Do you sleep with a fan all year round?
By BayleighGray
@BayleighGray (4334)
United States
September 11, 2007 5:05pm CST
Ok the trusty search box said no discussions were found regarding sleeping with fans! lol
So how many of you sleep with a fan year round?
I do it for a couple of reasons; First I like to feel the air circulating around me, its not a ceiling fan but a box fan that sits at the end of our bed. (I would love a ceiling fan, but we rent) Secondly I like sleeping with it because of the hum, its soothing and it helps me to drift off to sleep peacefully.
A fan stopped working on me in the middle of the night and I instantly woke up and then couldnt go back to sleep. That was a bad night. I wanted to get up and go to our Wal-Mart super center and buy a new one, but my hubby was really against that. I came in our computer room and got the little desk one and put it on my night stand. lol Wasnt the same but it helped.
Are you addicted to sleeping with a fan on even though its not summer time or hot outdoors?
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24 responses
@kylina (178)
11 Sep 07
i love sleeping with the fan on all the time: During spring to summer because it's too hot and autumn and winter because it provides just th right temperature when i'm snuggling under the comforter. Also, i agree with you that the hum is pretty lulling. I can never sleep during total silence - my mind just wanders into places i'd rather not be in. Anyway, the fan addiction was even worse back in the philippines considering it was really hot and humid there - we had to upgrade to an air conditioner. It was nice - cooler - still with the humming. I justhave a problem of being unable to sleep when it is too hot.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Kylina!
Yea when its total silence you mind tends to wander to the wrong places and that will keep you up at night!
Our air conditioner is a central unit, and its not that quiet, not so noisy you cant sleep but theres not really a hum. lol I dont like humidity, and here in Southern Illinois its really humid during the summer months. I cant sleep when Im too hot either. I just feel icky, and I ask you who can sleep when you feel icky??
Thanks for responding!
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
Yes, because here in our place it could be pretty hot the whole year round,so even it should be cold season already we still sleep with the fan on. During summer it could really be so hot and that one fan would not be enough to cool you off.

@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
13 Sep 07
hiya Areeya!
Im not so happy when our electric bill comes either. Our provider has increased the rates, and our bills tripled. Its been a struggle to pay, but its just been too hot to go without.
So I can surely relate to that one!
Thanks for replying!!
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hiya cefaz_21,
Now see I dont think I could make with just a fan and no air conditioning. As the term represents, I think Im too "conditioned" to having it! Im not sure how I would do if I lived in places where air conditioning is less common. I would have to have it installed or something!
Thanks for your reply!
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@Areeya (12)
12 Sep 07
Here in Thailand most people sleep with their fans on. For 2 reasons. To keep them cool and secondly it helps keeping the mosquitos away. Plenty of homes do have air conditioning but it is costly when the electricity bill arrives. As for me, can't do without it!
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@nmhschic2004 (1238)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I dont sleep with a fan year around. I would probably be sick all the time if i did that. It gets really cold here in the winter so its not at all possible. Usually from aprl to september i do though. I also have a box fan. I made my husband buy one after too many sleepless nights. Thats kinda funny you wanted to go to super walmart and get another one. I sure would have because i wouldnt have been able to sleep without mine if it was hot. So did you ever end up getting another fan?
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hiya nmhschic!
Yeah we got another one and we have had it for 3 years now. I keep it clean from dust that builds up and so Im hoping it will last through this winter. Pretty hard to find a fan in the middle of December! lol Even at "SUPER" Wal-Mart.
He was willing to go for me, but I didnt want him to get up and go just like he didnt want me to get up and go. I just got one that next day.
Thanks for replying!
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@lisa_wxy (393)
• China
12 Sep 07
well,it sounds crazy to use fan all year around in our country. we have a very different time from summer to is very hot in summer,sometimes it is not enough to use a fan,we have to use air conditioner to winter,we need a fireplace:)it is really freezing.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Lisa_wxy,
Well you educated me there, I really had no idea that it got that cold in China! Thats still where you are right? Hehe I looked at your profile.
I use my fan in addition to my air conditioning in the summer, and in the winter I still use my fan. Seems like it circulates the heat a bit better and it makes it more cozy to sleep.
Thanks for your reply!
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I used to have migraines all the time, funny the left me when I left the man I had been living with for 8 yrs! lol
Anyway....having a fan on me also helped me with my migraines. I guess it has something to do with our body temperature. Hmmm
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Dvschic!!
LOL Im so happy to hear that Im not the only one that must have their feet cooled while they sleep. While my husband tucks, Im kicking them off. Needless to say the covers get really turned about!
Its not crazy, I know just how you feel. ;)
Thanks for replying!!
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@meanangel (167)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I have to admit that I do and for the same reasons. I am a light sleeper so you would think the noise would bother me but without it is when I really can't sleep.
The noise from the fan keeps the other noises at bay and allows me to reallly sleep. I also have breathing problems and if the air is not moveing then I don't breath as well as I should and end up miserable for lack of sleep and oxygen.
