Dangerous Driving on Motor Bikes
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
September 16, 2007 2:43pm CST
Last Week it took me nearly 2 Hours to drive home from Town after my Physio it is normally 10 minutes Drive
The reason was all roads where blocked of because there had been a bad accident and the Diversions where where Miles away from where I live so it took a long time also everyone else had to go that way so a lot of Traffic Jams
Anyway when I eventually got home I heard that the accident was a car and Motor Cyclist the driver of the Car was Dead and the Cyclist was critical
I personally hate Motor cycles they scare me specially when they are over taking and on the other side of the road
Anyway the reason for this Discussion My Flat faces the main road through the Village it is a narrow road and the left has to give righter way to the right, also the Pavements are very Narrow, most Days and Nights when I sit here I can hear Motor bikes racing down this road and I mean racing, ok they are not that big but it is a 30 mile an hour Speed Limit and also if someone where to trip on the Pavement they would fall directly on the Road, also when a car comes along they do not slow down what if a cat runs out on the road the car tries to avoid it
Motor Cyclist do not realize what a Dangerous Game they play the same these Idiots that have these noisy Exhausts on their and rev so much it actually makes my Windows shake and again they are racing down the road
Why do they do it why do they play with their Life's and other Peoples Life's I just do not understand it
If there are any Cyclist reading this can you explain to me why they put themselves and others in danger like that, Life is short enough as it is
Please if you are one drive steady do not take Risks
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18 responses
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I used to ride motorcycles and they can be very dangerous. i have seen many people ride without helmets and I am guilty of that myself when I lived in Florida. What many people fail to realize is that wearing a helmet doesn't help in a 50 mph high impact. There is a small bit of styrofoam inside the helmet and the rest is plastic, you might as well be wearing a watermelon rind on your head. Not much protection, but I still advocate it because anything is better than nothing. What really kills me is when I see people wearing nothing to protect their bodies. I see women wearing sandals and tank tops and shorts, I see guys wearing flip flops and shorts and sometimes no shirt! The most dangerous thing to a motorcyclist believe it or not is other drivers. They don't pay attention or watch what they are doing and get distracted easily and this leads to disaster. There are bikers out there that give us other bikers a bad name. They don't pay attention, they don't practice safe driving skills and act like idiots on the road. this is why we have a bad reputation and people don't like motorcycles. they get the most attention. I do love motorcycles and will end up getting another one. I can't explain why other bikers do what they do. I just know they seem to get more attention due to their stupidity. I have been on many rides with groups of bikers, we all obey the speed limit and the law, and we watch out for each other. Even doing this other vehicles will but us off, try to run us off the road, slam on their brakes in front of us, you name it, it's been done to me. So, please don't think it is just bikers that take risks, we have risks put on us, even when we obey the law, practice offensive/defensive riding and take our safety and the safety of others very seriously. I hope that helps a little bit.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
18 Sep 07
When I see a person in short and a tee with flip flops on I just want to fallow them and shake them. I want to show them pictures of my dads friend who was hit by a milk truck and what he looked like after his accident without his leathers on. My dad was in a full helmet and leathers and that is what saved his life the day the drunk hit him. Stupid kids on bikes to big give us all a bad name.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Sep 07
Oh I didn't mean all believe me I do know there are some sensible about it is just the ones that scare the Life out of me when they race past my Car all it takes is for me to loose control or something and that is what scares me they take to many risks
@Darkwing (21583)
17 Sep 07
Motor bikes are ok if the owner rides theirs sensibility, but alas, I agree, many don't, particularly youngsters. Nine times out of ten, they loom up from nowhere and when they cause an accident, it's invariably the other driver who ends up worse off. The motor cyclist is protected to an extent by his helmet, but despite the fact a motorist has to wear a seat belt, cars invariable roll, or "bounce" after impact rendering the safety belt close to useless in protection of heads, necks and limbs.
I don't know what else can be done to instill safe driving into motor cyclists skulls. They have proficiency tests and everything but still, there are the few who need to be whiz kids even in a built-up area, and breaking all speed limits. A lot of the older bikers are more steady and sensible... they don't weave in and out of traffic or try to jump the traffic lights first, much less overtake on bends as some of them do.
