What The hell ?

September 18, 2007 9:02pm CST
It's quite boring these day. I don't know what to post for discuss and it's making me less interest of using mylot anymore. I also saw many repeated topic too. Please do come in and chat, maybe introduce yourself. Thanks for reading and response... God Bless
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2 responses
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
i've experienced this a few times. can't find any interesting discussions and sometimes I'm just not in the mood to post a comment. what I do during those days is upload pictures on some of my interests and then add some new friends. ^__^ hope you'll get over with that mood and I hope you can find some interesting discussions too. ^__^ hey, you can browse through my discussions and you might find something nice. LOL but I know you're already in some of my discussions so thank you for that! anyway, take care of yourself! ^__^
• Malaysia
19 Sep 07
Thanks for th caring... I'll calm my self down and think for a new interesting discussions to discuss about.
1 person likes this
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
hey alan! thanks for the best response pencil. ^__^
@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
19 Sep 07
hey, i know what you mean, somedays i find it harder to reach my post goal for the day because there is nothing much that interests me, seems i gotta dig and dig and it uses up all my time and I end up posting like 4 or 5 posts... Haven't done bad today though at least I have made it over twenty...
• Malaysia
19 Sep 07
Thanks to response and understanding. Keep up the good work yo !!