What is your religion?
By Riette
@Zorrogirl (1502)
South Africa
11 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Sep 07
Well, this has been done before, but I can never resist them. =P
I am a Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan. What that means is that I follow the religion of Celtic peoples before Christianity came to their lands. Mostly my own focus is on Ireland because that's where my ancestors are from, but there are some Welsh and British ideas and deities that I've been involved with as well.
My religion is polytheistic, meaning I believe in multiple Gods and Goddesses. I have one Goddess that is most important to me, because she was the first to speak to me. She is primarily a war Goddess, and so my path tends to be a warrior's path in many ways. I am constantly protecting others, essentially, even at risk to myself.
My religion is highly focused on personal responsibility and honor as opposed to the ideas of sin and salvation. I am expected to make choices based on the effect of my actions on myself, people around me, and the world. If I do something that has bad effects, I know I will have to face consequences. However, since our afterlife is one in which people continue to grow and change, it's not "eternal punishment" or anything. It's just learning. =)
Other things about my religion: belief in a spirit world, belief in the power of nature and respect for nature, a strong emphasis on both scholarship (since there is no single book or epic laying out the whole religion for you) and personal revelation. It's not really the easiest path to walk, to be honest, but it suits me. =)
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@palina77 (1177)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I read your whole response. One question to know in my mind that religion is came from our Creator (God) so who reconstructed your religion? Your Gods or Goddess or any priest of your religion? I am Roman Catholic Christian but leave in a country where majority is other religion so I cannot study our religion much. I respect all religious peoples too.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
21 Sep 07
you forgot to add that yea most was oral but the none oral they tried to burn it all so that there would be no more. Messed up huh they killed anyone that was a freethinker and didnt agree with them and burned anything that was freethinking or didnt agree with what they agreed with.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Sep 07
Well yes, you are correct, but I was trying to not sound like I was bashing anyone. Historically, though you are quite correct. The things that were written down about my religion were either burned or "twisted". Many of the stories were recopied by the monks to include Christianity, even though they weren't Christian stories to begin with. That's also how many of the holiday traditions and even a Goddess (who became Saint Brigid in Christian terms) got absorbed into the Christian religion.
There was a lot of violence involved on the part of the Christians in wiping out my religion... but I want to make it clear that I don't blame modern Christians who weren't even alive at that time for things other people did in the name of their religion. My husband is Christian, so I like to make very sure I make the point that I'm not anti-Christian just because I'm not Christian, or because of what happened in history.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I am a christian Seventh day Adventist. we believe in following all the ten commandments and we follow the first one by worshiping on the Sabbath whic is Saturday, The seventh day of the week. we also believe in following the health laws of the old testament such as not eating unclean food like pork. We also believe in baptism by emersion.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Many seventh day adventist don't eat meat but some do. Not waering jewelry is not one of the most important things about the Adventists. The important thing is that they follow all of the bible. There is no chosing which verse to follow.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
21 Sep 07
i have read and heard a lot about the 7th day adventists. one of my friends goes to that church. they eat no meat and dont wear jewelry.
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I attend Church of God 7th day they are not messianic or adventist but keep Saturday. I attend for fellowship. I also attend 7th day church of God they keep the Feast of Tabernacles which I beleive one should attend.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
21 Sep 07
very interesting. what except the day makes it different than others?
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
21 Sep 07
I am a Christian and I think it is such a briliant idea, it would be very interesting to see. Btw the other thing we talked about they have a new facility for people with dial up go and have a look (jy sal dit baie geniet en daar is baie SA ook ek mis jou daar)
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
21 Sep 07
thanks for response. me too. and i shall try again. thanx again for reminding me.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
21 Sep 07
i also consider catholics as christians in a way. but there are differences.
@nadinetannous (138)
• Australia
21 Sep 07
I am a theist.
I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I believe in Allah. I believe in the gods of Hinduism. I believe in all higher beings who promote peace. I believe in an afterlife and that every human experiences this afterlife in their own way. I believe in the Ten Commandments, only because it is common sense to follow these laws as they are basic human rights.
I believe in both creation and evolution; and I believe the missing link never existed. I believe what I want; and as long as my beliefs don't harm another person, then I shall continue believing what I may.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
21 Sep 07
well i guess you have something you believe in. i could never believe in different things. i need order. but that sounds unique.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I walk an eclectic path when it comes to religion/spirituality...and I'm more Spiritual than I am "Religious" by a long shot..I really dont care for Religion at all..I think its damaging and holds one back but thats just my personal opinion from life experiences.....
