5 year old
age difference
daughter liking boys
young children
How young is too young to be interested in BOYS?
By mpgasus
@mpgasus (14)
United States
September 11, 2007 7:00pm CST
My daughter is 5 years old and just started kindergarten. While she was in Preschool I did not worry much about her coming home and saying that "Michael is my Prince.". I knew it was her playing in her imagination world. Well she is 2 weeks into kindergarten and being with the older kids, on the bus and in school.
My best friend has 2 boys, one 6 months older then my daughter and the other 3 years older, and they are like her siblings. I never had to deal with her current comments about boys.
One day she saw one of the boys who she waits for the bus with. He lives a few doors away from us. Now I hear comments coming out of her that I thought I would not hear until her preteens. What do you think she is saying?
"He is so handsome." I feel that she is too young to be this interested in boys. Please tell me what you think and your opinion on how I should handle this situation. Remember she is only 5 years old and the boys she is saying are handsome are 5 years older then her.
Thanks for your time.
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11 responses
@meanangel (167)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Having gone through this myself I wouldn't worry too much about it. These kids are to young to understand what handsome or cute or all the other things they say. It is only when words become action that you should worry. I remember being boy crazy from the time that I knew they were different than girls. I still didn't act on those feelings until after I was almost out of my teens. As long as we watch our children and teach them the values we believe to be right then things should be fine. Like I said earlier watch for changes if there is a difference in mood or action then act on your gut feeling before it is to late. Just talk to her and keep talking. Young kids are smarter than we give them credit for. I hope I was some kind of help. Keep being observant and you are doing a good job.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
12 Sep 07
kids pick up things very fast and they put 2 and 2 together (my son calls me sexy -dont go there ;)) he knows that good looking lady is called sexy (he sniked into the tv one night when the "call me" comercial was on and heard it).
What she is doing is probably just repeting things she has heard it is not neceseraly that she is atracted to the boy. My son has a nick name for my friends little daughter which is baby girl (she is same age as him 4)
Dont be to stresed about it just monitor that she does not copy any other things that she things that are to follow (man they pick up so many things off tv and mind you these things are in cartoons as well)
@mpgasus (14)
• United States
12 Sep 07
My daughter loves princess movies, you know Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, etc. She enjoys kissing...me, daddy, nana...even pillows. As long as she does not kiss boys I am fine. We talk about what is accepted and what she is not allowed to do until she is older, not 6. I just wish, sometimes, I can take the influence away but then that is not good either. Take it one day at a time and deal with whatever comes up. Children are amazing.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Sep 07
I think it's still a pretty innocent thing, if your daughter is only 5. I have a cousin who when she was 6 said that another of my cousins was cute and decided she was going to marry him. Nevermind that he was related to her (their mothers were cousins), or that he was 13 and she was 6, they were going to get married.
And I work with little kids, and one of the boys I work with, when he was 5, had a 'girlfriend'. It was just cute. He's now in grade 4, and girls (except his sisters) are things to be avoided. (Remember? They have cooties!)
Children see their parents and other adults in couples, and so it's like playing house. I don't think there is anything wrong in a little girl declaring that an older boy is handsome. I hope she hasn't said it to him, or she's never going to live it down and will be being teased about it when she is an adult.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I wouldnt really worry about it too much in all honesty...I remember being that age and noticing boys..My husband (who is in his 40s now) remembers liking girls at that age too....She may only be 5 but she just ventured into a whole new world (school) so its really not surprising IMO...It only means she's noticing ppl OUTSIDE her usual circle..its does NOT mean she is maturing too quickly or anything of the sort..
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
12 Sep 07
This is a new world, let her grow and try to spend more time with her.
@ice2cool (53)
• India
12 Sep 07
she is too young to understand all these stuffs... better tell stories and make her feel that at these stages boys are not good.. atleast she will stay away from him... scolding will never work... if u scold she will lean more towards that handsome guy.... take care.. hope this works!!!!
@Madhavee (186)
• India
12 Sep 07
There is no need to worry about your daughter. The age does not matter. If one sees the qualities of others, the qualities which they don't have, they start admiring the other persons. You can call it adoration.
@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
12 Sep 07
Kids go through all sorts of stages. It used to bother me that my daughter played so much with boys and not so much with girls. I have tried to encourage her to play with girls and even requested that she stay away from the boys at school because of a school yard incident that had one boy being possessive over my 10 year old daughter. A couple of years ago she talked about boyfriends and breaking up with them. She doesn't do that now. Now they are her friends.
I realized that it is very healthy for her to have these friendships with boys because when she is older she will know what kind of boy she really likes. There was one boy whose house she was over at every day after school for a couple of months and then it just stopped. She said he bugged her.
I didn't play with boys as a child, never had a boyfriend in high school thus married the first guy that looked my when when I was 22 years old. My 14 year old has not played much with boys and has not shown much interest in them. I try to encourage her to have friendships with them. I talk about how cute some of them are and she just makes faces at me.
I was so worried about my younger daughter's relationship with boys until I really sat down with pen and paper and wrote about it. I realized it is the healthiest thing for her. Yes, she is a tomboy so likes to play sports, but she has many boy friends and knows who she likes and who she doesn't so when that special someone does come along when she is older, she will know.
If the situation starts to sound scary, talking about kissing and stuff, then you should have a talk with your daughter and tell her that is grown up stuff. But don't discourage her from having boys as friends.
@somebodybig (941)
12 Sep 07
Children of nowadays are growing faster than their ages.Its all because of technology and the things they see around them.Your daughter is actually still a very young girl.You should not let those things bother you now.Try by winning her trust by showing her love so that she can open up to you completely.Your kids should be able to tell you anything,but if you are too strict with her she is definitely going to hide things from you and do them behind you.
@luckywolf (154)
• China
12 Sep 07
i think you no need to worry about that,as kids are so young though they use the words which may remind us adults much ,to the words means much less.
one of my nephews once said the word sexy but as he is just 7 years older,i asked him what did that mean,he confused.so i suppose sexy is just as beautiful to him.
@ashleyna (30)
• Malaysia
12 Sep 07
My six years old daughter always told me about her dream she kissing with this character from Bleach. Kids nowadays are easily influenced with what they watch on tv. But all I can say to her is that it is bad to kiss with a guy and she must stop all her nonsense.. Haha! I know she just playing. But we can slip in some morale and how it will effect her life in future.