Do You Like to be Photographed?

@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
September 18, 2007 2:04pm CST
I have always felt uncomfortable with being photographed. I can't explain the reasons behind this. I didn't mind so much when I was very young, but I find it less appealing the older I get. I have stacks of photo albums from the time my children were small through today. I have managed to remove most of the photos of myself from them. Does anyone else do this?
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45 responses
@hiddenwing (3719)
• China
19 Sep 07
For me, it is just so so. Whatever! But sometimes people want to take a picture with me. So far as I am concerned, it is not polite to refuse. Then,you know what? I delete the picture quitely if I don't like it. We should know that taking a picture may be a litte bad to our health since the radiation.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I've never considered that, hidden, but I suppose anything is possible. And, you're right, if we see one that we don't like, we can always destroy it.(:
• China
19 Sep 07
I may fell uneasy when taking a photo.But I indeed like taking photos to show yourself.As time goes by,you'll never like the one you used to be.So taking photos is a great thing to stop the running of time
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@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
18 Sep 07
well yes i love to take photos and have people take photos of me,only for the fact when my children get older they can look at all those pictures and see how mommy was and what she was like back then.i love taking photos of all my precious babies and my family and friends,but sometimes i will go thrugh some of my albums and pick the bad ones of me and take them out,and no one will know that they are are such a great person and im so sure you take lovely photos.take care hon.smiles.pattie
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Thank you, 3lilangels, and I do love to see pictures of loved ones and friends. Sometimes I will take a couple of hours and go through the old photo albums. I think my problem might be that I have not learned to love myself as much as I should.
• United States
19 Sep 07
thank you for best reponse my friend
• United States
19 Sep 07
There was a time in my life when I would hide from the flash of a camera. I now regret it. Pictures of me during important times in my children's life will not be there. My children will have to rely on their memories of me at that time in their life. When the camera comes out I am now the first to smile. It is important to leave a photograph to help bring a pleasant memory to life.
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• United States
20 Sep 07
That is a chance we have to take.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I understand what you are saying, Elusive, but I don't feel that we need a photo to remember someone who has been an important part of our life. What happens if the pictures all get lost for some reason?
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
18 Sep 07
Only a few years ago and the few years leading up to that did I not want to be photographed. I was overweight and hated the way I looked in pictures. Now that I have lost weight and am willing to have my photograph taken, it seems that I am the only one taking the pictures so I am NEVER in them. LOL!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
18 Sep 07
That could have something to do with it, patgalca, but I have been overweight for most of my life.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
18 Sep 07
No,I hate it..Im not very photogenic...If there is a camera, I run the other way..
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
18 Sep 07
That is what I have always thought about myself, Calais. I even feel uneasy when I go to the trouble to look really nice because people will compliment me and I can't see what they see.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
19 Sep 07
Thats a great idea..I should take a leaf out of your book....
@bizmom (515)
• United States
19 Sep 07
LOL LOL me too Calais!! oh i use to LOVE being photographed tho!! even all the way up to wheni was pregnant with both and family taking pics of my HUGE belly!! but then well - life, kids, stress,EX Horror hubbies, family crap - u name it takes a toll on a person!! ( not that i dont get it taken here and there but on the WHOLE I hate it! im just not happy with what I SEE! :( people can tell u ur pretty or whatever but its U that has to see what they see u know? so... Im just now *cleaning the cob webs out* getting myself back together again - with kids not needing SO MUCH of me - its MY turn now :) xx lol Im sure ill love it again
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
19 Sep 07
No I don't like to be photographed because of the way I look. Being overweight and in pictures, makes me look worse. Now and then I will if the picture hides most of my body and just shows my face then that is ok, but still, i don't like taking them period.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Thanks worldwise, just as well those photos are of just my face which is a lot smaller than the rest of me :) however I am working on it and have dropped one dress size. I still don't like being photographed though :)
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
If I remember correctly, maddysmommy, you were not fat at all in the photo I saw of you. I think you take a very nice picture.(:
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• United States
18 Sep 07
No I do not like to take pictures of myself I want let no one take pics of me there is no reason why I just don't like it I'm 48 and i bet if there are 10 pics of me that is a lot
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• United States
20 Sep 07
Lol that is what they tell me all my like my Dad called me hellcat so when I moved to La and started getting on line I just added the Cajun to it have a great day
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I'll just bet you are a Cajunhellcat! LOL
• United States
19 Sep 07
No. Pictures are like memories to me. I may not always come out looking good but it doesn't matter that much to me. I love taking pictures. And I love when pictures are taken of me. It's so much fun.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
You have a good point there, candiec. If you love being photographed, there is nothing wrong in that.(:
@zenmachado (1617)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I love to be taken pictures of. I wish I were a model so that I could be taken pictures of, and get paid for it. That would be a dream quite come true.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Well, zenmachado, you should go for it! If that is your dream you should pursue it. You never know, one day you might find your photos gracing the covers of magazines.(:
@raychill (6525)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I've never liked being photographed. I never know what to do and I always feel like I have a lame smile. I usually put on this big old cheese grin and stuff nowadays but I never smiled with my mouth even open when I was a kid. I think it definitely just feels awkward when you get a picture taken.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I know quite a few people who would disagree with you, raychill. Some folks just love the camera so much they can't wait to take the next picture. I've often thought that it must be great to love yourself so completely.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
19 Sep 07
It's a good thing I'm me and Not anyone else then isn't it? :) I think that some of the people who seem the most positive and happy and in love with themselves, really deep down aren't. But I don't know everything.
