Do you believe in Ghosts?
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
United States
September 19, 2007 3:28pm CST
Do you believe that ghosts exist or do you think its all in the mind? i think that they are real. I have seen things all of my life. One night I woke up about 5:45 in the mornign and there was something (it was a big man figure) standing over me I screamed bloody murder and told it to go away My fiance' said that he couldnt move to turn around and see what was wrong. When it was gone he was able too. I lived in an apartment and the next door neighbor who was getting ready for work heard me and said that five min. b4 i screamed his tv went womp womp womp. weird. We moved to this new place here recently and the same thang happend only a little diff i woke up at about 2:00 in the morning and saw a woman floating over my fiance' it didnt look like it was bothered by us or trying to bother us but it still startled me and i screamed it disappared. This one that im about to say im not sure where it came from its really weird i woke up about 6:30 and saw my arm I reached over to fill it b/c i couldnt and didnt fill myself touching it then it started to go hay wire. Thats when i reliezed it wasnt my arm and it chased me out of the bed and was flopping around under the covers. I ran and turned on the light and it was gone. this one really confuses me. these are only some of the things taht have happend to me in my life time How about you. do you have any experiances?
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16 responses
@g3raldin3 (169)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
im not sure if i do believe in ghost. probably, bad spirits. i have a lot of experiences about this before when i worked abroad. in our dormitory there are a lot of weird things that happened. when my roommates told me about it, i just laughed at them and told them it's just their imagination. but there was one night, when i woke up around 2am. i saw a black woman sitting on my friend's desk. i thought it was my friend, when i greeted her, there was no response from that woman. and then i just realized that my friend shouldn't be in the room because she is in graveyard shift. i didn't told my roommates about this experience. then, a week after that, i was sleeping, and i thought my roommate woke me up by pulling my left leg. i was like half-asleep, half-awake that time. when i look who's pulling me down, i cant see a face. all i see is just a shadow of a woman trying to pull me down. i fought back to that woman and prayed while doing that. it was like im in a bad dream. later that afternoon, when i woke up, i a muscular pain on my left leg. while i was dressing up, my roommates noticed a bruised on my legs, it is as large as one fist of a man. my roommates asked me how did i got that bruise, i really dont have any idea. then i remember about what happened to me earlier, in my dream. i told them about it, and they were so shocked because they said, its the same lady they saw also anywhere in the dorm.
on that same dormitory, there were a lot of talks as well of a black guy wearing hat and black coat and slacks. they call it a blackman. i dont believe when i heard about those stories as well. there was one time, when i went out of my room to go to my friend's room who happens to be in the 3rd floor. my room is in the 2nd floor. that was like around 4am (we are usually awake around 11pm-6am, especially if its our day off, a lot of us are working graveyard shift). while i was walking on the hallway going to the stairs, i saw a man approaching me. i wasn't thinking of a blackman that time. i was actually wondering why there is a man on our floor, when that dormitory is exclusive for girls. i thought then that it's the security guard doing his inspections. but our dorm's security guard has a white uniform and blue pants and doesnt wear a hat. but the man approaching me looks like a magician with all those black clothes he wear. i didnt go back to my room. instead, i continued walking and then look up to the man. he was so tall, i felt so cold when he passed through me. after about 10 steps probably, i look back to check if the man i saw is still in the hallway, and there he is going inside our room! that was the time i decided to ran going to my friend's room. when i was already in my friend's room, i got collapsed. my friend was so worried to me, because she said i was so cold and so pale when she opened the door and then i fell down. she asked me what happened and told her the story. she said the man i saw was the BLACKMAN. we confronted our chinese friend about this, and there was a group of chinese who went to our room. they're like "bad spirits fighters". they told us, our room is like a gateway of those bad spirits. so they put like a red thing in our door. after that one, we didnt feel or see any bad spirits anymore.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I heard b4 that the black ones are negative and the white ones are positive but im not sure if this is true. If you let it know the next time you see it whos boss and all that it might leave you alone. Like tell it to go away and never come back. You will fell a negative energy coming off of it if it is negative. Or this always works for me i did it when i was littler and they never bug me if i reamember to do it every night. Imagine a ball of light sorrounding you when you lay down to go to bed and put all your energy in it for protection. Imagine that ball of light as much as you can and try to see it. make it spread as far as you want it. this might work.
