son gets them. I am constantly getting onto my husband for leaving them where my son can get to them. And now when I find them, I hide them, and my husband has to do chores to get them back. lol I am really hoping this breaks his habit of leaving stuff around that our toddler can hurt himself or someone else on.
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@michecu (637)
• Philippines
11 Sep 07
I am not dedicated in housekeeping and I rarely do general cleaning of the house (like once a month only)...however, if there are clutter which is not pleasant to look at or if it already prevents me from doing what I want to do, that's the time when I know that I have to clear up the stuff. It's been really difficult to motivate myself to clean...but everytime I do clean, I feel good and refreshed.
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• Canada
11 Sep 07
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• Netherlands Antilles
11 Sep 07
Well when i work in the kitchen. I try to clean up when the think are in the oven so i save some time. But sometimes when im lazy i leave them for later. Mostly i leave things. Let them become more and then clean everything up at once.
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@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Yes I clean things up right away because I can't relax if there is a mess in the house =) If there are dishes in the sink I can't sit down and like watch TV because I just keep thinking about the dirty dishes that need to be cleaned. So I am constantly cleaning things up, with two little kids and a husband I feel like I just pick things up and clean all day long, it never ends!! When I am cooking I clean things up as I go so there isn't a big mess to clean up after we eat, I am wiping down the stove over and ovver whjile I cook so it doesn't get really messy =) My husband doesn't clean up after himself, but in all honestly he doesn't make too many messes, now especially because he is working so much and sleeping when he is at home. But the kids are another story!! They are always messy and getting all kinds of toys out, so I am always picking things up.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
11 Sep 07
It drives me crazy to see a mess in my house. I clean it up immediately even if I am not the one who made it. Last weekend we went camping and when we came home, my 18 yr old had had some friends over the night before. The kitchen floor was covered in grass from the lawn. There were also some pop cans sitting out on the counter. I told myself that I was not going to clean up his mess. He made it, so when he got home I was going to have him clean it. Well, after about 5 minutes, I had to sweep the floor! It was so gross I couldn't stand it any longer. I waited about 20 minutes to put away the pop cans. I can't help it. Something in me makes me like clean!
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I used to be better at cleaning up my messes right away. Right now we are renovating an old farm house. Most of our furniture and possessions are in storage.There just isnt a place to put most of our stuff. So we have books and things piled up. I cant wait to get this house done and back to normal.
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@youless (112839)
• Guangzhou, China
11 Sep 07
No, I am not this type of person. If one day I can't stand the mess room, I will decide to clean it. My husband said he had never seen such a lazy woman:)
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@vinzen (1020)
• India
11 Sep 07
Hi, i think a home makers and a house wifes half the job involves just cleaning up things and keeping the house neat and clean, and she would exhaust her whole day just doing that and it would never even end! Yes, i somehow have this habit instilled right from my childhood, as my mother was very particular that we being girls, ought to keep the place neat and tidy always, so , its become a habit now with me with time, and i cannt see any mess lying around the place, but yes, there are times, when the things get so tiring and tied down that, i just leave things as they are and dont even bother to have a look that side, as i know my consious will prck me then! But after a while i do get up, and before i finally retire for bed, i go and clean it up. If its the kitchen area, thats never allowed to remain messy and is cleaned along side when i am working, as it would invite mites and insects if left unclean and wold smell too, plus its not too hygenic either. But if the rooms are not done or the kids room is messy and we are busy or tired out, i leave it for the other half of the day, but do ensure that i do it up beofre going to bed. Same habits am trying to instill into my kids, so that they learn right from the start, as these values and habits need to be instilled into the kids, so that they have no problems later in life .
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@khazeemee (288)
• Philippines
11 Sep 07
yes i do clean up my mess immediately, because that's how my mom taught us to do,. we've learned to her everything about cleaning up, she's very organize and we want to meet her expectations when it comes to it, because i can easily get irritated when i see messy things and place..
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• United States
11 Sep 07
Hiya beautyqueen, I guess it really depends on my mood. lol Am I feeling lazy today or not! Most of the time I cant stand a spill on the counter top so that gets wiped up, I probably wipe the stove top up a hundred times or more while Im cooking. One thing I hate to do is scrub dried messes off the stove top, so I stay ontop of that. I may not always wash the dished once we have eaten, they may sit in the sink til the next morning or even til I cook again the next night. Last night I washed them once we were done so I wouldnt have to do it this morning. It just depends on my mood. We dont have any kids so its just me and my hubby and like yours he hardly makes a mess, but if and when he does he will clean it up. I just cant get him to put his dirty clothes in the baskets! lol I stopped mentioning it and just pick them up myself. They are on the floor on his side of the bed so you cant see them just by glancing in the room. My house probably looks cleaner than it is! lol Ive been in peoples homes that you had to literally move things so you could sit down, or you have to step around things and cant see the floor. My house has never gotten like that and I dont think I could allow it. Im not a neat freak but I dont like clutter. So I guess Im pretty good about putting things back, and keeping things in order. Its much easier to find things and I feel better when my house is picked up. xx
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
14 Sep 07
I clean up as I make the mess- most times- Of course not all the time- otherwise my house would always be spotless. My daughter on the other hand- makes a mess and then continues to make a mess- A lot of times she will go on to something else and I won’t see the mess- I make her clean it when I find it. She is getting better- My sig. other drives me crazy- I can sweep and he will walk in with grass on his clothes from mowing- and then the floor has grass on it- I freak—Can’t you wait for an hour to make it messy again- He always grabs the broom and cleans it up. When I’m cooking or baking- I always fill the sink with hot soapy water- and wash up as I go along. It’s so much easier this way!
• United States
11 Sep 07
if its a food spill/mess then yes i clean it up right away. i absolutly HATE having to scrape at dried up sauce etc, type messes. other messes will stick around until i get to them, or trip over them lol. like other family members dirty clothes..or shoes, which it seems i am forever tripping over. we get ants so easily that i just dont dare leave dishes in the sink over-night. so that always gets cleaned at the very latest right before i go to bed. they may sit there all day, but they are clean before morning comes..lol
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• United States
12 Sep 07
I still have dishes in the sink there clean,I just haven't put them away.I need to start the dishwasher.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
12 Sep 07
Hello beautyqueen26, My husband and I are both neat people. Sounds weird huh? *smiles* I have less problem with him but right now, I have problem with my baby son. He loves to throw every thing that he thinks he doesn't need. Whenever I make a small mess, I will clean it up right after that. I love to cook and I always alone in the kitchen while cooking. I clean the kitchen right after I have done with my cooking. Sometimes I get used to it that when I go back to my mom's house, I will do the same when I help her to cook. She complains a lot about me being an extra cleaned person. One minute she sees the ladle or something on a plate, another minute she sees nothing at all!
@meanangel (167)
• United States
12 Sep 07
The older I get the cleaner I have to be. When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with bipolar dissorder and I could always tell when I was about to get to low and crash. My spaces would get messier and messier and I would not care I would sink so low the filth didn't bother me. Then when I would cycle up again I would go on cleaning rampages and throw away almost anything. Now that I am in my late twenties I have found the cleaner I keep my environment the fewer times I cycle into the low places. It does not help that I have a mild case of OCD I can't go to bed with any dishes left out or laundy in the hamper. Who's to say if this is a good thing or bad but what I can say is my child is growing up liking house work and that is good for me.
@get518 (27)
• China
12 Sep 07
I always clean up when I make a mess. I think the clean environment is very important .If the place which i live is very dirty I will have a bad moon, and become fidgety/