Do you read other responses before responding one discussion?

@subha12 (18441)
September 12, 2007 12:24am CST
What do you akll do? Before answering a discussion in mylot, do you read all answers that are already written for it if you are not the first one to answer it? Or do you read just first few answers. Or the discussion is enough to write your own?
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10 responses
@maquisa (316)
• Philippines
14 Jul 08
i don't read other discussion first,i just read the discussion and answer it on my own...after i have response my own thats the time i read others idea,
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
14 Jul 08
I love to read what others have said before responding to a discussion. Sometimes this makes me a procrastinator because some responses are interesting and I'm just glued. But there are times when reading the discussion is enough for me to hit respond.
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Most of the time I do so that way I am not making a post that would be the same as others. But I do also because I like to see what others are saying sometimes some discussion and the post can be quit funny.
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
Hi there Subha, well as far as i can and i know what response should i give to that discussion, i don't even bother to read the posted responses. But sometimes, if i don't understand what the discussion really want's to say, i tend to scroll down the page first and read some responses with it till i find out what the discussion really want's to say. As i always get annoyed to people that talk nonsense, and so i don't wanna be called as NONSENSE too, that's why i wanna know what is the topic first before i will give my own response. Have a nice day ahead from Kiko and happy posting and happy earning here in MyLot.
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
12 Sep 07
Hi there. Actually yes I have read others responses on some discussions, because they have some good information, and sometimes to understand the question being asked a little more... I dont read others responses to copy though, as I have my own opinion and usually cant wait to let it out lol...
@Arshian (476)
• Pakistan
27 Sep 07
i do read the other discussed point if they are marked else i give my opinion only :)
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
It depends. If there are too many responses in the discussion, I would just choose few of them and read them so I still have the time to give my own answers. If there are few answers then I would perhaps read them all. I won't consume all my time just by reading all the responses of course.
• Malaysia
12 Sep 07
It depends on the number of responses. If there are only a few, I'll read them all first, or at least scan through them to see what they're saying. If there are pages and pages or responses already, I only read the first and last pages.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
12 Sep 07
I do read all of the responses... if the topic interested me, I like to know what everybody thinks about it! The other comments don't influence me, but I sometimes respond to several people in a single discussion, to clarify their views or to give them kudos.
@cici6880 (656)
• China
12 Sep 07
If there are too many responses to the discussion,I'll not read every responses .If there are only five or six responses I think I will read them.