Help Stop The Dog Meat Trade!!
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
September 19, 2007 10:53pm CST
I just got this email from The Humane Society of the United States, and it's all about the Dog Meat trade that is still very much alive and well in the Philippines, even though it was supposedly banned and made illegal back in 1998.
On their website you can sign up a petition to help eradicate the dog meat trade once and for all...won't you consider helping here?
There's a video on there to watch...NOT pleasant and graphic--it does show a rescue though where over a hundred dogs were crammed in a very small it is discovered, by the rescue team, many of these dogs had collars on them and suggested that these dogs were stolen from their owners
So please...consider signing this petition and thanks!!
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21 responses
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I made sure I signed the petition first before responding so consider it done! Another signature added to the list. I'm an avid animal lover and always will be and cannot understand how we humans can be so cruel but we can. I know, some of us aren't but why are others. It's a question that we'll probably never know the answer to.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Thank you for signing the petition. Yes, the human species is notorious for cruelty, even to our own species as well...What is so hard to believe is that as it says in the video that the rescuers found that many of the dogs had they were someone's pet
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
You mean even with a micro chip you haven't been able to find your one dog? That's odd.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Sep 07
That is so sad. I hope they figure out who they belong to and are able to return them.... that is if they had a good home. I'm missing two dogs myself, they went missing back in Nov of '06 and haven't seen them since. A spayed female german shepherd who is now 2 years old and a spayed female black lab who is now 1 year old. I just pray to God that where ever they are they're in a good loving home. The shepherd has a microchip. I was working on the lab but....

@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Ok seriously... who eats dog? That's sick! I won't even go near anything with bypoducts for myself or my cat, let alone feed me or her dog. Gross. If it wasn't raised by Old McDonald and doesn't "moo", "oink" or "cluck"... it ain't going in my tummy. I freaked out and vomited after an ex told me the burgers he'd made me were elk meat... and it was like 6 months later that he told me. So thinking someone eats dog on purpose, well that really messes with my lunch I just had and keeping it down. Gross. Gross. Gross. Seriously... omg people if it comes down to that you're so broke as to having to eat Fido, GO VEGAN!!! I wouldn't eat chicken for like 5 years after watching all those PETA videos until organic and natural farm raised meat came out on the market. Now all the meat I buy is natural farm raised, it's more expensive but it's worth it both in taste and treatment of the animals.
And yes... I'll sign the petitition.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Thank you so much for signing the petition--Oh, yeah, I've seen the PETA videos too, especially the chicken one and Kentucky Fried Chicken one and how the chickens are "raised" I'm not exactly a vegan myself, but I have cut down on eating meats....and I never eat pork now...don't laugh, but ever since I saw that movie Babe, I just can't...LOL...and deer! I'm part Native American, and my one Native side, the Crees, were heavy deer eater, but you could never catch me eating deer...Bambi thing

@pendragon (3348)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I got the same email and wathced he horrendous video. Already signed and sent it to everyone I know.And/Or don't know,lol. Thanks for posting this.
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I;d love to hand a have in making it stop.It;s truly an atrocity.One signature at a time,but I'd love to go there and stop the trucks and raid the markets.I so wish I could.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Thank you for signing the petition pendragon!
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Although I find it rather grotesque and it makes my stomach do flip flops even just thinking about it, having dog meat was part of their lifestyle, and just because I didn't like what they were doing and think of dogs as more along the lines as a family pet (rather than food), it's a different country with different interests and tastes of food.
I do hope that it stops one day, and I do commend what the humane society is trying to do, but though I care about dogs and animals alike, I draw the line at trying to change a different countries culture or lifestyle. Even with the letter stating that now most of the people in the Philippines are against it, I'm not there and don't truly know what other people are thinking.
It's just like people have turned your basic farm yard animals into pets, but we still eat them without much of a thought towards those that have befriended these animals.
Just my two cents worth, Yes I will defend animals all I can, but won't if it deals with a different style of culture no matter how grotesque it may be or how much it may offend me. Just how I am and how I was raised.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I agree that we are talking about a different culture and lifestyle here, but I think it's different when many of the dogs the rescuers came across had collars on them, meaning that they had been someone's pet and stolen--can you imagine how the owners of those dogs must feel, knowing that maybe their dog was stolen for the "meat" market?