@twallace (2675)
• United States
19 Sep 07
what school are you and and where is it located. You have to find out the history of the school and the dorm that your in and the land that it's on. There is alot going on with where you live. Ask the oldest person that works on the campus about the place. Some times it has a lot to do with those that have not rested and people places and things are on the property and that can make them real mad. Then if you find thoses like the lady in your room that you thought was your roommate you have to ask questions you might get answers from them if you listen. let me know
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@twallace (2675)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I thing that ghost are real. Have i seen them no but i get the chills all of the time like something is around me. Some times i get the chills like someone is touching me or giving me a hug even when i have long sleeves on. It happens under the covers too. But i don't talk to anyone about it they will think that i'm crazy.
Have you ever thought that the person it trying to commmunicate with you and keeps following you around. You have moved enough times and still there is someone there. As far as the thing under the covers, it sounds like a little dog or something that was trying to get your attention. IF you cut on the lights you see nothing and it is always in the dark that this happens. Try one night when it happens again to talk and see how it responds to you and if it tries to communicate with you. let me know.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
19 Sep 07
tahts what i want ot do but waking up and seeing it over me scares the hell out of me b4 i can think. lol. i will let you know if that happens though and i do fell chills and stuff to like the other day i havent even fell asleep yet. on my way to bed i senced something and when i laid down it was like something kept running its hands over my hair and face i felt pressure for a second and all night i felt it waking up periodicly looking around but not seeing anything.
@twallace (2675)
• United States
19 Sep 07
you have to try if they really wanted to hurt you they would. YOu have to try even if you are scared that is the thing that makes them go away. I would live to have that happen to me to see what they would say all i get is the chills and the feeling that someone is there but i can't see them. I get the weird dreams that don't make sense and i just wake you when they get to strange. Try anyway and let me know. Good Luck
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@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
9 Jan 08
Yes and ghost are really exist in our world. Yes I always believe in ghost and I believe that there are many spirit surround us in this world. And I believe also that the spirit of our love are here in our side to protect us and guide us everytime we are in trouble and I know that there are spirit that are bad and there spirit are good.
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@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I believe in ghost allthough I have never seen any. I get creepy feelings though like someone is watching you. I am getting that feeling right now cause reading these scary stories have freaked me out
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
24 Sep 07
yea that part is your mind i think when you hear a ghost story and you "fill" something. but other times is something else oh scary. LOL
@hershey_h01 (55)
• Philippines
7 Oct 07
i started living in a dorm whten i was thirteen. i should have stayed in the school dorm, but i wasn't used to sharing with eight people a room the size of a broom closet. i knew dormitoires were supposed to be crowded but not that crowded. so i looked for another played to stay in.
i found a government dormitory, one reserved fro government employees attending seminars and long conferenced. because of the residents of my dorm stay only for a few weeks at most nobody's there most of the time except me. it gets kind of loneky living in an entire building alone but on gets used to it.
i was sill in the process of getting orgaized setting schedules and following them, when a ghost first appeared in the room next to mine. the ladies occupying the room were shrieking as they ran out of the door in thier nightgowns. and i was left wondring whether to join them outside or go back to sleep. i finally decided to sleep. i learned that it was the best thing to do.
most of the participant in seminars who live in the odrm complain of night mares or feeling ghosts rocking thier beds in the middle of the night hearing doors locking from the outside and seeing the storied white ladies.
i had my share of similar experiences. Once my landlady complainde that my radio was acting strangely. almost every time, there was a power blackout i woud hear somebody crying under my bed. i never got the guts to look under my bed. sometimes when i was brushing my teeth before going to sleep i would see a long white dress reflected on the bathroom mirror.
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@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
18 Jan 08
I think that when we refer to something as "real" we generally are referring to things that are, or have the potential of being, shared experiences. It's real if everyone can take it in with their senses. But there are things that exist that don't fall into this category. Things that are personal experiences and are not necessarily shared by others. These also exits, although they may not be "real" in the sense we usually use that word. Ghosts fall into this category. Let me give an example.
If a person experiences such phenomena, then who's to say that they don't exist just because very few, if anyone else, has shared their experience. Dreams are personal experiences that are not shared with others. Are they also not real? If a dream or a ghost sighting affects the person's psychology to the point where it influences important decisions, is that not a real phenomena?
Ghosts are real. What is their true nature? Who knows. But lack of understanding is not a good enough reason in itself to deny the existence of something.