All in all, I agree Gabs. There should be stiffer tests, or something and perhaps a separate track on the side of the road, as with cycle paths, just for motor cyclists.

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I like to hear them Reav up as long as they have a Harley they sound so good.
but on narrow streets I do see where they need to slow down and drive safe.
Fast driving is for racing and the open road where ya can see for miles and miles with nothing else coming!
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@Eskimo (2315)
24 Sep 07
I've had two motor bikes when I was younger, the first I never had any trouble, the second (was a red one), and 3 times I had a near miss by cars not seeing me. Neither had a big engine, and I always drove responsibly.
If the bikes are racing along that road, then you should notify the police who should be able to do something about it, and also the local council who may put in speed bumps to slow them down.
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
22 Sep 07
Im with you. Id like to know why they ride so dangerously. But i will say that i know some that are responsible. I dont like bikes that much, i had a cousin killed on one (but this was due to a carspeeding), my brothers girlfriend was badly injured while a pillion passenger and lost a leg, and 12 months ago another person i knew was killed on one. Now iworry that my kids might one day get a bike and that will make me really worry. Some ithink just want to show off, but it is so dangerous, ido nt think they realise.
Best wishes toyou, gabs
@rainbow (6761)
17 Sep 07
We were overtaken by 4 that were racing yesterday and made a new lane between us and the oncoming traffic, it was scary!
If people have no respect for their oun bodies should they not stop to think that they may hurt a child when they crash or leave an accident behind due to stunts like this. They took the whole row of cars in and out down both sides like it was some sort of game.
I don't mind bikers in general as I know most riders are responsible and would quite like a quad myself but they moan about car drivers attitudes to them and then SOME behave really badly, almost as if trying to earn the reputation they dislike. The sad thing is that people in cars get hurt and you've less protection of a bike so you can get more hurt.
I think that most bike riders are sensible but as a car person I admit sometins they can be scary.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
17 Sep 07
I suppose it's just over-confidence on the part of the riders who take risks when passing cars and things. A friend who rides told me that he started out with the intention of being careful, but soon realised he was speeding etc and playing a dangerous game.
It's usually the case that unless they have accidents, motorcyclists confidance grows a lot faster than their riding skills do.
I must also say that a lot of car drivers don't look out for motorbikes, like that awful advert on TV, and cause accidents where bikers come off worst.
In response to the nurse/doctor who wrote about helmets and clothing. Those leather suits are ESSENTIAL for riding on the roads. You know how easy it is to rip clothes when you just fall over? When you're skidding down a road at about 50 in jeans and a t-shirt, you lose something like an inch of flesh every 10 feet. It doesn't take long to get down to the bone.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 07
Rhino I totally agree about Car Drivers to as there are the Maniac that are going down this road as I said I do not know whose fault it was at that accident it could have been either one but I am getting at the reckless ones that are racing down narrow little Roads like the one here and the ones that race in and out of traffic I fully agree with you on all that
As for the Leather yes it is but I see so many Boys racing down these Roads with none of that gear on
Hugs x
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@harris24982 (530)
17 Sep 07
i agree that a lot of people that ride motorcycles are a danger to others and the ones that make them louder with illegal exhausts are a pain even to me (and i love the sound of an engine but not when i'm trying to sleep) but in there place they are usefull no one can use "i didn't hear it coming" as an excuse for walking out in front of it
i dont agree that motor cyclists do not realize the dangerous game there playing
we do, i have always know that the next time i set off out on my bike could be the last and i except that as the way i have chosen to live my life,
but 99% of riders are very skilled in avoiding accidents, people stepping/falling into the road is an everyday event and we learn to act very quick to avoide this, because unlike car drivers if we were to hit someone in the street we would feel the pain too,
we have to be constantly on the look out for diesel spills rocks in the road pot holes plus 100s of other obstacles which can all cause us to crash,
after spending time looking out for a patch of diesel while doing over 100mph spotting a person/animal/car in the road becomes very easy to see and avoid,
when i'm out in my car i'm less likely to spot things so a lot of the dangers of motorcycle users are not as big of a problem as most would think