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I do understand it from an owners perspective. I would be seriously ticked off. I can understand trying to protect the owners from having their dog taken and slaughtered, and why I didn't see it that way yesterday is beyond me, but well I wasn't in my right mind as it was. As soon as I am done posting here I will go back to the site and sign the petition.
I have to keep a constant watch on my dog when I have let her outside to play, or go do her potty thing. Because the threat of having one's dog stolen is a rather big problem in this area, especially for those who own Beagles, even mixed Beagles are taken. They aren't used for eating purposes though, more on the lines of hunters take them, than once the hunting season is over they let the dog go to fend for itself.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I can't not understand how people can be so cruel to animals. This video made me cry, and anyone who can do this to dogs doesn't deserve to live. I know that it seems harsh to say that about human life..but seeing that video, those poor dogs crammed into that cage. Those people don't deserve to live. Someone should club them over the head!
I wish I could save dogs like that. I want a HUGE place, with a lot of land where I can take in dogs from rescues like this, and give them a nice, loving home. That's my lifes ambition starting now. Now I just need to find a way to get rich fast!

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Thank you =D I would be very happy if this came true! =)
No I did not know that you could get grants for starting an animal,,,sancutary place hehe. I wouldn't even begin to know how to search for them though! X.X
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
That sounds like a very wonderful ambition there Lily! I hope your dream comes true..Knowing you and how you have such a love for animals, you deserve this goal to come into reality...did you know there are certain grants one can try for, if you have plans as a pet rescuer?? Give it a go :)

@ashikkalam (187)
• India
20 Sep 07
Shouldn't people be satisfied eating all the chicken and beef in the world.Why eat dogs?Well humans are the weirdest specie on earth they eat not just to satisfy hunger or their senses,they eat to satisfy all their weird fantasies.Its sickening to hear about dogs being abducted from their loving homes to be butchered and served in front of greedy guys who would eat a hippo if they felt like it.
And i hear it happens not only in Philippines but in other parts of the world also but in a smaller scale.
There is a really crazy festival somewhere were they go around the town collecting cats to be cooked and served to the whole community.How crazy can things get?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Oh, yes, I've heard of those "specialty" restaurants too, where one can eat "exotic" animals..For what purpose? It's sickening.
@ashikkalam (187)
• India
22 Sep 07
And specialty restaurants speaking of which i feel like puking.There are restaurants for the VERY VERY RICH where they can get any living thing walking creeping swimming or flying on this earth on their plates.There are supposedly exquisite items like giraffe soup and rhino chops.Better not speak about it,but very little can be done against this as they involve real big money and big shots.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
20 Sep 07
I find this practice truly repulsive, but, that's because I own 3 dogs and the thought of them being on my dinner menu sickens me. Unfortunately, we can't begin to understand here, in the comfort of the western world, how horrible some other parts of the country are. There's extreme poverty in parts of the Phillipines, and I'm sure, given the choice the people would much rather have a grade A steak, but, that's not their reality. So, I can't condemn the people for a practice that's been part of their culture for generations. I did however, sign the petition just because I find the whole thing personally horrible.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
In some oriental countries they eat cats too! What's really sad is the fact that the dogs the rescuers found, many had collars, meaning they had been someone's horrible for that pet owner!
@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Sep 07
OK - well I admit I didn't watch the video - I am too squeamish and weak-stomachesd for such things these days. But I have seen many like that before - including a disgusting one involving cats that gave me nightmares for years! As a vegetarian I deplore such cruelty towards any animals - whether dog, cat, or innocent cow or lamb. Sadly while people think they are somehow superior to the animal kingdom these things will happen.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I have seen a few videos about cats too, and like you, even though I saw it years ago, I can still "see" it as if it were yesterday. Yes, mankind does think he's superior...I sometimes wonder though
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Sep 07
That is just so sad, pyewacket! I was truly appalled. There are too many cruel and greedy people in this world. I have signed the petition and forwarded the message on to a friend. Thank you for the heads up.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Thank you worldwise, I'm glad you signed the petition and sent the message to a friend of yours
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
20 Sep 07
This may sound horrible but if they used dogs that where stray or dogs that where not wanted then I see nothing wrong with it. I know how can someone eat a dog? I have never partook in eating a dog but in a country where there is little food they will eat anything that they can. I know we have an over abondance of dogs and cats in the USA and people are not responseable pet owners and have their dogs fix. I do not want my pet taken from my yard. If they just took the dogs that where not wanted. Why not take the over abondance of dogs and help people who do not have food?