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@butterpecan (688)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I really don't believe in the word ghost but if you call it a spirit then you have my vote. I too have never seen one but sometime I get this chill when I'm alone not only that I hear someone calling my name when I know that I am alone it very very freaky but I really do believe in spirits so you have my vote.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
yea actually the word ghost comes from something else meaning guest. but i agree with you.
@mandalashir (70)
• China
20 Sep 07
I don't believe in ghosts.Although I've heard many people said they met such things,even including my grandmother,I still believe there are no ghost.I only believe what I see.Maybe one day I will see a ghost,thus I will believe in.But I hope I won't meet it.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
LOL yes seeing is believeing. Sometimes I wish i didnt see.
@jeanne94668 (478)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
i do believe in ghosts. though i can't see them i can feel if they're around. i'm just lucky that i can't see them. coz if i do, i think i won't last or stand it. i might faint or even die. i've experienced a lot with such things. it seems that in every place that i rent i can experience weird things.
there was a time that i can feel that someone was tapping at my sides, i thought it was my husband who was making fun. so i just let it be. when he wasn't saying anything i turned around to see. then my daughter said, "why mommy, someone tapped you? there's no one." i just nodded to her question. and she was right no one was there. seems that my daughter can see such things.
then one time we were all in bed about to sleep. then i felt a hard tap on my head. we were only 3 in the house. and we were all laying side by side. no one can tap me on the head. andthe lights are all off so it was dark. i just closed my eyes and told everyone to go to sleep.
how can you explain these things?
@gesell03 (173)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
i have seen many and felt many and i am not the only one who have seen this ghost , other people did and with the same description, others might just call it fiction or rather demonic, but in this vast world of possibilites i can never close the possibility that they do exist, only that why do we fear them, what if they are just really there just like us.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
i agree. i try not to fear them but its kind of hard when you wake up in the middle of the night and bam something is in your face. Anyways My fiance always says what if it is a diffrent plain of existance overlapping ours and we sometimes run into each other.
@kaerfaima (103)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
I don't believe in ghost because I haven't seen any. Sorry, that's all I can say. hehe
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
i agree if i never seen any i wouldnt believe either seeing is believing you know.
@locksmith (106)
• Venezuela
20 Sep 07
Nice question, I'm a guy of science but I completely sure that ghosts exist. I experimented something like you one night, I was sleeping and something woke me up, I recover the conscience but I had my eyes closed when I felt something strange (something like when you put your arm close the tv) and then I opened my eyes and I saw a old man like at 2 mtrs from me, beside my room's door, I look him for like 2 sec and I get petrified, then i closed my eyes and turn around...seconds later i felt that sensation very close to me ( i think he pass by my side) and then it gone. Days later I had fear to see where i saw this man, so i moved my bed and all my room. Also I saw something in a friend's house, like a figure... i didnt care about it in the moment but then my friend saw something in the window and told me about that ghost in him house... Some many things that you see in the night probably is and ultrasound or infrasound thats is altering your sight but theres another ones just unexplainables :S
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Yea i believe some of them are not real they are in the mind or something. But yes some are real and it is scary. I wish i could get past that b/c I would like to know if they want something or if they are just as curios about us as we are about them.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
LOL well i think as long as you dont believe you wont see. Or maybe one day you will see. You just never realy know do you
@Zhukov (106)
• Norway
20 Sep 07
No way ghosts are real, i always tried to figure this out, but "cold chills" "glimses of figures" and all this are just mental, and its kinda obvious when you think about it, a guy over here who went crazy and saw donkeys wherever he went lol, so seeing some ghost aint that supernatural.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Great opinion and i agree that some of them are mind set but some arnt but that is my opinion.
@xboxboy (5576)
19 Sep 07
i believe in ghosts. my mom says our house is walked by the spirit of an old owner who murdered his mother and wife.
he smothered his wife with his old underpants and killed his mother with his homemade mushroom soup.
my mom says if i wear the same pair of underpants for more than two days on the trot, old man jakob will come and suffocate me in my undies!!!!
i sure never had dirty underwear,i can sure tell you that!
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
19 Sep 07
lol i think this is just a way for your mother to make you not wear dirty underwear. but it could be true
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
I do. I have a lot of supernatural experiences with ghost. They say, you can only see ghosts if you believe they are real. But never in my mind I entertained the thought of seeing them. They just po-up and were able to see by naked I am not afraid of them because they did not hurt me at all. I just felt scary but I pray a lot.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Sep 07
yea it is kind of scary and its hard to get passed that part I'm not even passed but would like to be so i can experiment with talking and stuff. I think it would be cool