My Theory on Homosexuality

@Nykkee (2522)
September 17, 2007 12:06pm CST
First of all before I say anything else let me say this. I do not intend to offend anyone with this, I am not really for or against homosexuality what people do is thier own business, if you are offended in anyway I am sorry, this is just my thoery. So here it is. I believe that homosexuality is the earth's response to human over-population. Whenever there is too many of another living thing ont he earth is reponds by reducing the amount of said animal with either disease or famine. The earth has made amny attempts to reduce our population over history. There have been diseases, like the bird flu, but we invent medicine and thrwart the world's plan. There is famine in some countries, but those of us in pletiful countries send them food and supplies and so those people live. And the human population continues to grow. Therefore I believe that homosexuality is the Earth's respose to this. There seem to be alot more homosexual people these day then there were generations ago, some say this is due to a greater understanding allowing the homosexual people to admit thier true needs. This may be true but I also believe that there are simply more homosexual people being born. Because froma completely natural perspective, and based on the human race forming monogamous relationships, homosexual people cannot create children, therefore slowing the speed of reproduction of the human race as a whole. Now I do not believe that homosexual people should not be allowed to RAISE shidlren, but I do think that they exist to save the world from over-population and therefore should adopt rather than opting for artifical insemeniation, because I think that is the world's plan. I also think that straight couple who cannot conceive should also adopt rather than other options because they too could be part of the world's answer. Plus there are so many children out there who need a home and in some way a homosexual couple can be more equipped to deal with a child who has issues from being in the system because of the unfortunate way alot of the world reacts to homosexuality still the homosexual couple may be able to relate to the crap that the child may have had to put up with prior to being adopted. So that is my theory. And I will say again I do not mean this in any negative way. I just believe that people are homosexual for a reason, it's not something that "just happens", it's all a part of the earth's plan for survival.
1 response
@elmer0421 (442)
10 Dec 23
I can't understand why gender becomes an issue in our society...Human personality is really complex..And having a good personality is really someone's good asset...Personality is more important than gender... And the issue faced by the world is actually mental health affecting so many families...We have heard so many children coming from broken families and it's something that should really become an issue.We also have a problem on teenage pregnancies.