Personality check...
By singlepixel
@singlepixel (2743)
September 13, 2007 5:21am CST
How was your own experience? (if any).
# 1 - During your own hard time, do you think you can still BE a shoulder to somebody else?
# 2 - Which one is MORE painful? Saying goodbye to your best buddy or just disappear without saying a word?
# 3 - Would you throw away a gift given to you by your friend who now (you think) doesn't treat you as a friend anymore?
# 4 - Do you agree that one way to forget someone who you had a crush on is by hating that person?
# 5 - Do you get jealous easily? If you know that it's not
good for you, how do you work on it? -(in the real world)
Or for that matter, do you fall in love easily?
"Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven."
(Yiddish proverb)
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7 responses

@singlepixel (2743)
18 Sep 07
i think you're already a dynamite! you're cool and kind!
you're 'Da Man'!
@singlepixel (2743)
18 Sep 07
Yo mah man balasri! how are you?..ha ha ha..
1- you're a helpful friend
2- some people gets hurt even more with silence..
3- so, there is a guarantee that those gifts or even greeting cards will stay with you, huh? okay...that's good my friend.
4- ha ha ha..i like that - "I hate hating"...yeah, me too
5- ohhh!!.....well my friend, i can't blame you. You OWN what you OWN.
thanks man!

@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
Hi singlepixel!
#1, Oh I have always been in that kind of situation all the time. I do have to forget myself or my own sadness and pain when somebody needs me for a shoulder to cry on. I always end up comforting other people while I am being torned inside. But I am no saint because most of the time, I get to whine in my prayers. haha..
#2, I guess, just disappearing without saying goodbye is more painful because I believe in closures or whatever..
#3, Oh no, I don't throw gifts away even though that friend became such a not so nice person anymore. I will only throw it away if it is covered with molds and all forms of bacteria. haha..
#4, No, I don't think it is the best way to forget someone. What I usually do is to think that I deserve someone better and he is not the right one for me or just accept the fact hat he doesn't like me. huhu..
#5, I do get jealous easily but I don't entertain that kind of feeling which possessed my entire being when it hits me. I really don't show that side in me even though I am being crushed inside. I just have to use my head and weigh things over before I do react on it.
And you're asking if I fall in love easily? I guess, with you..Yes! haha.. Okay, no more jokes. I don't. I get attracted easily but it takes a longer time for me to fall in love.
Have a nice day and take care, dear friend.
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@singlepixel (2743)
17 Sep 07
hi faith!
1- so, if i have trouble, i'll look for you - will that be okay?...ha ha ha
2- yes, disappearing with no word does really hurt.
3- ha ha ha...i do the same too. so, i can give you a gift without having to worry even if i stop being your friend, huh?..kidding.
4- wow! that's very professional. i like that!
5- ha ha ha ...HA HA HA...YOU'RE SIMPLE dear!
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@singlepixel (2743)
18 Sep 07
ha ha're getting funnier! JUST SEND ME A PIX OF YOUR SHOULDER....ha ha ha...I'll match them with other PIX of our friends to complete a full photo...well, a little bit of everything from everyone....ha ha ha..
Cash? make it fast, can i fax a copy of a million dollars to you?...ha ha ha...oh Faith,
you're making me crazier! I wish i had that cash...
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
Hi singlepixel! You can come to me anytime if you need a shoulder to cry on..and if you can't, I think I will just send you a picture of my shoulder for you to cry all your tears away. LOL! Anytime friend, anytime. Oh by the way I promise I won't throw your gift you will be sending especially if it is a cash gift. LOL! Take care and have a nice day!
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
14 Sep 07
# 1 - During your own hard time, do you think you can still BE a shoulder to somebody else?
Yes I would
?# 2 - Which one is MORE painful? Saying goodbye to your best buddy or just disappear without saying a word?
Saying Goodbye to best buddy.
?# 3 - Would you throw away a gift given to you by your friend who now (you think) doesn't treat you as a friend anymore?
Yes. although it will hurt a lot.
?# 4 - Do you agree that one way to forget someone who you had a crush on is by hating that person?
No by hatin g will remember that person more.
?# 5 - Do you get jealous easily? If you know that it's not good for you, how do you work on it? -(in the real world) Or for that matter, do you fall in love easily?
Not easily, but sometimes.
I try to forget the situation and walk away from it.
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@singlepixel (2743)
17 Sep 07
1- it seem like most people can do it. nice person subha12
2- goodbye is mopre painful to you? hope you don't have those a lot.
3- you don't like the sad memories, huh? i don't blame you.
4- you could be right. hating doesn't really help.
5- it's life. who can never be jealous or fall in love? we human just have to learn a lot in life to get ahead.
thanks subha!
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
# 1 - During your own hard time, do you think you can still BE a shoulder to somebody else?
I think so, I've had tough times myself but I remained strong for others specially for my family.
# 2 - Which one is MORE painful? Saying goodbye to your best buddy or just disappear without saying a word?
Saying goodbye,it's painful but I'll prefer it that way than to disappear without saying a word,I hate goodbyes but it is a phase of life where everyone of us passes through.
# 3 - Would you throw away a gift given to you by your friend who now (you think) doesn't treat you as a friend anymore?
NO-I would still cherish the gift and the memories.:)
# 4 - Do you agree that one way to forget someone who you had a crush on is by hating that person?
NO- The more you try to hate him,the more he will be closer to you..(that's my own experience)
# 5 - Do you get jealous easily?
Before,but now..I think I changed,maybe it's because I am more secure now of the love I get from my husband,unlike with my ex..:(
If you know that it's not good for you, how do you work on it?
