I am not really an atheist, but i don't beleive in the church and religion.

@maria_k (925)
United States
September 11, 2007 10:12pm CST
I know that I am really 100% atheist. No one is anyway. At the scariest moment of their life when there are nothing to turn to, people will pray God. So it's hard to say that I am 100% atheist. However, in my mind, it's the church and religion that chase me away from God. The church and religion don't appeal to me. The way they talk about God do not satisfy my thristy mind. So I am kinda of atheist but not really. What about you?
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10 responses
@meanangel (167)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I am in the same pickle. Religion will never do it for me. The people in my life do not understand this but it is not for them decide. We all half to have our own beliefs and be strong enough to back up our convictions. I will never force my views on other and I will not have other views forced on me. That is my majoy concern with religion. Religion and genocide go hand in hand. That is not for me.
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• Canada
12 Sep 07
Hi Maria...this is a very interesting topic. If you are interested in hearing a whole bunch of different ideas you are welcome to come to the perspectives site and check out a discussion on religion and spirituality. Members really explored the topic fully. Exploring a spiritual path is very different than seeking a relationship with Source through organized religion or within a church. In my own spiritual quest I have been studying a variety of energy-based teachings and it makes so much more sense that anything I learned in church growing up. You might want to keyword topics such as: metaphysics, mystical teachings, Buddhism, Aboriginal spirituality etc. Another excellent place to look author Neale Walsh and his books Conversations with God. Those books give a very personal presentation of how to build a relationship with Source that is radically different from any of the fundamentalist religions. Also I have a blog...and I post a number of different perspectives on a variety of topics and will be adding one that discusses the difference between religious doctrine and discovering a connection to Creator in different ways. My blog address is:http://pohl-perspectives.blogspot.com If you want to chat some more request me as a friend, check out my site and send a message if there is anything I can do to chat about this some more. Whatever you decide to do I hope you find the answers that will uplift your spirits and provide inner peace. Bright blessings my friend! Raia
@maria_k (925)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi Raia. I did go to your blog. It's very well said. Thank you for the site. I may have to read Neale Wasl book: Conservations with Gods. Actually I want to feel the relationship with God, ratherv then just a fear of going to hell. Honestly I don't believe in hell or haven. If this offense anybody, I appologise, but truly I don't believe in hell nor heaven. I
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• Canada
13 Sep 07
Well how interesting...I posted a topic on whether it is God or humanity that condemns people to hell. It is not my intent to offend anyone either...and that is why there is another blog on what I call The Chasm. It is the place that develops through polarized, unloving judgments of each other...rather than honoring everyone's right to choose their soul path. Your comments would be most welcome..and feel free to drop by perspectives and check out the topics: Is an Omnipotent being and free choice and Oxymoron...and the difference between Religion and Spirituality. They were both wonderful discussions and presented a wide variety of perspectives on this always interesting and often confusing subject. Thank you as well for your best response. I appreciate it. Best regars, Raia
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
13 Sep 07
I don't you have to go to church to be close to God. I was saved by baptism when I was around 15, did the church thing. The full 9 yards. When I was married and went to this huge fancy Baptist church that gave you a number for your child in child care, that didn't bug me. When everyone started to take up money to send the preacher and his wife on a so called Bible cruise that was it. I haven't stepped foot inside a church since then and that has been 10 years ago. This is my favorite quote "Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car". With religion it really doesn't matter what you want to believe. I don't have any particular religion, I'm just your typical basic Christian. Sad to say, if you met me on the street you wouldn't say look at her, she's a strong Christian. I say the best to do is just look at books on religion that catch your eye. Go at your on pace. See what religion that you like and go from there. I would stay away from relgions that's pushy or that says you will go to hell if you don't go by there rules and regulations. I think you can go to a religious store and find books on all religions.
@dvschic (1795)
• United States
12 Sep 07
i'm a full on 100% militant athiest, i dont believe in god, dont think there is a god, i fully believe that god is a creation of man to make themselves deal with the unknown and the lack of certainty in their lives. I dislike religion, churches and missionaries. I agree with u that some people will turn to god in moments of fear.. and i also think that some people say they are athiests to get out of the religious duties they have.
12 Sep 07
I'm like you, but to be honest I think that when we pray is a mirror of the weakness of the human kind also in the scariest moment that you have mentioned. My personal opinion is that we need in this moment to grab something or someone that can, and in ours thoughts, must help us. But what the church, or better the religions do is just get their business to the edge.
• Singapore
12 Sep 07
First things first, Christianity is not a religion but a Relationship with the only true and great living God, our Lord Jesus Christ. If you can begin to change your mindset and perception, you will begin to see that it is not about how often you pray to God a day or how many times you must read the bible a day, for God is gentle, He will never force it on you to worship Him. You have to see God as your friend, someone u can confide in, talk to and someone whom u can share your deepest secrets, not just go to Him when u wanted to be blessed. The fault with many people is that they only want the blessing but not the BLESSER. When you begin to see God as your friend, naturally you will want to read the bible to know what He is thinking and pray to communicate with Him. Everyone, i feel, would one point or another experience a void or emptiness in their lives which only by truly knowing the one true and living God, Jesus Christ, could you really fully experience the richness and abundance of a everlasting life. Experience His peace today.
• Malaysia
12 Sep 07
I am a Muslim and will always be one. I was born to be a Muslim and my parents are Muslims too. It is my way of life and I believe in it not because it is hereditary. Whenever I pray, I feel as if somebody is watching me with love from far above. I feel that someone cares about me, and loves me no matter what I did. I love my God, and I know he loves me too. Whenever I have problems, I will talk to him and vent about it. I feel as if I am being pampered. So, I can never be an atheist because that way I feel not secured.
@Neriz69 (1093)
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
I myself does not go to church anymore, but I do believe in God. I do keep a personal relationship with Him. I just don't do the routine rituals of the church.
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
Like you, I used to be agnostic. I believe in God, but I didn't believe men could ever explain Him, much less impose Him and what supposedly is His will on other men. I am still critical of many things religion imposes on men, but I cannot deny that God made man to be a social creature. His existence can only be complete with an interdependence among his fellow men. For me, that is the purpose of religion, albeit not its only purpose. It's about living that belief out in a community, not unlike myLot. :) I am not one to tell anybody what a sin is, but I believe even logic would dictate that n single man knows all the answers. It is this basic truth that religion exists. If you had known deep in your heart that there is salvation, that Jesus Christ would save us and that this life is only temporary, and that you shared that belief with other people, I see nothing wrong in building communities to share that belief. I am a Catholic. I would not impose on you to be a Catholic, but if you feel that there are questions deep inside you about God, join a church. It may be protestant, baptist, adventist, whatever. But seeking the answer to that emptiness you feel would be more fruitful if done with other people, not just by yourself.
@msjigga (864)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Hi maria k I do not go to church I use to go to church but didn't really like it too many contridictions. I do believe in God and a really good friend of mine introduced me to the Goddess and I am started feel alot better about things. I love the Goddess she is AWESOME, very loving, amazing, and magical.