Do you think talking about a good thing too much can "jinx" it?
By vega83
@vega83 (6342)
September 15, 2007 7:25am CST
Well, it's definitely not one of my beliefs, since I can't stop talking about the good things that happen to me, more so than the bad things.
But I've known quite a lot of people who like to hide their fortunes or good things that happen to them, in fear that it will be jinxed or something bad would happen. But can that really happen?
What do you think, do you talk about good things or hide them in fear of them being "jinxed"?
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21 responses
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
15 Sep 07
No because I don't believe in luck. Things happen period whether it's "good" or "bad" is just one's perception. I believe everything happens for a reason and it happens just the way it's supposed to. I believe there are no such things as accidents. So talking about something isn't going to give it any more power than talking about something else that happened.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
15 Sep 07
So what you're saying is things are destined to happen. I believe in destiny too, but I also believe we can change it by free will and choices, but as I said talking about a good thing, does not qualify as a change, so I guess we're both on the same page when it comes to that.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
15 Sep 07
No, I don't tend to be superstitious. However, sometimes the idea behind a superstition comes from a logical standpoint. Talking a lot about something you have, or are going to have, could lead someone to be jealous, and either try to take it away from you, or wish you ill (there are plenty of petty bitter people out there!), or could make it so important in your life that if it stops being there, or doesn't materialise, you'll be more upset and feel its loss more. However, if you pick your friends wisely and only share the big positives and negatives with them, I can't see this being too much of a problem. I think that building up good fortune a lot can, in general, be a dangerous thing to do, as both good and bad fortune aren't part of everyday life. However, as you say you have a lot of positives in your life, it seems to me that you're a positive person who values the positive in life, and this isn't the same thing as talking too much about "good fortunes", in the aspect of loss, as I'm sure you'll always find a positive side to most things in life - I'm the same as you in this way - nothing in life is ever completely good or completely bad, and focusing on the good whilst acknowledging the bad in everything, is a good balance of optimism and realism, in my opinion! So never mind about "jinxes" - that's just a warning word which was invented by people who knew that bad things could happen if you do something, but didn't know why. It's the same as the old superstition of not walking under ladders. It's not bad luck for the rest of the day, it's just that if you do, the ladder, the person on the ladder, or whatever they're carrying, could fall on your head! Commonsense and practical advice often come in the form of superstitions - it's just a case of gleaning the advice, and understanding it, and ignoring the superstition part!
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@cblackink (969)
• United States
16 Sep 07
I tend to agree with you. It's not superstition at all. It's just that some people will send a very negative energy towards you if they are jealous or envious of your good fortune. So, yes, I think it's important to pick and choose who you share your good news with. I have an "acqaintance" who is an extremely jealous-hearted person. I rarely tell her any good news or play it down, and I try to never share my bad news with her at all, because she absolutely loves it when others have misfortune. She feeds off it like a vampire.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
16 Sep 07
Thanks both of you for your contributions to this thread! I work with one of those mean-spirited jealous people, and I too have to watch what I say in front of her. People like that are very unhappy and negative, and in my view they waste their lives and try to bring everyone else down with them. The good news is that they only have as much power to affect you, as you give them. Misery loves company in the case of such people, and it's so stupid, pathetic and their problem, not yours, and if you have no choice but to interact with them (if you work with them for example), it's important to remember that how they see things has no bearing on the reality of who you are, and how the world is! As for the black cat thing, I think that's one of those christianity-based superstitions from the early days of christianity getting its claws culturally into Europe. Rather than being good advice, without a reason, some superstitions were started by the early christians to make people afraid of those who still practised earth-based religions. The black cat as a familiar, or a magical creature was respected and seen as a good omen by Druids and Nature-Worshippers (if memory serves), so therefore the idea of the black cat as a magickal being, to be respected, was distorted by the early christians into the idea of something to be feared. They didn't deny its power in the minds of people who were still culturally tied to magic and nature-worship, but instead they said it was dangerous and its powers could hurt them. It was a form of spin-doctoring of the time, and rather than pooh-poohing the deeply-held ideas and beliefs of the people, the early christians accepted certain elements of their ethoses, but told them that they were mistaken as to the way they viewed such things. Religious superstitions were a way of reinforcing their religion as being the only religion they could trust, and such superstitions live on still today, perpetuating this misinformation, and in many cases bigotry. It's a shame that these negative ideas which are just accepted alongside actual commonsense advice without people questioning it, still today. So it's great that you're questioning such things Vega! If more people thought about superstitions that people either write off as stupid ignorance, or accept wholescale blindly, then more good advice and wisdom would be around nowadays, and less bigotry and intolerance would be blindly followed and accepted. It's a case of not throwing out the baby with the bathwater - questioning and thinking about things are the only way to separate the good and useful from the bad and ignorant.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
16 Sep 07
Well, cblackink, it's funny you're still acquainted to this vampire like acquaintance.
Yeah, I can see what you're saying, angelic, that things start of logically, but they somehow get distorted and end up being illogical and superstitious. Good example with the ladder.
How do you think the black cat crossing the path started though, ha ha?
