Why is Satan more accepting than god? Is Satan more loving than god?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
September 11, 2007 4:49pm CST
Isnt it funny how it seems like satan loves us more than god does? He accepts us to his realm way faster than god, and he does not discriminate against what beliefs you have or dont have. He doesnt care if your black (slaves), jewish (WW2), muslim (crusades), a wiccan (1600's), pagan (start of Christianity) etc etc... he accepts everyone!
It seems like satan is more all loving than god is..
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10 responses
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
16 Sep 07
Satan is just fooling you with what he has because all he wants is to have you in his realm. God accepts everyone but all you need is to repent of your sins and forsake them. God is the one who truly loves you. Satan does not he fools us to make us think he does by giving us our hearts desire whereas God gives us His rules, asks us to live by them in obedience while he prepares for us a heavenly home. Satan has his too - hell and that's where we all will be going if we do not take heed to God's Word! Satan love sonly hiself and becos he knows his end he wants to take the thing God treasure most - man's soul- with him. You see misery loves company!
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
18 Sep 07
i thought this would be obvious; i dont believe in satan.
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Hi, Thanks for starting this discussion I personally do not believe in Satan. I believe that Christians created a person or creature so they will not have to accept responsibility fot their own mistakes or actions so they choose to blame Satan. I do not believe that Satan or the Devil even exist and people should be giving anyone other than God and the Goddess credit for amazing things. If something happen beyond your control it happened for a purpose not Satan everything is not meant to be.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
19 Sep 07
OK, I understand what you mean about Satan being a creation by Christians and like minded people looking for someone to blame for their personal bad behaviour. However, I think this shouldn't detract from the original point of the discussion - which is - it's much more comforting to do the work that is not always right than it is to do the right thing.
I think the key word in this discussion is LOVE. WHat defines love? I think Satan, or whatever Satan stands for often seems much more pleasent than God and what God Stands for. Satan is rather like an indulgent parent who encourages you to do what you want to do regardless of the consequences because it makes life easier for him or her. God on the other hand is like one of those typical naggy parents who will give you warnings about doing all sorts of things.
Now, on the surface its easier to feel more affection for the parent who allows you and even encourages you to do all the "naughty" things. It feels more loving to have someone who always agrees with you.
However, God aka, the parent that sets is the parent that actually cares for you and has your best interest at heart. He/She nags and puts up rules and guidelines for your interest rather than his/hers.
I know this is an exceedingly oversimplified analogy but I think this helps illustrate the points that are being raised in this discussion.
@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
How can one say that they know what god "WANTS" when they can't even say for certain that god "IS"?
"Satan" (the anti-christ) - just like the Christian/Judeo/Islamic "God" was fabricated to force a following - to instill fear in the population in order to herd people into being submissive/passive followers for the purposes of manipulation.
The "evil" path had to be portrayed as enticing and easy, comfortable and pleasurable but ending in eternal pain so that the level of dedication the populace would likely give to the "good" path (the harder one, the one ending in eternal peace) would be continually strived for, with unwavering "faith", and require one to choose to cast off his OWN logic, intelligence, free thought, and common sense to try and attain it.
The eternal life thing - full of love and flitting butterflies (or whatever) does not "seem" appealing enough by itself, there is no proof of it, even by the wildest stretch of the imagination, but people CAN relate with pain and suffering since they feel it every day, and will likely take any measure to avoid MORE of it. In the case of Christianity, the threat of eternal pain FORCES the population to follow outlined "beliefs" or else face the ONE outlined "alternative" forever - and people already KNOW they dislike how pain feels.
@msjigga (864)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Hi tigertang! I completely understand the discussion and your point. I think if you look at Satan from a Christian point of view than yes they give Satan more credit than this person or creature deserves if it is suppose to be bad but is so confusing because if Satan is so bad why do they make him to more accepting than god??

@AndriaToh (1268)
• Malaysia
14 Sep 07
Nightsabre is speculating. They can speculate if they like, but they did not actually debate for either point, as far as I can see. So I don't see what it has to do with my question.
@nightsabre (147)
• Australia
16 Sep 07
I think what fightingistheonlyway, is trying to point out is that my first response was similar to their beliefs.
As for Satan loving us...well, if I were to believe in Satan and God and all that whoha, I would have to agree with what fightingistheonlyway had to say, it does appear that way supported by fighting's reasoning.
As for Satan "owning" Hell, well I don't think it's really about whether or not someone owns something or not, Hell is considered Satan's realm is it not, therefore he/she would have some sort of ownership over it would they not? And if Satan does not own Hell, then who does? God? Or is there an even higher entity that reigns supreme??

