delicious food
duck egg
exotic food
filipino favorites
kinds of egg
only in the philippines
philippine food
By acmepride
@acmepride (1546)
United States
37 responses
@ggaaiill (196)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
When I was younger, I use to eat 3 duck eggs. :)I cannot exactly remember what I did feel after.
Last year, during my aunt's birthday, someone gave her " asodong balut" goodness they taste good, just dont over eat though specially if you have high blood pressure.

@acmepride (1546)
• United States
4 Oct 07
Thanks for painstakingly detailing the amazing recipe of such a mouth-watering balut, chef ggaaiill!
I hope I could properly cook it so that I could finally see for myself how really delicious this dish actually is.
Happy myLotting! ;)
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
3 Oct 07
If I may ask, ggaaiill, what made "asodong balut" distinct from the normal balut?
Where could it be bought and how much does it cost?
Thanks a lot in advance for your immediate helpful response!
Happy myLotting! ;)
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@ggaaiill (196)
• Philippines
3 Oct 07
to properly understand, here is the recipe. hehehe
buy 4 pcs balut, cooked. (from vendors)
30 grams fresh garlic
1 tbsp. oyster sauce, 1 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 dash black ground pepper 2 spring onion, 1.2 tsk garlic
Directions Remove the shell of the cookied balut and reserve the juice.
In the sauce pan, saut garlic in olive oil. Place balut and saut for a minute then add butter and oyster sauce.
Continue cooking, then add balut juice and cook until the sauce thickens
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@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
25 Sep 07
hi... i guess, a dozen, when i was in my childhood.. LOL... well, i guess because of its nutritional value jampack in just one small space...LOL... don't you know that fear factor used it as one of the taste test challenge they did a few year's back and they called duck's embryo.. other nationalities would find so darn gross but for us, we'll just say "pass the salt, pls." LOL... do you agree? ehehehe
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I absolutely agree with you, shiloh_222!
If only they have tasted this "so darn gross" Filipino delicacy, especially if it's dipped in vinegar and sprinkled with enough amount of salt, then they would surely know what they're missing.
Seriously, though, you could eat a dozen baluts when you were still a kid?! You're really quite something. lol... What did you feel after consuming a dozen baluts? Didn't your blood shoot up to the skies? ;)
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Now I understand. lol...
You must really have a great tolerance for so much cholesterol during your younger days, considering that you "never felt barfing or nauseous right after" eating so many baluts.
A dozen baluts and a pack of Yakult?! That's new. Did you try such uniquely interesting combination? lol...
I wonder how my stomach would react to Yakult and balut...
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@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
26 Sep 07
Actually, i never felt barfing or nauseous right after. but i wont eat that much anymore because i know how bad cholesterol is. but to assure you, i dont have hypertension coz of it, thank God... my mom would pair it with a pack of yakult. yikes, thinking back, how can she made me eat that much?!!!! what was she thinking?!! that was so unfair... LOL....
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
I guess I can down four in just one sitting, especially when it's hot and freshly cooked. I remember a friend of mine can counter that average of mine, but he does feel dazed after he finished eating them. But for me, I can still stand up and don't have any strange feeling at all because I'm used to it.
Balut is rich in protyeins, that's why it is referred to as "pampatigas ng tuhod." But it is also not good for those who have high blood pressure, because of the high cholesterol it also has..
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I could just imagine how dazed your friend could have actually been, considering the number of balut he consumed.
Thanks to you, raijin, now I know why it's widely believed to be "pampatigas ng tuhod."
Do you know, though, why some of those who eat balut claim that the white hard part of it is dangerous to one's health, and even allegedly causes cancer?
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
22 Sep 07
That would be great, raijin. If you could and if it's not too much to ask, kindly share with me your findings, after you're done researching.
Thanks a lot and Happy myLotting! ;)
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@a_ce_e (1422)
• Philippines
26 Sep 07
I like balut so much, i can eat five in just one sitting, but i choose the duck's fetus size, i doesn't like the big one, i like the medium size fetus and the fetus which is still covered with white. I like it's water inside, tastes yummy. Usually, i just put a little salt and pepper to taste or sometimes vinegar with chili and pepper. After eating, i feel so full.
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
26 Sep 07
What a very interesting way to find the duck's fetus size that exactly suits your taste, a_ce_e.
Just to clarify, though, precisely how do you determine whether a duck's fetus is simply a medium, and not a big one?
Thanks for enlightening me! ;)
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@onedollar (781)
• Belgium
20 Sep 07
is that eating duck foetus? I just think it's a disgusting practise, just my opinion don't want to insult anyone
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Exactly, onedollar.
Just to clarify, however, have you ever eaten one? If you have, how was it?
I am sure that you don't want to insult anyone, but precisely why do you think that eating balut is "a disgusting practice?"
Thanks for the clarification.
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Thanks a lot for illuminating your previous point, onedollar.
I do understand and respect your position as regards eating balut, even if I do not share your view.
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
20 Sep 07
jojobouy, when you were still a child and you still had the "guts" to eat balut, what's the most number you've ever eaten in one sitting?
What did you think of it?
What did you feel after eating it?
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
26 Sep 07
When you say that balut "was delicious before," would it be correct to assume that, for you, it is not anymore delicious now?
Thanks a lot, jojobouy! ;)
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Same here, elreen14. ;)
By the way, what do you find particularly lovable about "eating balots" and balots in general? What's the most number you've ever eaten in a single sitting? What did you feel after?
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Thanks for that interesting, albeit a bit quite disgusting (just imagine sipping the amniotic fluid of a fetus), piece of info, uuh4h708!
Celebrate today and Happy myLotting!

