do you have your house?

@loneleaf (165)
September 15, 2007 1:19am CST
As everyone know, today, China become more and more boom and their people are not the one like the 80s, though most peope here has jobs, their foods, their love, they stive for their house, which they can live till they die!!! Now the situation is that I still have no enough money for my house, do you have the same puzzle?LET US TALK ABOUT IT!
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2 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Sep 07
I bought my first little flat in the days when it was unheard of for young unmarried women to buy a home, banks would not lend money to women especially unmarried ones for homes but for some reason I had no problems with a finance company lending me the money, I have since upgraded to a unit then to my little house I am in now, my house is just a small house but it is all mine, I have worked very hard to pay it off and it was the best thing I ever did as when I was made redundant from my job it wasn't such a big deal as I had the roof over my head all paid for, owning your own home is the best thing a person can do.
@loneleaf (165)
• China
17 Sep 07
"House slave!"In the face of rising price, more and more people started to lost their originally dream,and had to work hard for the poor pay.luckly,you have own your house,most of my same age friends had to queue up for the cage!
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
18 Sep 07
It is the dream of each of us Chinese family to have a house of our own and many Chinese people are working hard to make their dream come true. It is not easy to have a house of our own. It takes time enough for all of us to have one of our own. I didn't have a house of my own until in my late thirties. I am glad to say that now I have two apartments of my own--one for my parents and one for my own three-people family. It seems to me that I have completed one of the main tasks in life...