With Halloween Right Around The Corner...

Halloween's-A-Comin'... - Halloween's-A-Comin'
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
September 11, 2007 9:54am CST
With Halloween right around the corner, I wondered what your favorite part of it is? Do you even like the holiday? I love the creepiness of the whole thing. I like the spooky decorations, the awesome costumes, the haunted houses and the atmosphere that this holiday brings. Of course, I don't trick or treat anymore but I do take my niece and nephew around every year. It's a tradition with us. Sometimes we will see ppl that are in their late teens early twenties trick or treating I think it should be more for the little kids. After all, when your in your early twenties most of us are going to Halloween parties with our friends...at least I was. Since I love fall so much, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are probably my favorite holidays...along with the Fourth of July. AT PEACE WITHIN ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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43 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I klike halloween think the last time I went I was about 15 just for so much fun I hatted to stop lol BUt now I either pass out the candy or take grand daughter around so much fun to see her face when she see s everyone dressed up too. Christmas is favorite we start decorating around the first of NOv. Takes awhile for we have alot to put up!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I am in Minnesota USA and it gets snowy and cold even before Haloween some years. So when it starts to get really chilly is when I set up my lights and decorations for Christmas. I hate doing it when it's really cold out. But I don't turn on my lights till there's a lot of snow or Thanksgiving day whichever comes first. The lights stay up till April or May when it warms up also. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Oh that sound real cool I spent a halloween in Wis. one year was so cold and so much snow thge kids didnt turn out to trick or treat so we gave al our candy to the landladys grrand kids so I know how ya feel I have also lived in Minn. but in the spring and summer months. when I watched ICe come out of the ground in big chunks some almost as big as a small house.!
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@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
11 Sep 07
My favorite part is the decorating. I don't like when I see the older kids trick or treating like the teenagers. I just don't see a point at that age. They are old enough to go out and buy thier own candy. I don't like dressing up in costume, I wouldn't even if I were invited to a halloween party. What I dislike about the holiday is the fact that kids throw eggs and spray shaving cream all over the place. I know its fun for them but when you get egg on your car and its dried,its hard to get off. There are more things I dislike about halloween than like im afraid.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Igo ever so often with my grandsons trick-or-treating. But when they stay in their neighborhood I dole out goodies at my house. I love seeing all the cute kids dressed up. Especially the smaller ones. They are always so cutre. I decorate my yard somewhat for halloween. I use a few bales of hay. A few dried corn stalks. Some indian corn ears. Also a few pumpkins. This is left up for the whole "harvest" season. Usually till almost christmass actually. The neighbors always tell me how good it looks too. So it's an ego booster as well. HAHAHA! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I really like this time of the year,and i do enjoy the halloween decorations,but i do not have much exposeure where i live,i live more in the rural area and not many kids come out this way....When my children were small,and we lived in a neighborhood where a lot of people were,i really enjoyed halloween.I use to take the children and us mothers would walk the streets with our children and we would wait in the street and visit while the children knocked on the doors,and it was fun..Even after the children were grown up i always enjoyed having the children visit and i would give out treats..anyway later we moved into the country side and i do not get to have that much fun anymore.I do remember those days with great pleasure though...
@raychill (6525)
• United States
11 Sep 07
First, I'd like to thank you for not posting about CHRISTMAS! Bah! I don't celebrate Christmas in the "Ber" months like everyone else keeps talking. I celebrate Christmas in DECEMBER... the month the holiday is in. Why? Because October is Halloween and November is thanksgiving and I like those holidays too! I don't want to skip over it. I love Halloween. When I was a kid I loved Dressing up (I was a Witch almost every year all out wiht the green face and crooked nose and stuff). I never lived in a neighborhood though so I never got to do our own trick or treating or decorating (we'd do a little decorating and we'd go to our grandparents to trick or treat) and even now I still don't live in a neighborhood, but I like to decorate my apartment for me. I love watching the scary movies on tv and stuff. I don't go to halloween parties and I'm mid 20's.. I didn't when I was early twenties' either. But I love it!
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• United States
12 Sep 07
I love everything about the holiday! The crispness in the air that lets us know its fall, the leaves on the ground, the costumes, the excitment, the decorations, and even the candy taste better. Halloween seems to creep into the air itself. I loved trick-or-teating when I was little and now its more fun dressing and bringing my 3 year old out!
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@Stiletto (4579)
14 Sep 07
We don't really make that much of Halloween here in the UK. In recent years it's become a bigger thing commercially - the shops are certainly full of various spooky things - but it's not a "holiday" as such in the UK. We have trick or treating but it sort of merges into "Bonfire Night" or "Guy Fawkes Night" as it's also known because that's the 5th of November. It occurs to me as I'm typing this that people outside the UK may have no idea what "Guy Fawkes Night" is lol! The short version is he tried to blow up Parliament, got caught and sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered - hundreds of years ago obviously! So we celebrate that with bonfires and fireworks and the children make a "Guy" (sort of like a scarecrow) to burn on the bonfire (a bit ghoulish I know!) and take it round the houses in a wheelbarrow asking for a "penny for the Guy". Again that's not such a big thing as it used to be.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
11 Sep 07
We never use to celebrate Halloween and this year will be our first one. I am not sure what to do but I have seen what our neighbours do to celebrate it. My son wants to try trick o treating so if i can find another neighbor to do it with, then we might give that a go this year.
