Does Parentage Matter...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
September 18, 2007 3:49pm CST
What would you do if you suddenly found out that your Dad wasn't your Dad? Would it upset you? Would you figure it didn't really matter and go on with your life? Do you think you could handle it emotionally and mentally?
Years ago, a friend found out her dad wasn't her dad. He was on her birth certificate but he wasn't her biological father. The reality hit her so hard she ended up in a mental hospital for awhile.
I'm very proud of both sides of my family, my Mom's and my Dad's. I carried my maiden name for 38 years before I got married and took Hubby's and even now still use my maiden name for certain things. I think it would come as a horrible blow to find out something like that. I'd get through it but still...
Have you ever questioned your parentage?
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38 responses
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 Sep 07
It would be horrible to find out that my dad or mom wasn't my dad or mom.I wouldn't believe anything anyone would tell me.My parents taught me to tell them the truth, especially to them . So if I had found out that they were lying to me, I would never believe anyone.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
19 Sep 07
It would be a big upset, but I think that I would handle it just fine. My dad would still be the dad that I remember growing up. He was the one that was always there. I would still consider him my dad no matter what. He has earned that title and would keep it.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I'd prefer to say I am illegitimate. My parents told me at a very young age that I was adopted. My birth certificate reads as though they were my natural parents.
If I had grown up thinking they were my natural parents and found out later they weren't, I would have been extremely unhappy. Honesty is the best policy!
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
3 Oct 07
I wondered for along time.When I reached my teens I found out my mother
was having a affair.My older sister and brother have black hair and brown
eyes like our father.Then me and and my other sister have sandy hair and
and blue eyes.Mom has black hair and brown eyes,but they say it could come
from other generations.Only one person knows for sure.
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
8 Oct 07
I grew up with a stepfather, because I never knew my real father. He never made much of an effort to get to know me. From what I understood, he came to see me a couple times as a newborn, and never tried to see me, as I grew older. I wasted some time trying to find him when I was in my 20's, and found several men, by the name and age. I got one phone call, in particular, that I believe was him. He sounded very interested in my life, but said he didn't think he was my dad. My guess is, that since he wasn't married to my mom, that he figured that I was after some money, and didn't want to bother with me. So, after that, I just decided that I wasn't wasting any more time, and I haven't since. To me, even if you're not blood related, and the person has been good to you, and treated you as their daughter, then you are their daughter. Just feel blessed if you've been loved, even without blood relation.
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@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
8 Oct 07
Never had to. My father told me to my face that I was not his child (I was 8 yreas old then). However his tune changed when I passed to go to High School. To me it would never would have mattered my mother is the father I have known all my life.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I personally don't think it would impact me at all if I found out my father wasn't my real father. What make a man a father? A peron that was there to support you and your family, was there to dry the tears, was there to correct you ehrn your were wrong, was there to teach you to drive. The man that decided not to be in your life is justt a sperm donor and has no right to be called dad if he did want to step up to the plate from the start. So no if I found out now my dad wasn't my biological dad no biggie and I don't think if he wasn't I would go lookin for the real one.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Sep 07
My parents both managed to screw with my head so if I found out something like that I think I would go a little crazy.
I've just been sitting, thinking about things, lost in a reverie.
A lot of things have happened to me that shouldn't have happened.
I guess that I had it much easier than some though.
@AmberNormandin (883)
• United States
23 Sep 07
i'd be very mad for the fact that i had been lied to for many years.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
20 Sep 07
My mother treated me so rotten I would love nothing more to find out she wasn't my mother but I know that will never be the case. It's hard to admit I have never been kissed by my mother or told I Love You and I have missed that all my life but I keep plugging on. I guess it would hurt a lot to find out my dad wasn't my dad but again I know he was and he passed away at a very young age. If I knew I had biological parents somewhere out there I would immediately go looking for them because it couldn't possible be worse for me. In a case where you have been happy all the years I can see where it would not be a good news day. I am thinking however that for the news to be so devastating with the impact that it had on your friend then I assume she has weak nerves or is a very sensitive person. That's really too bad. Sorry to hear this. Take care.
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@syndibee (799)
• United States
23 Sep 07
i never questioned my parentage. i know my mom had never been with another man but my father.
though if i were to find out my father wasn't my biological father it wouldn't matter to me. it may have at one time but at my age now we have developed a very firm relationship that couldn't change no matter what happened. we are friends first at this stage. i respect and honor him completely, and if i were to find out that he wasn't my actual father i'd still respect and honor him knowing he's treated me just as his own my entire life.
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@littlemissh (235)
21 Sep 07
this maybe easy for me to say as i havent had to go through this but honestly, I think at the end of the day at this stage iny life it would not matter at all.I am 20 now and if this had been the case in my early teens i dont think i would have been as understanding. However i can honestly say that my dad ( who as far as i am aware is my bilogical father) is my dad no matter what .even if i found out we did not share the same genes it would not make a difference to me as he is the one who has always been there for me. Yes i suppose i would be angry that they hadn't told me the truth but then again i dont think i would really want to know, at the end of the day a father is more than a sperm donor it is someone who isd there for you no matter what.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I had such a wonderful relationship with my Pop that it wouldn't matter to me if he was the 'donor' or not. I believe that children 'belong' to those who chose to raise them, who were willing to do everything it takes to bring up a child with love. Just being around for conception does not make someone a father.
And any child lucky enough to be wanted by someone who doesn't have to want them should be grateful and content. Biology means very little, unless there's a medical problem.
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@nannacroc (4049)
20 Sep 07
It must be devastating to find out that the person who you thought to be your father isn't. Looking at it logically, the man who loved and cared for you as a father is the real dad, the other person is just the biological father. The problem with the logic is that it's easy for people who have never known the emotional trauma associated with this sort of thing.
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@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
19 Sep 07
The way I believe is this. A man who Fathers you, and brings you into this world, is a Biological Father.... But is This Enough to make him your dad? NO!
A Biological father, can create you, step out of your life and not give a crap what ever becomes of you again.
A Dad, on the other hand is a man who steps up, takes care of you and does all the things a father should. Hes the one who listens to your problems, and gives you advice and guidence through out your life. So what makes people think that someone can't be your dad, just because their not related, or never fathered the child?
Like I said a dad, can be anyone, who is willing to be there for you your whole life.
So if I found out my dad wasn't my father. Would I be upset. Not at all, because no matter what a peice of paper, with DNA results on it says, MY DAD IS MY DAD and thats all the Proof I need.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Having grown up without a father, twoey, I don't think it would bother me too much. I barely knew my real one. I was fortunate enough to be adopted by a great-aunt and her husband who gave me a very nice childhood. They have been gone for many years now, but I still consider them my mother and father. They showered me with more love than many real parents show their children.
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@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I would be disappointed and I would change my name since I wouldn't be his real offspring.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Yes it would upset me terribly but I know that isn't so because my mom hasn't been with anybody but my dad. Besides, I have my dads hair and eye color and his temper... lol I've my mom's phyical structure and a few other things so I know I'm theirs. But if I were to find out otherwise, I'd be upset but I'd still consider them to be my parents since they're the ones who raised me.
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@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
19 Sep 07
parentage does matter
if i found that my dad was not my dad it would crush me because i am close to my dad and not so close with my mom i live with my mom but it is only a place to lay my head if i founf out that my mom was not my mom would not bother me if i was my dad was my dad because i am closer to him then her its always been that way!!!!!
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