
Sad - naugot ko sa gnhimo sang myLot ah. lecheee. kaulugot gd ya
@sr0415 (1140)
September 19, 2007 9:36pm CST
Just seconds ago, I was reading all the comments from my previous posts: "my first myLot payment! Yipeeee!" There were 30 responses. I finished reading the first 20 responses and clicked on the 3rd sets, BUT..... (ting!) myLot showed me the message that the "discussion no longer exist due to violation." Argh! What was the violation?? I know the rules - that discussions must not be duplicated. But, it wasn't duplicated! (Yes, there maybe some who also said about their mylot payment here. I was just sharing mine! Urgh!) I was even saying something about my plan to forward the money I received from myLot to a foundation. ---- It's just a good thing I had a copy of the discussion and I had the email notifications of all those who responded. But... (you know) I'm still sad. I mean, (my gosh!) I am online and "still" viewing the page when it was deleted! Grrrrr! What an attitude to just delete my post right on my very eyes! ---- What a way to start my day huh! --- I was planning to start another article on positive attitude. But, I think I'll take a "cool" for now. I still feel down about what had just happened and what mylot administration did just seconds ago. I'll get back laterz...
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17 responses
@alansmile (284)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 07
Don't be sad,my friend. I think them must have one hell of a good reason for delete that discussion. Anyway... congratulation again for the paid. They should be a "warning" before doing that. What do you think? Will you email to the admin?
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
hi alansmile! You're right. There should have been a warning first. I'm not sure if I should email the admin about it. I just do hope that they would send something first to the user - and tell about their 'what-to-do'...
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
Unfortunately, they didn't. And I had just known that my discussion was deleted because I was reading it. Then when I was browsing through the comments, the page automatically showed me that "it was no longer available."
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• Malaysia
20 Sep 07
The admin didn't send you any email about the deleted discussion,did he/she?
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Unless you said something against the guidelines it was probably a glitch in the system. You could write to admin. and ask them about it. If there is nothing wrong they will put it back. Not to worry.
@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
hi ctrymuzilvr! Surely, I didn't write anything which was 'against" the system. Since the day I've been a member here, I encouraged people that myLot is a friendly environment/community - and that people here are really willing to help another person. I hope that they would if I do make a move to ask them to put it back. sigh...
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
hi everlasting! I didn't state any amount in that post...
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@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
20 Sep 07
if i dont mistake, new rules of mylot that we prohibited declare how much we already get in mylot forum. if you did it, so automaticaly your topic discussion will be deleted by mylot administrator. for my own self, i little bit disagree about this rule, coz its fair to express our happiness when we reach our minimum payment. well, its just my opinion coz mylot administrator has the absolut right to delete our topic discussion.and ya, i m sorry to hear whats happened to you. i believe i face the same condition with you coz i ever made similiar topic discussion, just to express what i feel
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
Thanks for understanding, plumwish07! I didn't put any monetary value in my deleted discussion. I just expressed my happiness and excitement upon receiving the email notification.
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• India
20 Sep 07
Don't feel sad friend it is happening with every buddy here! As because mylot is just deleting post in a bulk they just never see that is really the post is having violative material or not! they are just deleting it ontinurously! And i think it will be a greater reason why every buddy is leaving Mylot!
@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
hi there! :) I love myLot in a sense that I am learning in every discussion that I make. And I also appreciate the friends that I was able to meet through this site. :) However, it's just "devastating" to know that my discussion was deleted, at a time that I am also viewing it! Urgh! But I won't leave myLot because of this. I'm still staying. I just don't like what they did - I felt like there was no decency in that.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Sep 07
You should have sent them a message asking what the violation was, sr0415. If I knew for certain that one of my posts had been deleted, I would want to know the reason why. I was making a post once and they warned me about a word that was a violation, however my post was not deleted.
@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
Hi worldwise1! Unfortunately, I didn't receive any email notification or any warning that they will delete the post. Some said here that they delete it because I mentioned a monetary amount. I didn't. I just expressed my appreciation, excitement and happiness when I received my first ever online payment. (and it's from myLot!)