pyewacket I know we differ on this subject. I am sorry we disagree, I do not want to hurt your feelings. I am not trying to attack you or be nasty and I am sorry if it is taken that way.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
No, I'm not taking it the wrong way there...and I can perhaps see your point about stray dogs, but in the video it did states that the rescuers found many dogs they rescued as having collars, meaning they had been someone's pet that was stolen...I think that's a bit
It's really no different from what goes on in this country...many people will steal dogs (and cats) and sell them to labs for experiments, subjecting that animal to a lifetime of torture and hell and pain all in the name of science, and for that person to make a few extra bucks. Many will even go to a shelter, "adopt" a pet for a few bucks and turn around and sell it to labs to get a minimum of $300--having known numerous pet rescuers myself, I'm all to aware of what goes on, and it isn't pleasant
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Yuck. That is something I shouldn't have looked at before breakfast. I hope that they are able to reunite the dogs with their owners.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Maybe I should have put a warning sign? Yes it is gruesome..and I hope they can reunite the dogs too with their owners
@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Sep 07
This cruel trade must be stopped. I hope that these poor dogs are save and given back to their respective owners. Hope we eliminate this dirty trade soon.
@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Hi pyewacket,
I am a member of HSUS too so i got the e-mail too. I really can not stand these kind of violences and didn't watch the video. And don't suggest to other people as well. But thanks for carrying the subject over here. you are a great animal lover. There are bunch of people here always work for animal rights. Thank you all!!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I'm glad to see a fellow member of HSUS...they do try to do a lot of good, so it's nice to know someone is on the side for animals, since they can't speak for themselves
@enru246 (89)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
I'm saluting of what Humane Society have done responsibilities endued on stopping cruelty on animals particularly dogs. And I'm very thankful despite that They're from a foreign land, they have the grace on helping and providing a great contributions in our country indeed. Ashamed on what my other countrymen have done. They're the people who has no significations of love to animals. I really condemned...As a Filipino citizen I will act and support the campaign even in my little own way. Surely I will be a watcher and will report that cruelty immediately to authority once encounter...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Thank you ever so much for your support in this enru246....Its so wonderful to know that you are against this cruelty as well...thanks again!!!
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
22 Sep 07
Cultures just vay from region to region-we eat monkeys and baboons, some peole eat scorpions and crocdiles, but eating a dog is a bit some degree of cruelty-dogs have been part of man-they connect with us, they hel and defend us, eating a dog is very much inhuman, it got to be stopped! It is like eating your own relative!
@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
20 Sep 07
I watch the video and was horrible.I can't even thinking how some people they can do such things or can ea dog meat.Be sure that I signed the petition and I hope more people see your post and do the same.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Thank you aidonia....yes, that video was terrible and I do hope more people though become aware of this situation
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Sep 07
I'm kinda glad the video didn't work...I don't think I could have handles it.
Just the thought of the cruelty makes me ill. I feel shame and disgust that alleged fellow human beings do this kind of thing. One hears about it but deep down you hope it's not true.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Oh my Goodness. This was very hard to watch. My emotions ran the gamet from rage to tears. I wasn't going to look at it, but I had to know. My heart goes out to the people who have lost a family pet, due to these horrible, horrible inhumane people. Hope they rot in H*ll, all of them. I'm glad however, that there are people who are trying to help these poor animals. Is there no end to animal abuse? It is a shame that this abuse goes on everyday. I signed the petition as well. Thanks pyewacket for brining this to our attention. this is something everyone needs to know about.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
20 Sep 07
Hi Pyewacket, this is really terrible, and this should be abolished and forbidden and the once doing it should be jailed at least :( My heart is crying for this poor dog dears, and what theyhave to endure while waiting to be slaughtered. At times I am ashamed, so ashamed of us , the so called humans
I saw the video and also sent the message to a few friends of mine, and thanks my friend for pointing me to the site
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I'm glad you also sent this message to your friends. Thanks ever. Yes, we "humans" are supposed to have intelligence and call animals dumb...beginning to think the human species is the dumb and uncaring one for the most part.