live while you can
@Czheckproductions (151)
United States
September 14, 2007 10:44am CST
were not here on earth for too long so i dont see why people care about what religion you are. my religion is cant we all get along? for real people need to stop being brain washed and wake up and see that there being held down by religion,government,and money. the income tax is unconstitutional the 16th admendment was never ratified.please seek to become informed the more you know the less under control you are. watch the movie freedom to facism as well as google various topics about the unconstitutionality of the income tax. we only live once and you want to waste your time beliveing in things that do not exist? prove to me that your not under control and brainwashed and take a look into what you consider to be the "truths" of the world. its all right to be spirtual but do you really beleave in all this bogus religion stuff the governments of the world have been feeding to us for thousands of years? i think its time for humanity to step up and realize that all the bad things religion is used for like wars,fear,brain washing,i dont think any god if there was one would want you to kill in there name,to me religion is a joke and im surprized not more people think as i do.think about how illogical everything to do with religion is. Gaileo was condemed by the church for speaking the truth about astrology and why? because the church knew they had been preching wrong and that it would hurt the popes pocket book if people actully thought for themselfs. be impowered people (i dont mean to offend anybody but you really need to think for yourself and not be brain washed by thousands of years of history) "if we do not study the past we are doomed to repeat it"
2 responses
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
15 Sep 07
I believe in the one true God--the creator of the universe. many people may tell me that I am crazy for believing in God and in my Savior Jesus Christ, but the middlemost verse in the bible says that it is better to believe in God than in man. You know, I would rather die believing in Him and find out when I die that He doesn't exist rather than not believing Him now and find out after I die that He does and I can't reverse my wrong decisions anymore. that's my belief. it's not religion--it's faith. :-)
@CyanShadow (123)
• Netherlands Antilles
14 Sep 07
What the heck is going through your mind? I simply cant get it. For one the relegion you are talking about is catholic. You cant condemn all relegions for what the catholic did. Second there is a God. How else would u explain how the 0.0000000...% chance of a living organism actually forming actually happing. Some1 has to have had a hand in that. Third, God would never want His children to live forced lives like what u say. I dont know if the government is forcing us and i dot really care. But i do know that God would never do that. He gave us our free will and he will never take that away. And about being brain washed is just a load of crap. Its just rediculous. U dont want to believe in God and say that its not logical. But how is it that u think that it os possible for people to be brainwashed? Do you think the moment u baptize they like hipnotize u XD? Btw there are a lot of unexplained things in the world. So logic can only get you so far.
@Czheckproductions (151)
• United States
14 Sep 07
i beleave in reason. if you can prove to me that jesus or any prophit actully existed and can prove that the people who wrote the bible where not doing it for there own benefit. i simply do not beleave in religion or god for that matter. i am spirtual but have no need for to beleave that all things where just created. and as for how the universe began they have already proved all that watch the discovery channel once in awhile its on at least 2 times a day. what i ment by brainwashing did not single out religion music could be brainwashing what im trying to get at is that people are being controled and not doing there own thing. its obvious that you wont even be reasonable about this so all i ask is that you think really hard about what religion is. and as for a 0 percent chance of something forming while the earth was being rained on with asteriods and metors they brought water and when the earth became habitable organisms came to life as simple cells and grew from there. im with darwin on this one "do not fear the monkey"