Do we REALLY learn lessons from our mistakes :--( ?
By subathra
@subathra (3519)
September 13, 2007 3:37am CST
I wonder why this topic creeped into my mind now..hope its due to the fact that i just replied to a topic started by a friend about scammers.. some extent i feel we do learn lessons from the mistakes we commit and realise that we should be aware hereafter.
For me, during the beginning of surfing for onlinejob sites i joined a site and it did paid me and with that assurance i joined in another site with a small investment.But i was wrong this time as i was scammed and that company didnt even paid me a single penny.There i learned not to join in sites without proper enquiry from people who are already doing and earning through the site.
But why some people do mistakes again and again even if they have a experiance of being cheated by others.
some men/women after ending their marriage life due to some reason or other even knowing that he/she with whom they are into affair is not their right choice.still they continue and face worst consequences later.They even do this after betrayed twice or thrice and so on..
what do you all feel about this? do share your opinion..
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34 responses
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
30 Oct 07
Mistakes and its after impact makes one have practical experience on that and make it aware what really happens from that particular mistake.If that mistake is repeated may be better correction can help them out. Any mistakes really helps one to know more about the consequences according that risks can be avoided. Anyhow it depends according to the dept of mistake one has done and the lesson had from its outcome. Hope no human is here without mistake, mistake comes and comes as long as human remain imperfect. So lessons are always in abundant.
@rb200406 (1824)
• India
17 Sep 07
Ver well said friend.Often we see that people make the same mistake again & again specially the one involving relationship & love.People tend to forget there past experiences .Not always but people do make the same mistake specially in love.Love is blind so they blindly have faith in ther love.But actually one has to be practical & always remember there past not to be sad but to learn lesson & never to do the same mistake again.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
yes, based from expereriences i learned from my mistakes. i am more careful now and aware. but i see people i knew who never learns and keeps on making mistakes over and over again.

@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
it is sometimes funny to think why they cant learn through their own mistakes

@yanstill (1490)
• China
13 Sep 07
i guess this is human nature,like one of my friends said,you can't learn a lesson unless it carves in your heart.some people dont learn it from their mistakes,maybe because they didnt feel pain severely.that's just my wonder.
i've made the same mistakes before,i didnt avoid it because i didnt keep it in my mind,so when next time,again.if one day something cost me a lot,i will never do it again,and maybe then i will regret why i made that mistake.
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 Sep 07
Hi Subathra and god morning.
I think you are right. I started surfing for ways to earn some money on Internet. Mainly to have something to do with my Internet and computer. I pay a lot for broadband, and do not think I only should pay my bills for that. I saw a lot of sites that promised your dreams come true and lots of earnings but most of them charged fees. However my sense told me to be ware. I put my efforts and surfed more. Until I did found a way to really make some money. Best part it did not cost me anything. I do get paid from my sites and it is free money. My pay pal account are growing and I will not use it yet. I do not know what I should do with it yet.
But I do realize that people are talked by the sites they do see. And truly I think they do believe what they read. So of course when lots of sites are promising the dreams coming true people sign in before they do think it over. I never signed in to anything that cost. I would not even consider it. And can not afford it. But I think people´s dreams are so strong and their believes in others are so strong that they tend to stop thinking.
Therefore I believe many do the same mistake over and over on line in their hope to make an easy and rich life on Internet.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 Sep 07
But if we talk about the life in general I do think people learn from their mistakes. It´s life and the life´s lessons we have to take. it is what we grow from, it is what we are suppose to do, learn from mistakes. Children tends to make the same mistakes as their parents, even if we try to teach them not to. But it is a way to grow up and get wiser and older.
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@r_yuen (332)
• Indonesia
13 Sep 07
One of the best proof that you learned your lesson from the mistake is that you didn't do it again repeatedly.
From all the mistakes we did, we learned the things to make us wiser, mature, and know what's the best and differentiate between what's right and what's best to do. The right thing we did will not always be the best, but the best we did will always be the right. So, do your best in everything and even though you are wrong, you will admit it and willingly learn from your mistake. For example like the scammers you met.
Probably you have know the risk that it might be a scam, but still what we think we do right is not appear to be the best thing for us, right? But if you are sure about something, give your best shot because you will know it was a right thing to do. Someday even though it turns out to be a mistake, you will willingly to learn and accept the fact that you are wrong. :)
Do the best everyday. That's my basic key of learning from my mistakes. :)
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@balasri (26537)
• India
15 Sep 07
The reason is hope.Our life is motivated by hope and hope only.We still hope that there are good people there.We still hope the wedding life is beautiful.we still hope that goodness prevails.Some hopes come true.Some gets disppointed.But we cannot afford to loose our hope.It will prove to be right one day.
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@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
14 Sep 07
I think that people make mistakes over and over again, because we "hope" things have changed since last time, and we, as a general rule, are too trusting.
We want to believe the nest of things, the best of people... but so often are disappointed.
If everyone stopped giving out "chances" then it would be a cleak and dreary future we faced, without trust, without hope and without expectations... and consequently, without ambition and success.
That's just my opinion.
