How can I stop my kids arguing all of the time.
By Scorpio2111
@Scorpio2111 (170)
September 18, 2007 1:25pm CST
I have a son of 16, a daughhter of 10 amd another son of 8.
The 16 year old is not very pleasant to them, especailly of to the girl. I thknk he is jealous of her, nothing she does is right by him. She is very clever whereas he is a bit lazy and 'middle of the road'. We don't make a bih thing of her being clever in front of him. He is so hateful towards her which upsets me as she adores him. Has anyone else out there experienced this?
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3 responses
@marabdl86 (615)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Reason behind this is your sons feeling alot of mental agony dealing with his problem. In a evil way, this is like him trying to scream out to everyone to hear "im sad and and i hate my life". That's exactly how I was. I know exactly how he feels and it's normal. Just do somethign that makes him happy. But most importantly do soemthign that's goign to take care of his problem, in the end he will be a better person because of it please belive me.

@Scorpio2111 (170)
23 Oct 07
Thanks for your comment. I don't think he hates his life, outside of home anyway. He has a lot of friends and he is very popular. He is out quite a lot but the minute he comes in, it gets difficult and I wish he would go back out again. We both try to spend time with him but he doesn't really want it now. My husband used to take him fishing, camping, out on his dirtbike etc just them two but now he doesn't really want to do anything with us, probably his age. He is a real misery. I tried to talk to him tonight about things he is doing, just taking interest really but he told me he was too tired to answer me. I felt like telling him to poke it. I know hormones are playing a big part in all this and girls!! But I just wish he was nicer to his brother and sister.
@marabdl86 (615)
• United States
23 Oct 07
whatever you do don't give him orders. That's the last thing he needs. Unless you want to see a nervous breakdown i said help him take care of his problem

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
18 Sep 07
It is time to "Kill 2 birds with one stone!". I advocate for you an old parenting trick for solving siblings fighting. You can cause them to unite and co-operate together by giving them reason to oppose and dislike you.
Of course, when they are older they will realize what you were doing and respect you for it, (hopefully). What am I talking about?
When the kids start to fight, do something like calmly tell them they do not have time to fight as they need to get busy with (pick one or several).
1) mow the lawn
2) wash the car
3) clean the garage
4) paint the house
5) fill in the blank with onerous chore requiring 2 people.
Do this evertime they fight. Don't tell them the chore is connected to the fighting. Let them figure it out. Soon they'll be "buds" together facing their new adversary (you!).
When they are old enough to understand, explain it to them.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I've never had any children unless you count the time I spent as a Rifle Platoon leader in the US Army. The difference between that and being a real parent is that all your "children" are teenagers and have automatic weapons. Somehow I think the two experiences are similar.
@Scorpio2111 (170)
18 Sep 07
Brilliant, I will give iy a go, you have had to deal with this one then?
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@bizmom (515)
• United States
18 Sep 07
im sure ur the type of parent as wel all are that needs to Settle the *fighting* or stop the fighting each and every time! well ... ur doing them more harm then good! ...
im one of 8 kids inmy family!! can u imagine he Gray hairs my parents have by now?... well only one parent does and ironicly NOT the one that delt with us on a REG basis!! my Mother is still RED!!
siblings do that to *LEARN HOW TO SURVIVE*
sounds sily but its true!! they have to learn how to deal with all sorts of people as they get older - beating up on, teasing, bashing, even smacking eachother is allaway of growing up!
if we settle all thier fights they will NEVER learn to handle the REAL WORLD!!
and the *crap* from thier childhood NOW is whats going to bond them!! u can always say hey calm down or if its gets out of hand of course take care of things but anything short of BLOOD i let them handle it ( with a third ear onit of course) now we only have two but girls but it can be like a FULL SORORITY HOUSE!! OH BOY!!
AND i want to add a bit here about the boy being older 16 - well hes not hurting her right? not bruising her or makingher bleed or anyting like that right just teasing!??
thats LOVE!!
strange, sick, twisted whatever u want to call it!
it is thier way of bonding!!
HE WILL be the first one to stand for her if a boy get out of hand! u watch!! he will be if not already protective of her - itll happen without him knowing it or admitting it!
My bro did for me which shocked me he was ALWAYS hitting mewith a towel hed swirl it u know and then snap it a me, my butt, belly u name it i HATED IT!!
But then i came home upset by a boy and my bro FLEW out the door to get him!!
( unfort hes passed away now - but i will NOW as i did growing up cherish those swacks on my butt!) lol
Siblings are a funny bunch! i only know so much coming from such a big family AND ALWAYS ONE BATHROOM i migh add!! lol
the both boys will as they get older! ullsee
so unless they are drawing blood and or hitting horrible bad on eachother smacking things like that that hurt then i wouldnt pay much mind - learn to *SWTICH it off or HALF* always half an ear on whats going on and laugh at the reast or u WILLbe gray way before uneed to be :) lol
Took me a bit but once i got the hang on it and calmed down reading or cooking or knitting ( yes i do that too ) i was easy! AND ull see they will *FIGHT* less they will see it DOESNT work U UP!! ( strange but true always more fun when moms getting *steamed*) LOL
so relax let them handle most of it on thier own!
*just my two cents*
hope it helped - im sure not made sence but... its true!!
@Scorpio2111 (170)
18 Sep 07
Thanks for that bizmom, yes it makes a lot of sense. I often think myself that I need to back out and let them get on with it. The 2 youngers ones (16 months apart) get on really well and are close but they have a good scrap now and then, they both come to me to tell the other one off, I get all stressed out, lose my rag and 5 mins later they are best buddies again. The older one does tease but he does get a bit nasty and can push them around a bit, he doesn't realise how tough he is compared to them and can hurt them sometimes, not blood or broken bones but I don't like them being pushed around. I am sure you are right and he would defend them quick as lightening.
I just get worn out a lot from it all.
@bizmom (515)
• United States
19 Sep 07
oh well then in that case with him being a bit rough then take him aside and say hey i love that u kid with ur sis but please remember shes a little and ur big - use that it HELP not hurt ok? :)XX
maybe ull see him trying to be a bit gentler :)
MY older one is SOLIDE!!! shed give any boy trying anything with her a run for there money thats for sure - so she tends to be a bit rough with her sister too whos about half her size- lol
ive told her much the same thing and she trys - but her sis can REALLY work her nerves lol - im laughing at them and with them :)XX
My mother use to let my bro & i have it out with socks!!
were would be at eachother all the time and in order to dispan the NOISE as well as my Brother losing his temper ( im older and would sit on him) she gave us socks to beat the crap out of eachother with - before long we were laughing out butts off :) xx so was everyone else too :)
( oh and with me sitting on him - i got it BACK 10 fold!! he grew MUCH bigger than me and well lets just say He got revenge!!) lol lol
is just TOO stressful to realy worry urself sick over siblings -they are GOING to fight argue, bicker, yell, slap, name call NO MATTER how much u yell at them or interfer - so why make urself sick and grey! :(
I intend to be a hopefully still sexy - Grama with MY own COLOR hair!! lol
GOOD LUCK - before u know it ul find urself laughing at them as ur *observing* more than interferring :)XX