I am Tired of Cleaning up Pee...

@Michele21 (3093)
United States
September 11, 2007 6:37pm CST
My son is potty training and he has a little boy potty chair, it is really cute and looks like a little throne. Anyways he is always using it, no accidents when I let him run around naked, but I have to admit, as excited as I am about him not peeing in a diaper all day, I am so tired of claening out his potty chair!! He is too little to use the big potty even with a kids seat on it, he gets scared up there =) So I don't want to push that and have him stop peeing in his little potty chair, so I am stuck cleaning out his pee all day long. I don't really have a question to ask, just letting everyone know that I am crabby from cleaning up pee.
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4 responses
• United States
11 Sep 07
Trust me, I know this one! But if it makes you feel any better, mine doesn't use the potty. My son has autism, and at age 6, we are still trying to potty train. SO, he pees on the carpet, furniture, in the tub, oh and did I mention he poos in these places also. I have had some days I didn't think I would make it! Every time I turned around I was stepping in pee, or finding a turd hidden under a toy or a pillow. Sorry to be so graphic here, but hopefully it gave you a laugh.
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Oh my gosh, thank you!! That definitely made me laugh!! I am sitting her crying from laughing. Finding a turd under a pillow or toy was the funniest thing ever!!! SO I guess I should be thankful for him at least going in the bathroom and not all over the house =) When I am picking up toys for the next few days I will still be thinking about fiding a turd hidden somewhere and laughing my butt off...thanks!!!
• Australia
12 Sep 07
Ick...cleaning up a potty must be pretty icky. Our little one is fairly well potty trained now, but when we started he didn't use the potty he went straight to the toilet. We have a little stool that he can stand on in front of the loo and we taught him how to "sink the ship" (aim pee onto piece of floating toilet paper...lol) we only had a few little mishaps to begin with but he learnt quickly. He also sits on the toilet and does his business, to begin with we kneeled in front of the loo holding onto him so he felt safe, but now he's fine by himself. Just keep trying new things and try to get him onto the loo...its the best thing once they're there.
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@elemental69 (1561)
• Ireland
11 Sep 07
It's great that they are starting to get out of nappies. My daughter is being trained at the moment too, but she uses the kids seat on the toilet. But I dont know if thats better or worse!! Every 15 or 20 minutes she has to go to the toilet, and I have to drop everything and run to the bathroom with her, and a lot of the time its only to be told that she is a big girl for not wearing nappies. I have to agree with you it is very tiring!!!
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@vidyasma (91)
• India
12 Sep 07
if the potty chair is that cute and nice this is what will happen