2 people like this
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
oh, that's really sad! I am a new member here. I've been a member for just about 3 hours! again, that's really sad! I also can't wait to see my first earnings! :) i guess that would be very exciting! I kinda cherish all the firts in my life! :) But yeah, what happened to you was sad...but you could email the admin and check with him of what happened. Well, i believe that's a first for you right...though just not something to celebrate right? I hope you are ok now... :)
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
hi there! A heartily welcome here on myLot! :) myLot payment was the first online payment that I got, because this is the ONLY site that I join which pays. I really love to write and share my thoughts, so I believe that mylot was a great place for me to do such. Getting paid was just an added bonus. The payment was not that BIG. But even if it isn't, I really appreciate it. And actually, I would not use it personally. I'll forward the money straight to the bank account of a foundation here in our country who helps the unfortunate ones. Happy myLotting!
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
It's really sad, I also have a couple of discussions that were deleted before. So I asked mylot about it, they told me that it's better if we are more aware of the guidelines. The violation may not be because of the words you said, but of what the post is made for. I've read on the "Do's and Don'ts" that we should not post discussions concerning about the earnings here, may it be about the algorithms or figures that can somehow decipher it. To help you more about it, I'll two links that concerns this matter..
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
21 Sep 07
ACtually, I think it is in the guidelines that you aren't supposed to discuss mylot payments as a mylot discussion. Sad, but true. The other thing is, try not to get too upset about it. I know it stinks, but mylot doens't have a warning system, nor do the y seem very responsive sometimes. YOu can try emailing them, but I think when a discussion gets deleted, it's gone and there isn't much to do but move on. I'm sorry you had one deleted!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
8 Oct 07
that is so sad. i'll be mad too if that happened to me. especially now that i have posted a similar discussion to that of yours that got deleted. ^__^;; maybe someone there typed a prohibited word. geez, i wish my discussion about my earnings wont be deleted!
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
Oh that's indeed sad,but i think the best you can do is e-mail mylot and then ask them why it was deleted when you think you have no made any violations..they'll hav ethe best answer for you I'm sure. For the mean it off..yeah and I hope you don't lose that drive to still post positively here in mylot. Have a nice day ahead girl..don't let that one not so good incident ruin your day..ok? God bless!
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
Hi cefaz_21! I'm more calm than this morning when I wrote this post. :) So, I'm back on track and on posting more discussions. Thanks for understanding and being with me in my sentiments. :)
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@subathra (3519)
• India
20 Sep 07
Thats bad..I know you are really down now.Even i too posted a discussion last week about my payment through paypal and offcourse more discussions from other mylotters about receiving payment.I dont find any violation and i wonder why your post was deleted. we just share our happiness and i have found many new users write that they are motivated after reading my discussion.Hope you write this to mylot admin..and keep going enthusiastically as before.. take care friend..
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
Hi suba! :) You're right. I just expressed my happiness and appreciation when I received the email notification. Anyway, I'm feeling better than 20 hours ago when I posted this discussion. I'll get back on posting new articles. :)
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• Philippines
25 Sep 07
Hi there buddy, what's been up to lately? Well, it's kinda disappointing indeed if it's happened on me. I think you better contact the admin and ask them about it, and ask for explanation if you really did a violation or if it's happened that the discussion that been deleted is one of those discussion that randomly deleted here. Have a nice day ahead and happy posting and earning here in myLot. Godspeed, Kiko
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
22 Sep 07
Sorry that this has happened. I remember reading this one, and i think i responded as well, but being deleted before your eyes. Thats shocking! Well i hope your day improved after that.Best wishes to you, sr, and takecare
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
awww, that's so sad! what could be the reason that it happened?! i would have love to read that discussion, being new and having just signed up here yesterday. but it's good to know that we could actually earn here. best of luck to you :)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Sep 07
Have you since read the guidelines to see where you went wrong?
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Sorry to hear that sr0415. I know of other discussions that have been deleted when they announced their first payment received and such. SOmedays its ok and other days its not, don't know why either!
@andyliuzn (1029)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Sep 07
Well, so sorry to hear that. You might report this to mylot and see what really is happening and give the same reason to them and see if they could have the topic back. Andy