@mummymo (23706)
17 Sep 07
I remember the day it took you so long to get home sweety! Just need to say one thing - not all motorcyclists are dangerous or reckless - I know many who are very good, very careful drivers, 2 of my brothers and their wives ride motorbikes and are very careful but I also know the type you talk of - they frighten me quite badly with how reckless they can be - but if anything happened to them they would blame the car drivers for it! I have heard the noise from the cars and bike racing outside your house over the phone and cannot believe that the police do nothing about this before someone is killed! xxx
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I have never liked motorcycles myself, gabs. I do think they are dangerous in the hands of the wrong people. I have witnessed horrible accidents involving these machines, and one of my daughter's boyfriends was actually killed on one. Those who operate them always maintain that they are very safe, but it does not seem that way to me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Sep 07
It's not only Motor bikes, gabs...for some reason my street has gotten to be the Indianapolis 500 speedway....you have no idea how fast motorbikes, cars, and even trucks race down it...I keep thinking the same thing heaven forbid, some kid darts onto the street at the wrong time, or a cat or dog...the worse is when every once and awhile you hear a car slam on its breaks to make a sudden stop, and all I can think about is I hope to god there wasn't a cat crossing---there have even been a few crashes....One car crashing into one of the parked cars...and then they always speed away--leaving the "scene of the crime"
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 07
Oh I know Sweet that is what I was saying the Youngsters in their noisy Cars use it as a Speedway till about 4am in the Morning why did they ever make these noisy Exhausts legal I mean my Son has got one on his car but he now goes slowly so that it does not make a lot of Noise when he comes into the Street, a lot of telling of from his Mum lol but it worked and he saw reason that it is not fair on People
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I agree gabs, I think they're very dangerous too because they are. They have no protection against the body if in an accident. If I'm around one, I'd much rather they be behind me than in front because if they were to suddenly stop and I don't catch them I could run over top of them and that idea makes me sick to my stomach.
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@Stiletto (4579)
16 Sep 07
I know what you mean. Some people get on a bike and forget to take their common sense with them! Actually I quite like motorbikes - one of my exes was a biker so I've been a passenger on a few of them in my time. A bit scary but I did enjoy it. However, I agree it's dangerous when they do all that weaving in and out of traffic and also many of them just go way too fast. Sadly I've known three people who were killed in motorbike accidents and the even sadder thing is they were all only in their twenties. Such a shame.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 07
Oh no that is awful Stiletto I have not known anyone personally but seen many Accidents
My Son went through a stage of wanting one a few years back and I would not let him fortunately for me he came of the Idea when he realized how much it scared me and he started getting more Interested in Cars
@rosie_123 (6113)
16 Sep 07
Oh Gabs, I couldn't agree with you more. I hate them too. I admit I was pretty wild in my youth, but one thing I would never do was get on a motor cycle. I remember an ex-boyfriend of mine had one, and no matter how he begged and pleaded, I would always catch the tube rather than ride pillion. Not so long ago, about 10 minutes from my house, a similar incident to the one you describe, happened. The cae driver was critcially injured, but eventually survived. But the cyclist was killed outright - he was 19 years old and he left a girlfriend who was 7 months pregnant with his child. Such a tragic waste of young life. I support your views in this all the way.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 07
I know it is Rosie and I really do not understand why they do not realize this I know it is not always the Cyclist Fault but when I see them I just get scared for them because the way they ride them I mean one time I had a car in front of me on the M62 who to scare the Cyclist moved closer as he was passing I mean what was this Guy thinking that could have turned out really bad so the Car Drivers can be just as bad
@HomeFlower (987)
• Canada
17 Sep 07
I like bikes but I think many motorcycle drivers take unnecessary chances that risks their lives and others. We've seen two bike accidents - one involved two bikes where the one rider crossed the center line and clipped an oncoming car, wiped out and took the other biker with him and the second was a van that was making a left turn and cut the biker off. He went into the side of the van and it buckled nearly in half...... Now they do wheelies and other tricks; it's absolutely nuts.