@ifinallyfoundmybaby (1742)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
nothing except iits real nice and i love eating balut . . it feels exotic if youre eating one .. which reminds me ive got to go get soem later this evening
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I totally agree with you, ifinallyfoundmybaby. Just a caveat, though, make sure to be fully aware of your cholesterol level. lol...
Simply out of curiosity, given your post, would it be safe to assume that you love eating penoy as well?
Enjoy eating your balut! ;)
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
21 Apr 09
It certainly must be.
That said, may I ask whether you still hold the same view to this day?
Thanks a lot and Happy myLotting, Modestah!

@lloydbelleza (1227)
• Philippines
9 Apr 09
One is enough. Two at the maximum. :D
I don't know why is it known as pampatigas ng tuhod. I am not so good with chemical compositions and nutrient contents of food. LOL.
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I perfectly agree with you, meaculpa. Indeed, eating balot in moderation could potentially have health benefits.
Just to satisfy my curiosity, though, after eating two balots, what do you feel?
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@kissieme (777)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
Hi, Acmepride
I can eat like 2 balut... I can't go over that number because I didn't feel good when I ate 3 before hahaha... my father usually buy balut for each of us when we were kids but my parents rarely eat them. My father had high BP and my mother is allergic to it hahaha... but for me and my other 2 siblings, woot! we love it...
When I was in college, during our hell week lol (exam week), we buy like 2 each to keep us awake at night while studying... And they work real good because even if we only had just about a few hours of sleep, we still feel energetic and great...
I think the balut was widely known like that because it is high calcium and protein but eating too much of it will result to an increase in blood pressure.

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@nvtellan (1907)
• Philippines
9 Nov 07
I used to eat more than one balut specially penoy when I was a little tyke. Now that I'm old enough to know what I am eating, I felt disgusted for awhile. Eventually, I summoned enough courage and began eating balut again. Just one is enough.
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
7 Dec 07
If that was the case, nvtellan, why did you feel "disgusted for awhile?" What do you find particularly disgusting about eating balut or balut itself?
Also, what incident, if any, prompted you to get rid of your disgust and summon enough courage to eat balut again?
Thanks a lot in advance for completely answering my queries and Happy myLotting! ;)
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
7 Dec 07
I haven't tried balut, nor do I intend in doing so. I can't bear myself to eat something like that. I'll just have the regular chicken or quail eggs please.
But if I'm a contestant of Amazing Race or Fear Factor I'd gladly do it for money! LOL
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Money...what a really great incentive to eat balut, or anything for that matter (if the price is right, of course). lol...
Thanks a lot for your honest post and Happy myLotting, wisedragon! ;)
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
21 Feb 09
That's sad to know, catbvq. I do agree that too much of balut (or anything, for that matter) is really bad.
Have a great day and stay safe!

@jarves (814)
• Philippines
8 Dec 07
Balut?? I have not eaten one. I almost ate one when I was a kid. I already removed some of it shells and was ready to drink the liquid that comes with it. When I saw all those feathers and the head of the chick I felt disgusted. That is why I will never eat balut.
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I see. That must really have been quite traumatizing for you as a kid, jarves.
Anyway, thanks for your honest post and Happy myLotting! ;)
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
10 Apr 09
liera08, I fully respect your firm position on the matter.
Since you've made your post quite a long time ago, may I ask if you still hold the same position to this day?
Thanks for your honest post and Happy myLotting!

@acmepride (1546)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Seriously? lol.. Kidding aside, though, balut is simply a duck's egg. It's really tasty. I suggest that you try it if you'll get the chance to. Don't you have something like it in your place? If ever you do, what's it called?
Thanks for your post and Happy myLotting, mujtabachang! ;)