Should children learn to tolerate gays?
By tzvetelina
@tzvetelina (467)
September 18, 2007 2:01am CST
I'm starting this discussion because of recent events - in our textbooks of Etics there is an explanation that only heterosexual relationships can exist.There's nothing mentioned for homosexuals.Do you think children should learn respect to them as normal human beigns? It's not that I'm against them, but what example do they give to the little ones?
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19 responses
@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
18 Sep 07
Sorry but you said respect them AS normal human beings?? People who are gay are normal human beings! And I must say I also do not like your title because of the word tolerate. You say you are not against people who are gay but you sound terribly judgemental. I think we should teach children to have respect for everyone, weither they are gay or hetero, blue or purple!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Absolutely! I agree with everythign you said and as i mentioned in my response, I dont care for the whole "tolerate" thing either....
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@tzvetelina (467)
• Bulgaria
18 Sep 07
My opinion isn't important in this discussion,I just started it,I'm asking the question. By normal people I meant that I can accept them the way I accept everyone else,I didn't say they are mad or sick.Many people wondered what I mean by tolerance.Well in my country we're not tolerant that's the main problem.I knew it wouldn't be the same in yours but at least I tried to show what's the 'weather' like here.Do we tolerate their behaviour in public places and the effect they have on others - this is the idea.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I think that children should be taught and raised to accept the g/l/b/t people just as they do anyone else...We are NO DIFFERENT to any hetero's OTHER THAN the fact that we have a different sort of relationship than the standard...but we arent aliens or less than or unworthy of kindness, respect, understanding, compassion, love etc etc..."Tolerating" IMO ISN'T enough.....I "tolerate" a lot of things but cant stand them at the same to me to say the kids shoudl be taught to "tolerate" gays etc is more or less saying they should be taught to "put up with them" but not necessarily like them or be nice to them etc....Thats not right IMO..
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@rhinoboy (2129)
18 Sep 07
Of course children should learn to respect homosexuals like all other adults. I guess it's actually healthy for a child to know some gay couples. It would help them to realise that some people fall in love with people of their own gender and that it's not something wrong or shameful.
Of course it depends on the people you know. If the only gay guys you know are the type that wear pink feather boa's and put it out to anyone who wants it... they're obviously not a good role model anyway!
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Children should be taught to respect all elders (and all people in general for that matter), unless they attempt to harm them. It shouldn't matter if the adult is straight, gay, black, white, bald, man, woman whatever. If being gay is against your religious beliefs, you have the right to explain that to your children (even if I don't happen to agree); but that doesn't have to negate the message to children that we treat everyone with respect & kindness.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
19 Sep 07
That's essentially what I meant when I said, "unless they attempt to harm them". I suppose I could have been more detailed. I do think that we (child or adult) should first treat others with respect until they show that they don't deserve our respect. Most people, even if we don't agree with them in general, should be treated with respect.
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@murciaman (441)
19 Sep 07
sorry are much too generalistic..respect all elders...nonsense...there are all sorts of horrible and nasty people out there in the real world ..just becasue they are older does not command respect..teach your children to be tolerant and to beware at the same time..and give respect where it is due...
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@murciaman (441)
20 Sep 07
looks like we agree there is some hope after problem we have in educating our children is all the outside influences on them that colur their development..peer pressure, tv, movies,books, pc games,mobile phones,music etc...we can only try our best but i fear we are fighting a losing battle..todays society is sick and getting sicker by the minute.....i really do fear for the moral fibre of our future generations.....
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Promoting ignorance can only lead to increased bigotry. Trying to hide the fact that homosexuality does exist, and that it is a natural sexuality can't be beneficial. While I don't believe you should teach children what to think by making them tolerant, you should at least make them aware so that they can make their own decisions about it.
As for what example gays give to children, it's the same thing for gays as it is for straight people, for the most part. Gays are capable of making the same impressions and good examples as straight folks - the only difference is they're gay, which isn't a big deal, anyway.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
18 Sep 07
Kids should know of all the different types of relationship I agree with that. At what age???? I dont know that. I would not have a clue when kids can understand the whole concept of relationship and all that.
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@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
19 Sep 07
they are still human beings. so yes still respect them.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Yes, because homosexuals are just like everyone else, they cannot help who they are. They do not actually choose to be gay, it just happens. I have many gay friends and family members and I would tell my children, if I had any, to accept them as they are.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
18 Sep 07
If you're going to live your life out of a textbook, I suggest you get a new one, that one sounds pretty ancient.Anyone who loves instad of hates, is a great example to little ones.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
19 Sep 07
They should learn to tolorate anyone and everyone when it comes to things like that. The world is getting more and more people in it and they are doing many different things. It's kind of like asking should kids learn to tolorate someone of a different color then them.