If I get jealous-I'll tell hubby right away and once again he'll re assure me of his love and commitment.
-(in the real world) Or for that matter, do you fall in love easily?
I think so..
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@singlepixel (2743)
18 Sep 07
1- you're tough and getting tougher
(i'll ask for your shoulder next
2- you're right- they're both painful but it depends on the individual which one hurts the most.
3- you're very kind - i'll send you some
4- he he he..experience IS the best teacher.
(mmm.., JD too..)
5- normal people do get jealous easily. but your approach to overcome it seems very practical- i believe they work effectively. and of course we, human do fall in love easily. who don't? well, once again, 'experience' teaches us to be very careful. we tend to judge a book by its cover even though we know we shouldn't.
and we tend to fall for the sweet talker and the more we're in close friendship, the more that 'relationship' turns intimate. i say, that's dangerous. it's really hard to find a real partner - but 'patience' can lead there.
well cefaz dear, I'm human too but sometimes i become crazier than a monkey and no one can stop or catch me..just very sorry my dear...
and like JD said, you've found your soulmate! ROMANTIC!
@puchapox (579)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
Hi there, nice topic! Here's mine:
1. Yes, I think I've done that. It helps me forget my problems to think of someone else's problems.
2. Saying goodbye is really painful. I've been through so many goodbyes, I still cry when I see goodbye scenes on TV. I'd rather just go.
3. Nope, I won't throw away any gift, even if its from someone I don't like anymore. It still serves its purpose-which is the memory of the good times I've had with the giver.
4. I don't think that works. To forget someone easily, you have to forget any emotion you feel/felt for that person; being angry with him/her will still remind you that this person still exist.
5. Yes, I get jealous easily, but I don't overreact. I just ask my SO about the person I'm jealous about. When I know he's saying the truth, then my jealousy fades away. I don't know about falling in love easily, lets just say, maybe if the person knows how to push the right buttons. :)
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@singlepixel (2743)
17 Sep 07
hi there too! and thanks!
1- good. sharing your strength to help othrs. that's nice.
2- he he're very emotional. you cry to a 'goodbye' in the TV?
3- good heart. just throw away the damaged ones, eh?
4- so, ANGER is unhelpful, huh? i agree.
5- you're very interesting. you can think in a hard situation like that. well, actually, i still agree. we have to find out what is it that made us feel jealous to avoid any biased judgement. it helps in the long run.
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
13 Sep 07
i have always been ashoulder someon cries on and when I need someone to cry to noone was ever present so I have learnt to draw strength from the Bible and the Lord in these times. It is really hard to do but you have to learn to put others first, being a real sevant in order to do this and further more I lvoe being a help to people in need.
I twould be most painful if he/she disappered without saying a word. I reemmber y good friend left the island without telling me and I keot caling and got worried. I thought maybe he was sick and in the house or something and still no return calls. When he returned with his hello I am back I did give it to him without reservation!.
No I would not. The gift did not do me anything-he/she did and i strictly beleive in forgiving no matter what evils the person has done.
No I dont. Crush is a part of life. I had a great crush on a fifth former in school. She would talk to me and so on but now I dont even know what became of her. She was like a big sister I never had.
No I dont atleast not if I dont see a reason to. somethigns have a way of looking real when it is not but question yourmate and the remember the truth never wears clothes, it cannot stay hidden everyone's eyes will be drawn to it. To get rid of it I tell myself I have to learn to trust him if I love him as I say I do. It has to be worked on. It will not happen overnight. Make sure you have a good and open communication line.
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@singlepixel (2743)
17 Sep 07
you're very helpful. i'm sure you have helped so many. you'll never know that you probably helped avoid one of your friends from serious depression.
it's true, dissapearing without a word really hurts.
just keep the gift - you're very thoughtful.
yeah, we have to learn to trust the closest person to us or it'll be harder for life in the future.
thank you sharon, you're a nice person.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Sep 07
# 1 - During your own hard time, do you think you can still BE a shoulder to somebody else?
- YEP do it ALL THE TIME...I cant NOT be there for the ppl I care about even when I'm having a rough time in my life..
# 2 - Which one is MORE painful? Saying goodbye to your best buddy or just disappear without saying a word?
- I would say they are EQUALLY painful BUT if i have to pick only one then it'd be having someone just up and disappear on me..
# 3 - Would you throw away a gift given to you by your friend who now (you think) doesn't treat you as a friend anymore?
- no not at all....
# 4 - Do you agree that one way to forget someone who you had a crush on is by hating that person?
- absolutely not! Why hate someone for any reason let alone just because they dont return your affections?? thats just silly IMO
# 5 - Do you get jealous easily? If you know that it's not good for you, how do you work on it? -(in the real world)
- no not really....I used to when I was younger but it was all low self esteem though I dont get jealous..its pointless to me..
Or for that matter, do you fall in love easily?
- No...not at all....It took a long time for my guys (both of them) to get into my heart
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@singlepixel (2743)
17 Sep 07
1- tough person you are
2- so it's saying goodbye in silence, huh? mmm that hurts.
3- kind and still very thoughtful
4- good opinion! but can you really do it when it happens?
5- you're really tough! wow! two guys? he he must be HOT then!