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
15 Sep 07
Yep. Because I've experienced it. There is something so great and then all of a sudden you start talking about how great it is and Bam. your greatness is gone. It's happened to me. That doesn't mean you can't talk about good things. and if it's never happened to you then good for you! Sometimes, I just don't mention the thought of something good until it's confirmed. Like if you apply for a job and you really want it and you think you're gonna get it... don't talk about until you got it! otherwise how much would it suck to feel so sure you'll get this job and then you don't!
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
15 Sep 07
Not just think, but I firmly believe and belief about your subject of discussion. I have learned much about this life lesson. Many proves positively in my life. Your good feeling as for example, no need for you to tell others. Because sometime it will hurts others whom is still under and in life's tribulation. Once hurts, you might loose one friend. UNLESS you are asked for it to share sincerely your happiness.
Peoples have different life's life's social level of standing. Once jealousy and envies are the feedback, we are just like egg on the bull's horn.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
21 Sep 07
Well, of course, I am a good listener too, in those situations, after all, what are friends for? But in some cases people just talk about the bad in their life not just to get it off the chest, but because they are sometimes so used to complaining, and sadly, sometimes it the only form of communication they know..

@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Sep 07
I think I talk about good things more so than keep them to myself. I try not to go over board with it out of fear of hurting other's feelings who are not having any good furtunes though.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
31 Oct 07
It did happen to me. I was in love with a guy and I thought he was in love with me, well this happened a couple of times with different guys. So I told everybody, that we are getting married. Guess what? The first guy broke it up, the second guy well he went back with his ex wife, that was when I was young and foolish, so I decided to keep mum the next time someone gets interested in me, marriage wise.
Mind you that was a few years later, and in a short time we were married and have been married over thirty-four years, so sometimes talking can jinx things.
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@MarkyB21 (1545)
25 Sep 07
No, I don't believe it at all. It's just a superstition. I used to touch wood if I talked about something good to stop something bad from happening but then I realised I was being silly so I stopped doing it. I haven't had more bad things happen than when I used to touch wood so I don't believe there's any truth in that belief.

@jeanbug23 (992)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
Some people have fear of being so vocal about their good fortune and so they intend to hide whatever comes through. There are so many reasons why, and one thing for sure is they might have friends or relatives who have the same experiences and this led them to misfortune.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
16 Sep 07
To a certain extent, yes, but not because of superstition. But if someone is in line for a promotion at work, it is not a good idea to talk about it prematurely, because someone who is jealous might go behind your back and interfere.
There are some sick people in the world who cannot stand to know of other people's good fortune, so sometimes it is good to be somewhat discreet.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
16 Sep 07
Yeah, true, about the whole promotion thing, especially, but then I'm talking about a good "sure" thing. A promotion is not really sure until you are promoted, is it?
I do see your point. But then usually we share good things with our friends, people who we trust, and people who are happy with our progresses, so no harm in that.
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@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
16 Sep 07
I tend to talk about things when I'm just a bit too excited to suppress it, even though I'll feel a bit of fool about it. You know, it does seem smarter, for some reason, not to count your chickens before they're hatched, even if there's no real reason to believe they won't hatch. For instance, talking about a job you're interviewing for and really hope to get can bring embarrassment if you don't get it. Depends who you tell and how thick skinned you are, I suppose. But, regarding your question, I don't believe talking about it will jinx it.
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@eve0922 (364)
• China
16 Sep 07
I 'm really think so,because i have the same experience,and my friends also have the same question,but i think we will not hide something in fear of their being jinxed,as we all know ,though it aometimes exists,it's not a truth which is proved right.We always talk about them ,and then tell oueselves,"forget it,just like i never talk about it."^_^
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@thekiwi (588)
• United States
16 Sep 07
I believe it, for instance, i talked about a job i got. I loved my job, it was easy work, data entry, and i made 10/hr+. Then two weeks later, they fired me, because of some stupid reason, really i think its because they found out i was pregnant, they didnt know until that 2nd week.
Anywho, thats why i believe if you talk about a good thing too much you jinx it. :)
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@hannahlotski (377)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
I don't believe that. I talked about good things happened to me with my closest friend.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
15 Sep 07
Hi vega83! I also don't believe in that either. I usually talk about the good things that happens especially the surprises that just comes my way. I don't think that will be jinxed somehow because good things should be shared so that people can share the happiness with you and somehow inspire them that life is good. I guess, I just can't keep my mouth shut when I am in so much joy. I think when good things happen to me and I tell close friends and relatives about it, it is also because it is one way for me to show God that I am appreciating the Blessings He has given me. Take care and have a nice day.
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@downaalice (209)
• China
28 Sep 07
yeah,i can't agree more.there is no need for you to tell others your good feeling not because if you talk about good things too much it can jinx it.that is perception otr superstition but superstition must have its basis to persuade others,or nobody will believe it.what you said id just why the superstition come about.if you talk about your good feeling,sometimes you will hurt others who is still under or in life's tribulation.people have different life's social level of standing.once jealousy and envyes are the feedback,we are just like egg on the bull'shorn.really i quite support your opinion.i have experience such things. i didn't mean to show of in front of others,and just want to share happiness with others,but caused jealousy and envies.someone will say bad words behind you to attack you. so i come to realize it and learn to enjoy myself and seldom tell others except my best friends i know who will not envy me or do harm to me .otherwise i will not share my happiness with them.