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
19 Sep 07
why are you separating them or separating them to your kids?
I have 3 kids one on the way and my kids dont discriminate at all against anyone..including those with a different preffence..
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@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
18 Sep 07
With all respect to homosexual people, they are not normal. Heterosexuality is the 'norm'. Now that having said, there is absolutely no reason NOT to respect them. Of course they deserve to be respected, like everybody else. And that's precisely what I teach my children. The fact that we are 'normal' doesn't make anybody who doesn't fall into that category less worthy of repect. Now, should it be dealt with in textbooks? No, why? Where do you want to draw the line. Why not include mixed-race marriages as well? See, there wouldn't be an end to it.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
18 Sep 07
When you say not normal & not the norm, do you just mean in the sense that they are not the majority? That's accurate & I don't have an issue with that; but if what you mean is abnormal as in they have a disorder or something along those lines, that doesn't seem right at all. Midgets are not the norm, blue eyes are not the norm, etc- but they're all valid & normal enough variations of the norm- kwim?
Why wouldn't mixed race marriages be normal & respectable? It should be a non-issue, no different than an exceptionally tall person marrying an exceptionally short person. Perhaps note-worthy in identifying the couple, but just not a big deal.
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@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
18 Sep 07
Look, first of all, I made it clear that I'm not against homosexuality or mixed-race marriage. Now, the definition of normal is pretty simple here (at leat I thought so): sexuality was given to men and to creatures in order to procreate. Two men or two women do not procreate. I don't care about political correctness, let's just call things by their name.
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@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
18 Sep 07
Look, I'm not normal, I'm 1.96 (or 6 foot 5). People point me out in the street and ask me stupid questions. But that's a different thing. I'm not normal because MOST people are smaller, the same as most people like kids. Why don't we take away the emotional conotation of 'normal'? That's what I did in my original response to that post, I talked about the 'norm', Is it the subject of homosexuality that makes people get worked up? Isn't it possible just to talk about it?
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
19 Sep 07
No, I don't believe that children who are brought up to believe that it is wrong, like mine have, should have to tolerate it. the gay life should be lived in a private lifestyle and not publicly sent out. children do not understand, until much older, what exactly it is to be gay and they shouldn't have to. there are still being morals taught to children and i strongly am against gay and lesbian relationships. i do not allow my children to think or even be taught that it is acceptable.
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@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Why should people who are homosexual have to keep their relationships to themselves, but at the same time it is completely okay for an heterosexual couple to show their love in public? I am sorry, but what you basically said and implied is hypocritical and rude. It pisses me off that people think it is okay for a straight couple to hug and kiss in public, but when a gay couple even hug people are on their butts because it is ruining society.
My friend is gay, but he is normal as me and you. Why do you think it is okay for him to have to keep his relationship private from society? Yet, you think it is okay for a straight person to be able to kiss, hug, and maybe even make-out in public because it was acceptable?I feel like you are saying to your kids, "It is okay to discrimination against homosexuals because I do not think it is wrong. They need to keep their relationships in private. But remember, heterosexual people can show off their girlfriends and boyfriends to the world! That's acceptable."I hate ignorant with a burning passion.
Okay, so maybe you have a problem with the schools basically teaching kids that being different is bad? It is a moral. But a good moral. Whenever you want to believe it or not.
I want to know why you think being gay is wrong. Give me a good reason.
Religion? God made people in His image. People need to realize that religion should be about love and acceptance. Not using their damned beliefs as a way to prevent people from having certain rights.
Think it is not natural? Explain gay animals. Explain the gay penquins that raised a rock as it was an egg. Even after they got an egg they continued to raise that. Unnatural? No.
If you want to live in ignorant, fine. I just prefer having an open mind instead of a closed one.
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@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
19 Sep 07
And what happens if one of your children turns out to be gay? Are you going to say the same thing as you did now?
