Just Shut Up if you don't have anything GOOD to say! duh?

Don't ever talk non-sense! - agree or agree? hehe
September 20, 2007 9:30am CST
Agree or Agree? hehe I mean like, stop messing up with other people's lives with your crazy thoughts and unwanted speech! As if they need those! duh? For me, i just don't understand why there are certain kind of people that keep on telling things that surely a mess ONLY for the rest of the people! Just shut up you have nothing good to say to others! And open your mouth if you have realized it! Agree or disagree or AGREE? hehe=P
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17 responses
21 Sep 07
My mother always said "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all"
2 people like this
• United States
21 Sep 07
I agree with you ! To many people worry about other people and they should just look at their own family, or their self, instead of talking garbage about others. But like I tell my kids, just don't listen to them, because talk is free and they are going to do it all the time, so just ignore them, as long as you know the truth don't worry what others say !
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@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I agree too, lot's of people say things which makes your eyes roll and gives you a headache... lol It though just in person it's all over including the net.. Just the other day someone said a dog was smarter than a human... OMG I almost feel off my chair.. I personally want to meet these smart dogs and see what they can do that us human can't.. Things like that just make me think umm I rather not say.. But your so right if people don't have anything good they really shouldn't talk...
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• Philippines
26 Sep 07
I would like to meet those "smart dogs" too! LOL Thanks my dear, such a pretty girl..=)
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
26 Sep 07
well my friend i totally agree with you,some people just love to talk and say nothing but bad stuff and just go on and on,kind of like the energizer bunny lol,so sometimes you just have to tell shut up,and if they ask why then say because i said so.take care.pattie
1 person likes this
• Philippines
26 Sep 07
If they ask me why, i'll just tell them that i said so? WOW! hehe nice one! love it! Thanks for this response lovely angel=)
@eliezl (610)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
true sometimes its best to keep things by urself rather than blab continuously and end up hurting others... we should know and learn when and not to keep our mouth shut... =)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Yeah, it considered as being a TACTFUL person. Considering 1st what will other people feel or react if you say something. Thanks for the response.
• United States
21 Sep 07
I agree people say stupid unnecesary things way too often! I tend to space out when they talk it makes it easier and not as annoying! I am very honest though if someone is being completely retarded I have to tell them to shut up!!! Why can't people be interesting and hold a decent conversation?
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Why? Well i think you have mentioned the answer already my dear... It's because yeah they are retarded.. Oooppsss hehe And those people really need to get a life indeed! And if i can give them some, i would love to do that! lol Thanks for the response!
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
25 Sep 07
i agree, with it
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@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Agree. I am constantly surprised at what is left in some of my discussions. It's out of the blue and not necessary. I usually get it deleted, but what's the point of even being that way. I hope they aren't like that in person.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Ehem, is it about your discussion or my discussion here? LOL =D =P What's up Amber?
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
agree or agree? AGREE. hahaha. some people love to talk and talk about other people lives too.
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
AGREE, AGREE,AGREE! I hope all of us learn to shut up when we don't have something good to say.It would lessen conflicts and disagreement. Sometimes even unwanted opinions and ideas just don't fit right, I mean if you weren't asked then don't give your opinions,might as well keep it to yourself. Yes, we have the FREEDOM of Speech but we have to know our limitations.
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• United States
20 Sep 07
I am right there with you. I know to many people like this. Again, I avoid them.
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• Philippines
22 Sep 07
I just tend to do the same thing as well but, it's just that.. I always encounter so many people like that and it feels like, i wanna give them a life! LOL Thanks for the response buddy!
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
22 Sep 07
Hi vash! I really agree with you on this. Some speak some kind of words to people without caring to know if it contribute positively or nagatively to people. It is far better to keep our mouth shut and saying things that not relevant. When a fool shut his mouth, he is always respected, but if a wise men open wide his mouth, he looks like a fool. Thanks
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• Malaysia
21 Sep 07
Agree! I wish people would just shut up and think before they speak. Sure, not everything that comes out of our month is good, but at least do consider other people's feelings. If you're just trying to mock others, then don’t bother. Unless it’s something good to the ears or constructive criticism then it’s better not to say anything at all.
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• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Hi there, i've just seen you just now. Or you just changed your avatar, didn't you? hehe Anyway, well there are certain kinds of people like, being TACTFUL and TACTLESS. Tactful people really consider what other people would feel about on whatever they will say. And Tactless really doesn't care at all as long as they want you to know what they feel, and don't even consider your feelings. Thanks for the response, keep them coming! Godspeed
• Malaysia
20 Sep 07
1,000 percent AGREE and no reason for DISAGREE. Actually you have to say these words those fellow; JUST SHUT UP OR I SHUT YOU UP!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! :::michael:::
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Haha another nice "shut" from you my friend. LOL Thanks for the response! Keep it up and Godspeed!
@irene_27 (542)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
Agree. If you're just going to say garbage better shut up. Less talk less mistake. This is especially true during arguments and fights. I would suggest to those who has quick tempers and nasty tongues to follow this rule. At the height of our temper oftentimes we don't have control over what's getting out of our mouth that at the end we regret doing so. When this happens it's sad because those hurting words can't be taken back anymore. Damage has been done already.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Jul 08
vashstampede hi yes I also agree if You cannot say something good, dont say anything at all. I only speak when someone asks for my advice or my opinion andI do' try to give correct advice or honestly tell my own opinion about something. There are times when what you say in return t[p someones plea for advice is not goodas I would never advise 'a battered woman to just stay and let herself keep being'hurt in that case I tellher to get out with her kids while she has time and seek a battered womens sheltered this is sound advice but its not flowery,its damned real and very scary to be in this situation. but that is the time for tough talk, not sweet talk.
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
28 May 09
i do agree. we must be sensitive to ones feelings. so if you got nothing nice to say to a certain prson, just shut up! youmught hurt his/her feelings you know. its better to be frank and good at the same time on dealing with people like that. that are not sensitive and are people who are so bad.