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
Hello! I'm a cam wh* hubby calls me that..LOL! I like being photographed and at the same like taking pictures. I'm like the family's official photographer as i'm good in taking pictures. I have loads of photos and all are in the boxes, old photos and new ones. From time to time I do look at them and laugh at my poses. When i'm not doing anything, when i'm bored i'll just take the cam and take photos of me, I even use my phone sometimes.*hehehe* I do take pictures of me anytime and anywhere. I just like it, maybe because I do changes my style from time to time, my hairstyle and my weight.*smile* ciao! c",)
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
You have such a great attitude, fab! It is good that you feel so great about being photographed. I hope you will continue for many years to come.(:
• United States
18 Sep 07
I used to love to be photographed when I was young. I now have a bunch of teeth missing and a lot of scars and don't care for it much anymore. when I take pictures of myself now it's because I either have to or someone close to me wants or needs a picture of me.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Yes, seahorse, time does take a toll. You must remember though that what you see when you look at a photo is only the outward appearance-not the beautiful you that is inside.(:
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• United States
19 Sep 07
that sounds great on paper doesn't it? lol
@rachsal4 (391)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I always find things wrong with every pic of me! I hate them all for some reason or another.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
You look very cute, rachsal, so enjoy it while you can. I just think that we are usually our harshest critics.
@bizmom (515)
• United States
19 Sep 07
thats so true!! our own worst critics!! :(
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I do not like to be photographed. I never have. I don't like the way I look in pictures. I am always too critical of every little detail. For that reason I would just rather be left out of the photos.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
That's something that quite a few of us seem to agree on, lilybug. We can be very critical of ourselves.(:
• Saudi Arabia
19 Sep 07
Generally no, I neither like to be photographed nor looking in the mirror, of course I do both but as a must not as something I like, I try 2 avoid being photographed most of the times....
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Thanks for the honest opinion, draven. I think it all comes down to personal likes and dislikes. We do not always know the reason why.
@beaniegdi (1964)
19 Sep 07
I understand that and feel the same. However I hope you keep those photos as in the future they will mean so much to your children and grandchildren. I am sure your children love to see pictures of you now even if you don't like them.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Oh, I am sure they have enough pictures of me, beanie, I just got rid of some that were not very flattering.(:
@molusk (857)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
Yes. I knew of one. She happened to be a former officemate of mine. She was nearing 40 yrs. old at the time, and was getting fatter, by the day. She confided to one of our fellow employees that she do not like to have her picture taken anymore. This came about because the employee she confided to was asking her for a latest photo as it was being requested by her sister in the States who happened to be a classmate and a close friend of hers. So, no latest photo was sent to her classmate. Instead, what she did sent to her classmate was a photo of her taken several years back when she was still sporting a sexy body.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
That is the height of vanity, molusk. When are people going to learn that if they cannot accept themselves, nobody else will? I am twice the size I was in high school, but I still take great pride in my appearance. It doesn't matter to the ones who love me what size I am.
@joshboz (1209)
• Australia
19 Sep 07
im also shy to be photographed because i know my face is not photogenic.hehehe. i dont think you should remove your picture because you are not comfortable with it. pictures are meant to remember people in special occasions so do not. your son and grandchildren will find your picture later. im very sure with that.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
My children have been looking at my face for 60 years, joshboz. I don't think it very likely that they will ever forget how I look.(:
@kellyalex (151)
• China
19 Sep 07
I also don't like being photographed when I grow up.In my opinion,memories is in my mind,and I needn't keep them by photoes.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I couldn't agree with you more, kellyalex. Our minds hold the best memories ever.
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
19 Sep 07
Yes I do like to be photographed,just enjoy it like that. Especially now, When I already have two cute kids, I like to be photographed together with them. So I can use it later for my documentation for the future.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I think it's great that you enjoy taking pictures, nyumix. One day it will be great to look back on those years.