singsnap and my mother :o(
By sunshinecup
@sunshinecup (7871)
September 16, 2007 9:10am CST
Ok a friend of mine, elp388 started a discussion about this site, which peeked my interest and I soon joined. It’s call singsnap. If you love karaoke, this is the site for you, it’s a blast (NO IT'S NOT A PAYING SITE). The way it works is, with as little as a microphone and you get online and sing karaoke. You then have the option of saving it and allowing the public to hear you or you can keep it private. Now if you have a video camera you can even put a video of your performance up along with it. Too cool and lots of fun. I killed my voice from singing so much the first day, LOL.
Now that is not what this post is about, just wanted to give a shout out and a brief description of what I am talking about. So again I joined and in no time I posted my first performance. It was a blast and again, it’s done for fun. Well my mother called and asked me what I was doing. So I told her what I did. Her response was, “Why would you want the public to hear YOU sing?”. Ok granted I am not a professional rock star, but I can come very close to hitting a note or two but sure I can't hit them all, none the less this is for fun. We all can’t be Michael Jordan, does that mean we shouldn’t play basket ball in public?
So from this one conversation and that one sentence out of my Mother’s mouth, I have all kinds of questions for you guys. Yeah Mom *sigh*
Feel free to pick and choose what to answer...
A) If someone were doing something they had a blast doing, but they were terrible at doing it, would you tell them? Why?
B) Do you feel if you can’t do it great, you can’t let other’s see you do it? Why?
C) Were your parents supportive of you as a child? Give an example
D) Do you agree non-supporting parents can hinder a child’s progress at becoming a productive healthy adult? Why?
E) Are you a member at singsnap? If so how can I find you? If not are you interested? Why or why not?
F) Do your parents still have an affect on your moods and/or self esteem? Why or why not?
G) Oh yeah just for spite if nothing else, here is a link to check out my performance LOL...
? ? ?Thanks in advance, and you got it, I read all and rate all. ? ? ?
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9 responses
@medstudents4 (826)
• India
16 Sep 07
hey dear,how are you..sorry was studying as my exams are coming near day by day..sorry can not reply to your questions right now but i rad them and i listened to your recording and so became impulsive to tell you that it is awsome..O MY GOD..!! SUNSHINE YOU ARE AMAZING..this was my first reaction after listening to your song..i'll forward it to my friends to boast about my myLot friend..:-)..God bless you have a God gifted voice indeed..i thought its some professional singing...amazing..!!i'll join this site too after november..bbyee and take care..once was superb..keep it up..!!
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@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Sep 07
*blush* thank you sweetie you made me all read faced, LOL.
I know you have your studies and they are more important. Just let me know when you are back and when you join. I will come look you up. It's just a hoot, let me tell ya.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
16 Sep 07
What a fun site. I can't wait to do this. I love karaoke. My daughter will enjoy this too. When we go to visit our friends we do karoke and it is so much fun. I will be sending this link to her too.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I have been to this site quite a bit tonight. I am working on a song to make my debut! : ) Hubby was laughing at me. Smack smack smack.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Sep 07
Karaoke is fun, let me tell ya. My oldest daughter was playing with that site all day today. It's great fun for the whole family.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
28 Sep 07
Cool site, I will have fun here =) I checked you out as well - and hey you can sing =)
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
16 Sep 07
HI sunshine! I saw elp's post about this site but I am definitely NOT a singer. Glad you have fun on it though- and you should continue to sing your little heart out if it makes you happy!
Now, in answer to your questions:
A) If someone were doing something they had a blast doing, but they were terrible at doing it, would you tell them?
No, I would keep quiet and let them enjoy it- unless it could be harmful or humiliating to them.
B) Do you feel if you can’t do it great, you can’t let other’s see you do it? Why?
I am somewhat of a perfectionist. I don't like to do anything half-baked-- would rather not do it at all!
C) Were your parents supportive of you as a child? Give an example
My parents were as supportive as they could be, given our circumstances. It was hard for me to do things like join after-school sports, because my mom was tied down with kids and couldn't always cart me around.
D) Do you agree non-supporting parents can hinder a child’s progress at becoming a productive healthy adult? Why?
Yes, parents who aren't supportive can really hold a child back-- especially if they criticize the child. Of course many people grow up and accomplish their goals in spite of their parents!
E) Are you a member at singsnap? If so how can I find you? If not are you interested? Why or why not?
No, and you definitely do NOT want to hear me at singsnap!lol
F) Do your parents still have an affect on your moods and/or self esteem? Why or why not?
Not really, my parents don't make waves. If my mom makes a comment that bothers me she usually apologizes.
G) Oh yeah just for spite if nothing else, here is a link to check out my performance LOL...
GREAT job, sunshine-- You have an awesome voice! One of my favorite songs, too! I can see clearly now....American Idol, anyone???
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@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Sep 07
Wow you answered them all!!! COOL!
I agreed with everything, LOL. I do think parents do play a very important role in building their childrens self confidence which they will greatly need in their future. Yes, parent must be supportive to their children when it's something positive.
BTW Girl I do want to hear you sing there, that's the cool part it's just for fun, nothing to worry about just SING! LOL
@Suze05 (480)
• United States
5 Oct 07
Hi Sunshinecup. ..I've been a member of Singsnap since last October..and Ksolo before that..I am sooo addicted to are most of the 10,000+ memebers.. that site is awesome! LOL I had a listen to your song and you have a fabulous voice. has your mom ever heard you sing? LOL and I see you've found your way to the daily challenge by the list of commenters on your song..that's such an awesome group of people..I used to do them everyday too until I moved and couldnt record or listen. Luckily, I was able to listen to your song because you dont have video. I have slooooow DSL now and can't listen to anyone who has any kind of video to their songs :O((( Hopefully, that will change soon. LOL anyway.. as to your questions..
