When is the next season coming out ?

September 14, 2007 7:23am CST
Anyone know about the date of the new season premier? I'm looking forward to the next season. See how Clark fight of his enemy (himself). XD What will happen actually? Give some opinion too...
3 responses
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
15 Sep 07
The date has already been given by the above. They left several problems to be resolved and all of them probaly won't be in the first new episode. I think two of them will be or at least will have a good start on being. Those are Clark and Phantom Clark and whether Chloe is alive or not. The Lana and Lex problem may take longer. I am forgetting about Lionel being trapped in the power plant; I think that will be resolved in the first episode, also. Lionel will somehow survive.
• United States
15 Sep 07
Maybe Kara (Supergirl) will save Lionel, Chloe and Lois from the power plant? She is right there in the plant with them after all. I wouldn't be surprised by that. The original Supergirl from the movie, will be playing Clark's birth mother.
• Malaysia
15 Sep 07
Thanks for replying my post. It's been more and more interesting than before. I'm looking forward to it, can't wait no more. XD
• United States
14 Sep 07
September 27 on the CW. 8:00 pm I hope Lana comes back. I like her.
• Malaysia
14 Sep 07
Thanks for replying me, you all. Wow... it's so near already. Almost here... Yeah !!!
• United States
14 Sep 07
the next season starts on sept 27 8 pm channel 11 lol i myself cant wait either