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
20 Sep 07
To respond to the both of you...yes, I strongly believe that a gay relationship is wrong. Have I had friends that were gay? Yes, I have and they all knew how I felt about it. I am not saying that you shouldn't respect that person. I never once implied that. I do, however, feel that it is not right for someone else to teach my children that it is okay to be gay. I am the parent of my children and not someone else has that right to do that. In response to the "what if one of my children turn out to be gay", I pray that that never happens and I speak out against that. I am a Christian and I do have strong values when it comes to gay relationships. God forbid one of my children did turn out that way. I would never accept that and, although i would always love my children, I would never condone or allow that person in my home. If you read the Bible, it IS WRONG. I have never mistreated or disrespected a gay person though. I pray for those people. Every one has their own beliefs and I shouldn't be critized for sharing mine, just like I don't critize you for sharing yours. As for me and my children, they will be brought up to respect everyone, but not to ever accept that kind of lifestyle. That is me and that is the way I raise my children in a Christian lifestyle. What you do is your choice. Don't down me for mine.
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@KisaMommy (132)
• United States
25 Sep 07
My children know that PEOPLE are PEOPLE, HUMANS no matter who they love. Be it a boy loving a boy, a girl loving a girl, or a boy who loves both or a girl who loves both, or just people that are "normal" a boy and a girl, a girl and a boy ect ect.
People are people, and have the right to love whoever they love. It's hard, considering my ex-husband hates gay people with a passion. I am teaching the kids better than that. Hate shouldn't be taught to children!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
23 Sep 07
Well, my brother is gay and he does not bring his lifestyle around my daughter. It is good to teach them acceptance of other peoples lifestyles even though you don't agree with it. There are going to be all types of different people in the world, working with you, studying with you at school, etc. I don't think they give children any more to think on than anyone else would honestly. I don't agree with homosexuality, but it is not for me to judge right or wrong, it is God's. I treat everyone the same, regardless of their lifestyle. Being nice doesn't necessarily mean being buddies and having barbecues!
@hannahlotski (377)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
Gays are also human and humans are not perfect. We have to consider also what good things they can do because as I have said, they are also humans. They can also be a president, vice president of a country. It's a disease that children tease gays all the time, but we can work on that and teach our children to respect them as human. We might also tell those gays that they should act the right way to be respected by others also.
@tenchiwei (146)
• Philippines
25 Sep 07
You have to understand that Ethics is based on society. Society has set boundaries on what to believe is right. It is a Utopian thought that there are only heterosexual relationships in the world. We can't force anybody to a certain mold. If we ourselves are heterosexual, how can we know that homosexuality is "bad"?
Moreover, I believe respect is accorded to everybody, not only to those who are considered "normal" by the status quo. I think children should be able to understand that people are not alike, that everybody has the right to express themselves. Parents should guide their children, explain, to the best of their knowledge what being "gay" means.:)
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I agree with most of the people on here, I didnt relize there was so many people that didtn care like me. They are people and it is compltley natrual to be gay Im sorry if you dont agree but it is they are born like that. Its like saying that someone born with both male and female parts isnt natural. then why the hell were they born with it? I'm not gay or anything but I do think that no matter what people should be accepted. The more you hide from your children when they are young the less they know. so thats what i think

@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
19 Sep 07
If a boy grows up wanting to wear dresses, then they are probaly transexual. Meaning that they feel like they are are in the wrong body. People are are homosexual are just like heterosexual people. The only difference that they might have is who they are attracted to. Some homosexuals might fit the stereotype, and some might not. Everyone is different. No one is the same.
But I agree.
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@murciaman (441)
19 Sep 07
Your analogy is completely errroneous.."why the hell were they born like that"...becaus it is a genetic defect..i.e ..not normal....normality is objective not subjective...gays are not normal and there is no escaping that..the fact they are not normal doesnt detract from their rights as people and their right to be accepted for who they are NOT WHAT THEY ARE...
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
19 Sep 07
if it is not normal then why are they born wanting to play with dolls and wear dresses when there a boy and if there girl why do they do guy things? like i said i know ppl wont agree with me. they are also born with more of the femine genes if they are male and if they are female they have more male genes in there dna. I dont think God would create it like this if it wasnt natural. and the thing about ppl born with both parts is natrual too b/c they are born that way how can you say its not natural if they were born like that its not like they chose to be that way. I have even seen dogs hump other boy dogs or the other way around and i believe i seen the same in other animals too. isnt that proof right there that it would be natural? Animals were the most Natrual beings on earth. If not then why does it happen? like i said earlier i dont think God would make it that way then say its not natural. they were naturaly born that way. I do agree with you a little bit though I know that some of them are not naturaly born that way and just get confused as they grow.