I'm sure the number of people who do this is in the millions
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Meanangel!
Sucks that you have breathing problems, but a good thing that the fan will help you to sleep!
I on the other hand sleep like a rock once Im out. I could probably sleep through a tornado if it hit! I hate that I sleep so hard, my husband is gone overnights for work sometimes and Im here alone. I do fear that anyone could try and break in. Not so much since we moved I guess. We live in a much nicer neighborhood.....or is that where most burglaries occur? Ugh! LOL
Thanks for your reply!
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Sep 07
I actually don't really like fans because I don't really like the feel of blowing air except when I am really hot. But we do sleep with a fan on year round because it is very warm in our apartment, and other wise my husband could not sleep. We just set up the fan so all of the cold air blows on him.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Cutepenguin!
Finally!! Someone who disagrees! lol Been wondering if there was one sould out there that really didnt like it.
Your a great wifey for doing that for your husband. We argue that the other has more of the fan blowing on them. haha Not really but you know what I mean.
Thanks for replying!
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@gapeach65 (805)
• United States
12 Sep 07
My husband and I keep our fans on year round also, we have ceiling fans in each room as well as box fans placed in front of vents during the summer to help circulate the cool air more. I also keep a box fan in our bedroom in addition to the ceiling fan, both to circulate air and for the white noise, I too prefer to have the sound to help lull me to sleep. In the winter I keep it on to keep the room from getting too hot, if I get too cold I can always add another blanket, but we like it a little cooler.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hello again GaPeach!
I never thought about setting the fans by the registers to help cool the apartment off. Good idea, if they are on the floor. My registers are on the We rent, but I have been thinking of asking the landlord if we could put a ceiling fan in our bedroom. The register is right by the light fixture and Im sure it would really help.
We too add more blankets in the winter instead of turning the heat up and turn the fans off. I sleep much better when its cool and Im snuggled up in the comforter and sheet.
Thanks for replying!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
i only sleep with a fan at night during hot nights to humid and slightly cold nights. ^__^ when there's a storm or a super cold wind i dont turn my fan anymore because even if my windows are closed, the wind could still get in. ^__^
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hey secretbear,
A few of my friends say that they cant sleep with a fan either. I just think thats crazy! hehe
It gets pretty humid where I live too, and I dont like that sticky icky feeling of being too humid. Ugh. I guess there has been times when I will turn it off, but only early mornings just before we get up, well actually I have my hubby get out of bed and turn it off if it gets SO cold that Im shivering!! lol I like to be comfortable, I dont like to be on the verge of frost bite! lol
Thanks for your reply!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I sleep with a fan all year around. i have to hear the fan going and feel air circulating for me to sleep well. I don't know why, but that is always how I have been lol.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hiya Mamasan!
I think its just adult hood security for most of us! lol Its comforting to many to have a fan running during sleep. I actually have one in each room of our apartment as well. Got a small one right here on my desk, blowing right at me! lol
Thanks for replying!
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@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
12 Sep 07
No, I am not, but my husband can't sleep without one going. When he was young they did not have air conditioning and he always had a fan on him. I think it just became a habit to hear the noise from the fan because when we stay at a hotel he has trouble sleeping without his fan. We started taking a small fan whenever we are staying somewhere else. I am a cold natured person, so it bothers me to have it on, but I just live with it and throw on another blanket.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi tdbrower!
What a great wifey!! Sacraficing your cold body so that your hubby is peaceful. So how many nights do you lie awake cursing him under your chattering teeth? hehe Joking
I never really thought about taking one on over night stays in a hotel. Usually I just crank up the ac unit in the room and they tend to humm a bit. Now that I think about it, I wonder how come more hotels dont equip their rooms with ceiling fans. Or am I just not staying in the right hotels? lol
Thanks for your reply!
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
12 Sep 07
In recent years since I have going through menopause and the hot flashes associated with it any thing circulating cool air is on. Currently I have ceiling fan over my bed which is in a direct line with the air conditioning vent so I get nice cool air all the time. sigh. : )
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Seahorse,
Sorry to hear about the menopause! I feared there for a while I was going through it early, way early, Im only 35. But I was having so many hot flashes it was getting annoying. I would have to go and stick my head in the freezer just to cool off. A fan and the AC was NOT doing it. lol Guess it was just a phase cause its not happening anymore.
Thats where my vents are, in the ceiling. Dont have ceiling fans but seriously thinking of investing in a couple for the bedrooms.
Thanks for replying!!
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Nehrlas!
A previous comment stated that they take a fan with them during stays at a hotel or somewhere other than home. You and your husband should consdier doing that when your on vacation. This is where you should be getting the best sleep of your life!
Thanks for replying!
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@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I used to sleep with the radio on, but I always ended up listening to it instead of sleeping lol! So, I have the fan on for background noise. It helps a little bit in the summer since my room is usually hot the central air doesn't work, but the heater does). I have it on during the winter too, but pointed away from me. I hardly ever have my vent open when the heater is on, instead I have my window open. Sometimes I have the vent open a little bit and the mix of hot and cold feels pretty cool.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hey lancingboy!
lol Yeah I think that is why I could never sleep when the radio was on. I have tried it, and my hubby likes it from time to time. For his sake I endure it. What ever makes him happy!