I too have been scammed online, trying to earn money, but if I had given up then, then I would not have found other sites that do actually pay. And, yes, there have been more mistakes and scams since that first time, but good and paying programs too...
@mansha (6298)
• India
27 Oct 07
I have also been duped once but I leqarned my lesson. Now I simply write the site name and add scam to it and you get to so many forums that have discussions on that site then you can make a good choice. I have finally made 7,500 Rs , the money is finally in my hands-the cheque from paypal I mean and I earned it all from mylot , tesas tea mails and payperpost. I had to slog for five months but I can assure you its worth it if you are a stay at home mom and can not do anything else like me.
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@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
14 Sep 07
I do observed that kind of attitude of some people, however, I can't control them because that's their own life. On my part, I don't want to meddle much of the lives of others. The bad part is, you advised them as what they asked for, yet committing the same mistakes over and over again.
Not to be hypocrite about the issue, I can say I usually do the same thing, but I learned from my mistakes. I know the consequences of my actions and one mistake is enough for me. I always think that the first mistake almost ruined my life, so why should I still let myself to do the same mistake.
One must learn and realize from his mistake. If he does not, do not worry much. You as the guide have done your part. Sometimes, there are people who just think that way. They usually want to gratify themselves with the pain and have self pity. You cannot take away stupidity in us. It is part of our imperfections.
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
15 Sep 07
In my opinion, not all learn from their mistakes no matter the number of times they fail and I think that anyone who doesn't learn from his/her mistake must be having a long way to go in this life. Research have shown that those who learn from their mistakes get stronger and perfect in whatever they do. Regarding to scam, I have always been careful when it comes to anything that has to do with money on net. It is very good for us to learn from our mistakes cos it will strengthen us whatever we do. Thanks and have a nice day.
@islandinthesun (42)
• Philippines
14 Sep 07
For my opinion, yes. We really learn lessons from mistakes. I think through mistakes, this can make you a better person. You can now have the idea on thinking the right way, walking the right path.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
14 Sep 07
Well Subathra, the once among us that repeat the same mistake over and over again are not convinced that they did something wrong, so they are repeating it in the hope to prove to themselves it wasn't them who made the mistake.
I also have had several big mistakes and did not repeat these. We do get wiser with time, so should the people that chose to remain blind for their own mistakes for now at least :)
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@laughingsin (21)
• Philippines
14 Sep 07
its true to some but it's not to some..because people's that are not serious about their life are making mistake over and over again..if you are serious about yourself ofcourse you'll admit your mistakes..and some respond here says that admitting mistake is 1 way to learn from your mistake..that is actually true..but if you dont admit it because of high pride or something..u'll just keep repeating repeating your mistake..
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
We should learn from our mistakes,that's the greatest thing we could get from that so I hope we all do. But you know people differs,some repeat the same mistakes over and over again and never learn a thing..which is sad, this not refers only to scamms or paid sites but life in general,sometimes even in relationship..
like in love,..In my own experience,I learned it the hard way,you know,hurting my self without knowing it over an over again just by letting this person do that to me..but in the end,I was able to learned and eventually found happiness.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
That's the way it should be. Personally I have found that I had learned most during my times of failure. I don't learn much from success.
It takes a winning attitude to learn from mistakes though. If you keep repeating the same mistake over and over again, well, that's the definition of stupidity.
@satansoldat_666 (412)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
Yes we all do learn from our mistakes....but not all the time..sometimes we just keep repeating and repeating it without reason.....this is where we all fail.We must use our errors as learning experiences instead of taking it agaisnt ourselves
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@barrettcoffey (51)
• United States
13 Sep 07
I think we really do learn lessons from everything in life. I think in the situation of relationships you learn how someone acts, you learn that they decided to do things, but emotions can often get in the way and make you not want to end relationships and things they can make you want to hang on and forgive and try to forget and overcome things, and then sometimes yes you do get hurt again but sometimes you can fix things. As for other things in life like scams and such, you really should learn your lesson the first time, but then again, if you are a trusting person you have potential to get burned again. You can't change your personality, but I think if you are fooled or something one time you should be more cautious the next time. You may yet get burned again by being so trusting, but with each time hopefully you learn what to look into and you learn some warning signs each time, and eventually what goes around will come around and the scammers will get whats coming to them, and your honesty will pay off for you.
@ssf12ster (488)
• India
14 Sep 07
yes i thin so because we wont commit them again. even if we do we are very careful. i thik a lot of doing the same thing again and i try to recollect my memory in doing just that.yes some people have mud in thier brains.they go on repeating things not required.what to do marraige is a very important institution so yo cant just like that come out of it so people try to hang in teher and set right things but if it still happens then good fellas like them are trying too hard to stay in that relationship.
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@viroop (155)
• China
13 Sep 07
yeah sure we really lessons from our mistakes perfectly .i say u a situation occured to me to be clear when i was in 7th standard i lied to mother of "iam having class to play" and she didnt talk to me for 3 days for saying so,from that day till now i did nt say any thing wrong to any one i have said truth what ever it may be,like this we learn lessons from mistakes