People who pretend to be disabled!!!

@Feona1962 (7526)
United States
September 17, 2007 5:47pm CST
There is a certain person that claims to be disabled, but yet can do just about anything and everything....They get their cane out or crutches, whichever is needed at the time I guess..They go get all the free things, like food and such from shelters...When they get home they throw the cane or crutches down and unload the heavy boxes and bags by themselves...walking along very nicely without the cane...lifting heavy things yet they claim to be disabled and recieve disability...They put on a show for the public but once they are home they are doing fine...... I know some people who really truly are disabled and need assistance bad and can't get it...I just hate it that they can't get help when they truly need it... It really makes me mad when people say they are disabled but really aren't...I surely wouldn't want to pretend I was disabled...... Please give my your thoughts on this subject...
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29 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
14 Mar 08
As a "real" disabled person, I resent people who pretend they have needs that they (or their children)-people use their kids to get resources sometimes- don't actually need but those with real disabilities who might real help, like me are always accused of being welfare queens or whatever.
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@rebelann (113420)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Jan 20
It's totally unfair for people to do that. Maybe in time the government will become stricter about those benefits so that people who don't need them can't get them.
• United States
18 Mar 08
To my knowledge I have not run across anyone who has done this. Although, it would not surprise me that people do this sort of thing. I suppose a lot of the people who do this are dishonest people, crooks.
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@rebelann (113420)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Jan 20
You are right, those kinds of people are crooks.
@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I agree with you, I think it is totaly wrong for people to take advantage of certain situations when they are perfectly fine, it take away from people that truely need help
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@rebelann (113420)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Jan 20
I agree. It also irks me when perfectly healthy people get those handicap plaks so they can park in handicap areas, I've seen too many people who can walk just fine get out of cars with those in their windows.
@Jaytech (2251)
18 Sep 07
My mother is disabled, she has arthritis & is currently waiting for 2 knee replacements & I'm her carer, so it really gets my back up when people get all the aid that people like mum need. I am kinda disabled myself too, but it's an anxiety based problem, so as it isn't visible I often get told to pull myself together. If only it were that easy :(
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
9 Oct 07
It is so sad to see people do this,why? Are they that starved for attention?
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@rebelann (113420)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Jan 20
Ahhha, so that's their disability, they're attention starved.
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I think it's wrong. First of all, they put doubts in the minds of others, about those that truly are disabled. Second, they're probably getting stuff for nothing, out of sympathy, that should rightly go to someone that needs it. I don't understand why someone would do this stuff. I would never do something like that, I would feel so guilty. I think I would also be afraid that by pretending, I'd get bad karma, and become that way. lol
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@rebelann (113420)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Jan 20
I tend to think the majority of people would not do that but they aren't the ones who draw attention.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
14 Oct 07
Disability is never feined, it gets to be known and yes, there are people who use disabilty as a survival tactic and as a means to cover up their laziness. The Best a community can do about such a person is to expose him-he could simply be avoiding to pay taxes and cheat the nation! Expose him and have him assessed for his so called impairment by an independent medical epert.
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I have several conditions that keep me from being able to do all the work that i used to (which was in fact a lot), and they are simply not visible unless you are with me 24/7.I am also a normally happy person,so henever i explai n to anyone, that i have these issues and receive help for them, people do not get it, but they do not know the severity of these internal issues.I am happy, and do in fact do what i can for myself, but if people don't see you depressed, groaning and constantly reaching out for assistance, they think you're whacked.I know people do what you have posted about, and it's not right.It took me suffering nearly a decade to get the help that i receive as it is.I know my limits and what i can and cannot do, I just don't feel the need to explain them to everyone who looks a me askance.It's not their business.
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@rebelann (113420)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Jan 20
I didn't think of that, you're right. I know people don't know I have a blind eye because something like that isn't that obvious.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Sep 07
People like that need to be reported. I saw a show on TV where they were investigateing a person the was surpose to be disabled and the were washing vans and cars alot they were surpose to do. Drwaing money for that is very wrong . I have a friend that cant get on diability and she has to go to doc. all the time she cant work any more she can only eat some thing if she eats the wrong thing she is throwing it all up and cant keep anything down then her headackes start that make her so sick she cant hold her head up. Used to talk to her on IM but she cant set up long enough now to do it. and they tell her she cant draw.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Well, to be on disability or social security, the person has to see the doctor and the doctor is the one that fills out the form stating that person is in fact disabled. So you have to pass certain backgrounds to be on these special programs. I think it would be kind of hard to cheat, but I guess it's being done???? I do know that being disabled doesn't always mean you can't carry in your groceries and so on. I know someone who has chronic back pains, bad hips and a bad leg and they use a cane when they go out if they will be doing walking or standing. But when they are home, they don't use it as much, because they are inside and there really isn't a whole lot to do. As for doing what you have to do, if you don't have help, sometimes you have to carry your own boxes and stuff in. So just because they do one thing doesn't always mean they are lying. THat person can in deed still have problems, but had no other choice. I also know a mother of 2 little ones and she has back pains, she can't stand longer then 10 minutes, and doesn't do much outtings, but if she has to get food or things, she has to bring her cane. ANd if she has to, she has to carry her own stuff in. But she is in fact disabled. Don't be to quick to judge people. You really don't know the full story. Unless that person actually states they are faking.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I am not judging anyone. This person has told me what is going on...I did not ask..I do not want to be involved...It just makes me mad when those that need assistance can't get it...Thank you for your response.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Most of the times, they do this to earn health benefits. Maybe because they are broke already, that this is the only way they can't think off. Some maybe deranged, wanting to earn more money without working hard for it. I see some of them even caught for faking their disability benefits, as it's nice to know that they end up behind bars. Good thing we don't have these kind of people in our country, we know how to work hard and are aware that they won't get enough of money from doing it so.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 07
Hello Feona1962, I don't like people who pretend that they are disabled to get free stuff and sympathies from the public. They are ruining the chances of other truly disabled people who really need help. I can't imagine why those people are so lazy and prefer to pretend being a disabled just for the sake to get some help from us.