Sucks that your ac doesnt work properly! I think I would have to get that fixed. Just last week it went out and luckily we've got great landlords, they had someone come the same day to repair it.
Im thinking the need for ac has left most of the mid-west. It got pretty cool last night, and felt great!
Thanks for your response!
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@syndhujaa (252)
• India
20 Sep 07
yea..all the time the fan will be running..
even now its running..:D
we are put up in India, south India..
therz always sun will be shining at its yu cannot live without fan..ther exist a season called winter but only oldies might feel that its winter ..
it is still hot for me even on those days..!
coz i have spent most of time in norht indai and ther prevails a severe winter i dint find here fan always run..even if someone switchs off the fan, i immediately put it on..and i really cant sleep if power cuts..:(
so..I always sleep with a fan all athe year round..:)
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Hi Syndhujaa,
Oh no, I dont think I could take it my power cut out often. That would be miserable. Its gotten hot again where I live, when it had cooled off. I guess it was a teaser! UGH lol
I dont like the cold, but I dont like the extreme heat either. I wish I could find a place to live that stayed a nice 75 degrees all year round so all I would have to run would be a fan. Is there such a place?
Thank you for commenting!
Bay xx
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
11 Sep 07
YES!! I can't sleep without it!! We have a ceiling fan in our bedroom and my husband has one of hte little clip-on fans on his side of the bed. I just like the noise mostly, but feeling the air is great too!! One night my husband came to bed after I had fallen asleep and he turned the ceiling fan off...I was up instantly and pissed!!! I am just so use to them that I can't be without them. When I sleep in the living room (when my husband is out of town, or working overnight) I sleep with a box fan blowig right on me. I would definitely have to go to the store and get a new fan if ours broke!! Go get you one and tell your hubby that you just have to have it!!
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Michele,
I was thinking of asking my sweet little landlord if I could purchase a ceiling fan and put it in our bedroom, that would be heaven! I like the sound of those much better than a box fan. Its more of a wooshing than a hum. I think they circulate better too.
Shoot girl I HOG the bed when hes gone overnight working. lol I can see how the sofa would be your replacement, I just use his pillows to take the place of him. He did say that he would go, he just didnt want me out at that time of the morning, but then I didnt feel right for him going. Damn Im a good wife!! hehe
Thanks for your response!
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
12 Sep 07
You sound exactly like me! I sleep with a ceiling fan and another fan...for the noise! I sleep with either a stand fan or box fan all year round. I absolutely cannot sleep without the fan. I have been this way since I was a small child.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Moneyandgc!
Before my mother installed ceiling fans, I never did sleep with one. So Im guessing that is where my love of the night time fan came from. I think Im going to talk to my landlord today and ask if I can install one in our bedroom. lol I like my box fan but I would much rather have one on the ceiling blowing down over me.
Thank you for your response!
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@littlepeople38 (49)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Absolutely! I have been sleeping with a fan every night since I was a kid, and I'm in my late thirties now. I have to have that sound, and I love the way it feels to have the cool air blowing and be up under a bunch of covers. I think I need that noise because it blocks out all of the other noises that aren't constant. If I can hear dogs barking, or cars, etc, I can't go to sleep.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Littlepeople,
I dont remember when I actually started sleeping with a fan, its been some years. When I lived at home with my parents we had ceiling fans in all the bedrooms, so it must have been since then. Dont remember what we did before we installed the ceiling fans. lol
I think those outside noises are disturbing also. Im loving my windows open right now, but Im wondering what is going to keep me up tonight. Both our neighbors have dogs! Ugh....maybe they are indoors tonight. I hope so!
Thanks for responding!
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@rachsal4 (391)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Me and my husband sleep with a fan all year long, he accually is the type that can sleep with the stereo on. He fell asleep while he was driving once!!! I don't know how anybody can do that. I have to have complete silence though, just the fan. It took me like four months to get used to my husbands snore! Sound like a damn train, LOL.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Rachsal!
My hubby likes the music as well. Only I just cant do that, so I win. Hahaha
I cant do complete silence, I dont mind the tv for a little while. It just has to go off sooner or later while Im sleeping. Isnt technology great, they equip tv's with a off timer.
I guess Im lucky, he was the one getting used to my snore! He must love me, cos Ive been told I call em during my sleep. Dont let me be extremely tired, its worse! lol
Thanks for the response!
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Stephie!
I am hot natured as well. I call my husband my hot potato because he makes me sweat, his body is so hot! lol Sometimes I have to pull the covers between us or we will be stuck together like two melted marshmellows...hahaha
I do think it helps circulate the heat in the winter time, and keeps our bedroom extra cool in the summer. Im able to keep my AC on about 78 with a fan going, so yeah that really helps.
Thanks for your response!!
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