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
11 Sep 07
I love Halloween. Since I am Wiccan it is a religious holiday for me. But I also love the candy and parties that come with Halloween. I love dressing up as something very different than my norm. I spend a couple of months planning my costume each year in order to surprise my friends as much as possible. It has to be one of my favorite holidays. I always loved trick or treating as a kid as well. No one trick or treats at my apartment complex which is too bad. I like having kids come by, now, as well. Its too bad that is no longer really safe for people to trick or treat now.
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@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
11 Sep 07
Honestly.... I never got excited about this holiday even as a kid. But now that I have a 5 year old. God I love it. I love to take him around to the neighbours and family (we live in the Stix so it's a lot of driving and only about 10 houses in a good hollowe'en night lol). But I love to watch him get all excited and dress up and be happy. He grins the whole night until he falls asleep on the way home... sigh.... It's wonderful. I am glad that my son can be that happy I don't ever want him to stop being that happy and excited for things.
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@Seaclans (215)
• United States
14 Sep 07
It's my favorite holiday and time of year. I really enjoy everything about it. I kinda wish I could get away with trick-or-treating still. I wish grownups were allowed to play at this type of thing more. Just a kid at heart when it comes to Halloween. Fall is also my favorite season, now that I've moved to the desert I miss the leaves turning, I really love the sweet honey-like scent of some autumn leaves. I miss going on fall rambles and collecting tree pods and pine cones and such, they make great wreaths. I'll have to see if I can find some of that around here somewhere, there are actually a lot of trees in the downtown area, I just haven't had the opportunity to explore much on foot.
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
16 Sep 07
Even though Halloween is a sort of demonic holiday that we celebrate, I do like what goes on around Halloween. I love the fall weather. The leaves changing colors looking just perfect with the pumpkins displayed all around neighborhoods. I love to see the creative costumes and things people come up with year after year. Carving pumpkins is a great tradition I love too and making Halloween cookies. All of these things are what make Halloween special to me.
• Canada
12 Sep 07
I love seeing all the decorations around Halloween. Some people go all out and decorate their yards and houses. It's also fun to walk through the stores and see all the spooky decorations available. There's a lot of creativity when it comes to Halloween!
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@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
12 Sep 07
I love when people go all out when decorating their homes. We use to have these people down the block from my parents that would create a cemetary on their front lawun. They had lights and spooky music and even dressed up. It really make Halloween even better.
• Canada
12 Sep 07
I remember when I was little, one house on our street was completely decorated with a cemetary and all. The dad would dress up as Frankenstein, and stand in the front yard really still. Then when someone came to the house for candy, he would jump out and scare them. It was awesome!
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@rachsal4 (391)
• United States
14 Sep 07
My favorite part of Holloween is making my kids costumes!!! I love it, last year my daughter was a 70's punk rocker!!
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@pumpkinjam (8859)
• United Kingdom
12 Sep 07
I've never really liked it. Maybe because I live in an area where so many teenagers still go around trick or treating and even the younger kids would smash your windows as soon as look at you but still come round expecting sweets. If little kids come round dressed up with their parents, it's not too bad but I still don't like the idea of them expecting to get sweets or something and their parents apparently assuming the same.
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• United States
12 Sep 07
HELLO there twoey..Halloween is actually almost my favoorite..its close with Christmas..side by side maybe? lol..Im all about the scary..everything! The decorations I have seen are so very clever..that I wish i could have a haunted house all year round lol..my son is just like me..he may be 5..but he loves the scary stuff and costumes as well..he used to be terified ,until last year when i had him sit and watch me put on all this scary makeup..and fake blood the works..and when i was done..he loved it and wanted me to to him..coem to think of it, it was 2 yrs ago..anywho..now when he sees scary commericials for movies and such he says momma..dont be scared its just makeup lol..soo this year he wants to be..ohh myy...a scary clown..to which sucks..because i have this huge..i mean HUGE fear of clowns..i dont know why..i have always been..and he wants me to dress up like one too..and i did some serious searchign within myself..and im gonna do it..maybe it wil help my fear? anywho..im also taking him to his forst haunted house this year..ill be with him just in case..and teh fact i love them too lol..well take care!
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@raeleighb (384)
• United States
14 Sep 07
my faveorite part is dressing up and going to parties. i'm actually hosting my own this year and its going to be great. havent decided on the costume yet, but im working on it
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
13 Sep 07
I love Fall & Halloween. I take my girls trick-or-treating. They then go to a Halloween party at their school. We are out until they complain about walking and then we walk home. While we are out we stop by my in-laws & she gives them a bag of goodies she bought them. When we get home I either make or order pizza. We go threw the candy & watch Halloween movies or cartoons.
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• United States
13 Sep 07
I don't have a favorite holiday. I just take them as they come.When I was young, Halloween meant candy,a lot of candy. I still remember when I was about ten, my best friend and I trick or treated through the whole apartment houses in the area. We came back home with two grocery bags full. We still had candy when Easter came along.Then Halloween meant giving out candy.It was my way of giving back for the years I got candy.But after a few years , there weren't as many kids coming around. I did give out candy the same amount of years I went out trick or treating.Now it means Rocky Horror.For about 5 years straight, I saw Rocky Horror on Halloween.Halloween 2005, I was moving, last year I didn't do anything special. But this year, I may see Rocky Horror or another "horror" film.
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• Canada
12 Sep 07
Happy Hallowe'en - A jackolantern with a happy hallowe'en cat
Hi twoey68! I really enjoy Hallowe'en. I like decorating the house, decorating the yard, carving a pumpkin, the creepiness, the costumes, etc. Now that my daughter is old enough to go trick or treating I am so excited about taking her out! My daughter is going as Tigger, she picked the costume out herself and I was very happy with her choice as I love that little guy. Hope you have a fun, safe, happy Hallowe'en!