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• China
18 Sep 07
heh, which often happens here the city who i live right now, and i do hate people who pretend to be disabled for money. And actually i have gift at distinguishing the fake disabled people, normally i wont give money to the beggars on the streets, cause i think whether they are really disable or not, they shouldnt do this to make momney, and there are lot of good way instead of
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Apr 08
if they truly are just faking that is awful but again there are a host of diseases that do not show very readily but do make a person elgible for disabilty but I hate those who are healthy and just using the system and I guess there are a lot of them out there. It is just hard to tell sometimes. I am partly disabled as I cannot lift my left arm up more that ten inches but it doesn not stop me from carrying a sack of groceries just am not able to put them up on a high shelf but I do not ask for any disability help at all. I had a bad fall and smashed the bones in myleft shoulder that they had to do a shoulder joint replacement.
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
3 Apr 08
I know there are alot of people that have disabilities and you wouldn't know it...I do feel for the ones that can't help themselves...We do with what we have...But there are those that try to milk the system..and that is truely a shame...
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• United States
18 Sep 07
When I worked in the medical equipment business, I fitted many people with crutches, canes, walkers, etc. They used them for such a short period of time, just long enough to get attention or if necessary, disability. It fries my biscuits to see such fraudulant behaviors.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
18 Sep 07
I would not worry too much..Its only a matter of time before they are busted and they always are busted..Then you can sit back and have a great old laugh...That would be funny...
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@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Ugh! I think that's disgusting. It takes benefits away from people who really *are* disabled.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I have been accused of faking my disabilities because I get sudden severe migraine headaches, suddenly collapse, get ringing in the ears, sudden speech and hearing problems, or get sudden profound vertigo, and am suddenly back on the blind cane with vision distortions, on crutches because of having collapsed and injured myself, or using a cane because of pain shooting down my leg because of my back injury because of having collapsed. Although I am doing a bit better at the moment, I am still learning Braille and American Sign Language (ASL) because of my history of this problem, the fact that I still have some transient issues with all this, and the fact that there is no guarantee that the worst of this will never happen again. People tell me that I don't really need to learn the Braille and ASL because I am doing so fine at the moment. They don't know jack about what is going on. All they know is what they see, on the surface. Although there are people out there who really ARE faking their disabilities, I'd be careful about jumping to conclusions without knowing the whole story. There might be stuff going on that most people don't really understand. I'd find out more about what is going on before concluding that someone is faking it.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
18 Sep 07
AMEN! That was what I pretty much said. I'm sure there are people out there that are faking, but there are people that really have a disability and can walk just fine one minute and then be in pain the next. So becareful who you judge.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I don't judge anyone. This person has told me things, straight from their mouth about what is going on..I don't want to get involved...They told me, I did not ask... I just feel for anyone that needs the help and can't get it...My husband is in chronic pain 24/7 and has been for 18 years. I know all about the good days and bad days that he has... I am sorry that you have all this happening to you..Nobody has a right to judge you..You know who you are and what happens to you so that is all that matters.... Thank you for your response...
@alamode (3071)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I am disabled... back, hip, leg, feet, wrist. When I am at home, I do fine. I walk, I work, I do everything necessary to take care of my home. But when I go out, I need a cane. It helps me over unfamiliar terrain, and up and down steps and curbs.People are always surprised when they see me out because they don't realize the difficulty I have.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
3 Apr 08
There are people out there who are total fakes, and unfortunately, they believe that everyone else is just like them. I have a family member who is hideously crippled when its to her advantage... but its never a problem when she wants to go dancing! She's been after me to go to the mall with her... I haven't been able to go there in five years. If I could 'crawl the mall', I'd do it with someone who's company I enjoy!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Apr 08
I also have a bad foot and a bad shoulder on the left side and use a cane to help me walk even tho I can do fine inside my home sometimes people do not understand at all.
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• United States
18 Sep 07
My fiance's sisters husband is kinda like this, the whole three years we have been together he hasnt kept a job longer than a month. Something always happens, he gets sick, hurt, or somehting and they fire him, He always blames it on the company too. He has three kids two (one isnt born yet) with his wife and one with his ex. They live at my father in laws and dont pay any bills he just reacently got another job after like three months without one. It makes me sick and he wants everyone to fill sorry for him. I wish he would wake up and take care of his wife and kids
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