A. I would never tell anyone they arent good at something..if it makes them happy, then I say do it and enjoy yourself. If you're doing it for someone else to enjoy, you're doing it for the wrong reason.
B. I think everyone should do what makes them happy. If we only do what we're perfect at, we'd miss out on so many things ..if others don't like how we look or how we sound or the way we do something, then they don't have to look or listen
c. My parents are pretty supportive..though my mom is basically kinda pessimistic sometimes and always has to be the Devil's Advocate..but if it's something I really like they just said go for it. They are always proud of our accomplishments and our talents.
D. I do agree that in most cases an unsupportive parent can really damaage a child's self esteem and their progress, making them think they can't do something or shouldn't try at things because they aren't good enough..but it also depends on the child. some children will take a parents disapproval and lack of support and believe it and not try and not succeed because they were never told they could.. while some children will take that lack of support and succeed and maybe even ExCEL at a thing because they were told that they couldn't do it..they will prove their parents wrong no matter what it takes. still damages their self esteem and they do that seeking that parent's approval and respect. So..either way the parents have a big effect
e. I am a I said above. and everyone should be a member even if you can't or dont want to sing.. even if you can't sing, you can still listen to and leave comments for those who do sing.. and there are some pretty amazing singers.. Check out sunshineprincess, Novella, Melissaky, karaokelady, Agamoto, Chsstity, Elisha, theres soooo many many more extremely talented singers ..and there's the message boards and the chat room to make friends.. its THE BEST SITE ANYWHERE EVER! lmao
stop by and say hello
@Stiletto (4579)
23 Sep 07
A) If someone were doing something they had a blast doing, but they were terrible at doing it, would you tell them? Why?
No I wouldn't tell them they were terrible. I've never understood why people do that anyway UNLESS of course they ask for an honest opinion. Then I probably wouldn't say bluntly it's terrible but I wouldn't lie either.
B) Do you feel if you can’t do it great, you can’t let other’s see you do it? Why?
Yes absolutely. I am my own harshest critic and unfortunately I am a chronic perfectionist. I hate to "fail" at anything.
C) Were your parents supportive of you as a child? Give an example
Not at all. I'm trying to think of a suitable example but really there's too many to choose from.
D) Do you agree non-supporting parents can hinder a child’s progress at becoming a productive healthy adult? Why?
Yes I do agree because I think every child needs encouragement (as do adults for that matter!) and personally I think my own fear of failure has a lot to do with the lack of encouragement or criticism I had as a child. No matter what I do now as an adult there is always that doubt as to whether it's good enough.
E) Are you a member at singsnap? If so how can I find you? If not are you interested? Why or why not?
LOL yes I am a member. Not under the user name I have on here though. I'll tell you exactly how it will go - I will record stuff and then delete it straight away before anyone hears it (this is not just self-doubt by the way, I truly can't sing!). I will probably repeat this lots of times trying to get it to sound ok and then I will probably give up. In the unlikely event that I do actually manage to record something that sounds good I will let you know but don't hold your breath waiting!
F) Do your parents still have an affect on your moods and/or self esteem? Why or why not?
No, I haven't spoken to my parents for more than 10 years.
G) Oh yeah just for spite if nothing else, here is a link to check out my performance LOL...
I listened to it and you're good! I'm not just saying that - you have a pretty voice and it all sounded perfectly in tune to me. Well done!
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Yes, I am a member of SingSnap. I am of course ElusiveButterfly. Glad that you posted this. It is a lot of fun.
@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
18 Sep 07
A) No I wouldn't stop them from doing it. Especially when it is just for fun. My reason is it's not hurting anyone and it's making someone happy.
B) Hummm...usually I'm like that. If I'm not good at something I'm not comfortable doing it in front of others. Sometimes I just don't care but mostly I do. I don't know why. Probably because I have low self esteem.
C)Yes my parents were pretty supportive as a child. They encouraged me in cheerleading & gymnastics (which was my thing then). They came to games, meets, competitions, and anything else I wanted or needed them to come too. And usually with the video camera in tow. Though I did want to be a singer and my mom promised me when I was 16 she'd try and get my career going and she never did. (instead she would put my sister in talent shows - she never wanted to be a singer - and i have more talent than she does and she'll tell you that she doesn't understand why my mom did that)
D) I do agree that the parents support can be and usually is key to a child's success and being a healthy adult (as you said). I have family member right know growing up in a bad environment and is looking for anyway out of her home. I hope she will be more than she looks to be because she has no idea what she's getting herself into. And I believe if she'd had a bit more encouragement instead of being yelled at and pushed to the side then she'd be a much happier person. Sometimes lives lived like hers has been creates a need for drama and abuse in adult relationships - because it's a comfort zone issue - and I hope that doesn't happen with her.
F) Oh Yeah my parents still have effects on me. My dad is very encouraging and down to earth as well. My mom on the other hand is a constant roller coaster. I never know what I'm going to get when I talk to her. Though she is encouraging but it's a bit different I guess when it comes to her because she's more unstable.
G) - I have no IDEA what your mom was talking about! I think you've got a nice voice! You keep it up hun!!