@nightsabre (147)
• Australia
12 Sep 07
I, personally, do not believe in the segregation of Heaven and Hell, God and Satan. But what you say is very true. It does seem that way, and perhaps it is that way. Has anyone ever questioned that "God" may in fact be the "evil" one and "Satan" be the "good" one???
Or to get a little more complicated, maybe "God" is in fact "Satan" and "Satan" is "God" and we are being tested???
I say, follow your own path and do what you think is right, if you choose wrongly - so be it.
Light and Laughter.
@conrada1923 (79)
• Philippines
14 Sep 07
That's exactly what Satan wants you to believe in. To follow your own path. To do whatever you want to do with your life . And then when you are already dying of sufering in consequence of what you have done then satan will leave you to find another victim who would believe the same. You are right in saying that we are being tested. But when you say being tested it means we will be rewarded or punish for doing something isn't it ? In other words we have to choose and not to do whatever will please us. We always have to think of the consequences.
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@nightsabre (147)
• Australia
14 Sep 07
conrada, I hate to tell you this, but I don't believe in Heaven and Hell, God and Satan; so regardless of what you say to me, or rather, what you have obviously been brainwashed to believe, it will not change my opinion. My suggestion, you follow your path and I will follow mine, I do not wish to be subject to the brainwashing of mainstream religious groups.
Thanks for your response.

@JimmyMoog (14)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Before I begin, since the post is based from a Biblical concept, all my responses come from the same source. If it was a concept based upon the Iliad, my responses would treat that source as canon. Personal belief is neither here nor there.
You suggest an interesting case here, fighting. Unfortunately, it is based on an erroneous premise. Satan is not the master of Hell. He is, in fact, as much a prisoner there as anyone else. The only difference is that Satan has the ability, until Armageddon, to roam the earth, seeking to bring more people into his own prison.
He does not accept anyone any faster than God does. A choice, made by each human, determines his/her path. And the result of that choice is equally swift.
God has nothing against black people, although mormons did.
God has nothing against the Hebrew ethnicity- but the Jewish religion, which refutes his only method of bringing people to Heaven, is not genealogical, but rather religious in nature.
He had nothing against the muslims per se, except, again, where the beliefs clash. But the Church of England did.
Wiccans, again, only cause a problem where their belief system causes them to deny the method he provided for salvation. The people themselves, he does not have anything against.
Pagans, well, need I repeat myself yet again? Since the only way to Heaven is belief in salvation through Jesus, a denial of belief in Jesus would pretty well make salvation an impossibility, wouldn't it?
etc etc- God still doesn't have anything against any of these unnamed groups.
Satan, in fact, will take anyone, and here is why. Ever heard of the phrase, "misery loves company?" Well, Satan personifies this. Hell sucks. He knows it does. And he is stuck there. So he wants as many people to suffer, in Hell, as he can get, simply because he is ticked off at the lousy lot he earned himself. So in fact, Satan is so accepting because he hates us all. If he loved anyone, he would do his best to keep them on the straight and narrow. Again, an analogy. (A bit wonky, but bear with me.) If you stuck your hand into a hole in the ground, and were immediately bitten by several painfully, but not fatally poisonous snakes, and standing nearby were your greatest love, and worst enemy, which one would you invite to stick his or her hand in?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
18 Dec 07
oh i see, well, i guess that cleared things up..
but if he is a prisoner, where does he get the power to roam around the earth?
and i also wonder how a person can have free will if god is all knowing.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
20 Dec 07
that doesnt answer the question however, for the chocolate thing, your basically assuming, you human beings do not KNOW anything..
@JimmyMoog (14)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Well, the prisoner thing is easy. You see, there are currently two separate types of Hell- Spatial, the place created for Satan to dwell, and Spiritual, the state of being removed from God's presence. So it is possible for one to be in Hell, even while on Earth, if God has turned His face from him. So even though Satan can currently roam the earth, he is still in spiritual Hell. Once the world ends, the spatial Hell will be sealed off from everyone who took the other path.
And as to your second question, it's simple, really. Let's say, for conversation's sake, that you and I have known each other for a very long time. You happen to know that I love chocolate, but abhor vanilla. Just the smell of vanilla makes me sick. So then, if someone gives us a box of candies, both chocolate and vanilla, you already know which one I will choose, naturally, the chocolate. You knew this before I even reached for the box. Now, did your foreknowledge dictate my choice? Of course not. Just because you knew I would do it does not mean I didn't have free will in making my choice.

@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
18 Dec 07
Is somebody who takes people to hell loving? Satan is going to hell and he knows that and he wants people to be with him in hell as God does want people to be with Him in heaven. God is holy and He wants people to be holy so that they could be with Him. All unholy people will be with Satan. God loves people that He wants them to be saved from where Satan is going.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
13 Sep 07
I don't think Satan loves us.He is jealous of us.Man was loved by G-d over the angels and G-d told the angels to serve man. Satan refused and it was on.And Satan doesn't take everyone.He doesn't take good people of any color.
@erythisis (29)
• United States
12 Sep 07
According to me, Satan is an excuse to not take responsibility for oneself, regardless if "he" exists or not. That said, when you're serving cheap drinks you can afford to give free shots. In the assumption that Satan exists, Satan is the slickest salesperson one could ever meet. Will offer you anything but you probably won't get what you expected.
@flowergirl5 (22)
• United States
11 Oct 07
Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He knows that his day of judgment is coming so he tries to get as many people to suffer with him as he can. That love that you think is there is only manipulation. God loves you unconditionally. That's why He won't accept certain things. Most people just don't like to be disciplined (or told what to do) so they chose not to follow God's law. Just think about this: parents love us and they disciplined us so that we wouldn't become so corrupt or get hurt.