My path is a blend of old Witchcraft (NOT to be confused with Wicca)/Paganism, Buddhism, Vodou and Native American Spirituality...
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
24 Sep 07
we have a small group near our town who practice witchcraft. but they are active satanists. for my own sanity, I believe in God and Jesus. thanks for the interesting responce.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
18 Oct 07
Were you aware of the fact that satanist do NOT believe in Satan? Look it up! Just wondering because you said that as though it was them worshiping your gods opposition. When in fact they only worship themselves. It is only because of the word "Satan" that many think it is of Satan when in fact it is not. I mean not liking that is fine and all but just want to make sure it for truth and not speculation.
Just wanted to clarify.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Sep 07
I am a Christian. To get into more detail, I am a Calvinist Christian, in that I believe that God chose me from the beginning of time and I did not chose HIM.
And I do find it amazing that the first one answering your response was an Atheist. Maybe I should ask the question, why does this happen?
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
21 Sep 07
well i am Christian too. protestant. i think it has something to do with calvinism and Lutherans.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
21 Sep 07
ok, if i were to put a label on it i guess it would be a pagan which is the worship (or whatever you want to call it i dont realy like that term) of nature. I believe that god and the goddess is part of us all and we are all connected to each other and to nature around us. I believe that in our own way we are all gods/goddess's. I study anything and everything including the bible and take what my heart tells me is the truth. I am always growing and always will grow untill i reach full Enlightenment. I do not do ritual (i just havent got the want to yet) and i do not pray ( just never realy felt that i was talking to anyone) What i believe today may not be the same tommorow b/c i may find new truth which will only bring me closer to my full Enlightenment. This is how i believe.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Sep 07
*nods* Everyone does have their own path, and there's really no need for you to do anything you don't want to or aren't comfortable with yet. =)
I think it's great that you were able to find a path that works so well for you. =)
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
21 Sep 07
yea i like the way you believe too. My fiance calls up gods/goddess's too i havent tryed that yet, I want to to see what comes up but like i said i just havent realy had the want to yet. I use to be baptist intill here recently when i met my fiance and reliezed that there was more out there than that and that that more is way more understandable to me (might i add that everyone is differant so everyone has there own calling and some peoples calling may be differant). Even when i was a christian i never realy felt anything exept one time when i was realy down in the dumps and i went out in the woods it brought a real calm over me.
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@Ramsakha (205)
• India
21 Sep 07
My religion is Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion. It is known as Hinduism to many people. My religion teaches that all human beings are divine. God manifests in all human beings. The basic concept of my religion is that all religions lead people to God. God accepts us without any discrimination. Whatever religion we have and whatever path we follow to reach God, He accepts us with love. We are all His children and He wants us to live with love and compassion for all. Love all, hate none.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
22 Sep 07
i dont know much about hinduism. i know about the reincarnation. but theres a few things i dont understand. where do all the new souls come from. and did the souls start as humans or animals in the beginning of time.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I kinda read most of the posts here. I find it quite interesting.
I am a Humanist Naturalist Wiccan. Which for me means I respect all living things. I believe I am a better person for this. I also believe in magic. Not like I am gonna turn you into a toad type of magic nor the kind that says you will fall madly in love with me. No, the magic I believe in is real magic. Like that wonderful thing that happened when my husband and I made love and we created a child. That is magic. When I can first meet someone and instantly know if they are a good person or not, that is magic. I will stop there cause if I continue this will be one heck of a long post. So this is what I mean by magic.
Before you start and you know who you are, I do NOT believe all this has to do with god. So you might as well give up cause you are NOT going to convert me. I am me and if you don't like it tough! I love you anyway!
Afterlife, hummm. Nice thought! Well I do not care what happens to me in the so called after-life. Whatever happens will happen. I do not know if I will float around, enter hell, enter heaven or be reborn. For all I know I will just die and thats it. I personally do not care. I do not feel the need to have faith in things for which I do not see. I do not need a god in order to live a better life. I already do this all on my own. I do not need to be threatened that if I am bad I will go to hell and so then I will be good. That just doesn't work for me. I don't want to be bad because I chose not to be.
The skinny on self-righteousness.. Well I have been bashed for not believing in god where people say I am damned to hell. My children have also been damned because they were not christened or baptized. Well if memory serves me right the so called "good book" states that you are not allowed to judge me for what I am or am not. You in fact are playing "god" when you judge me so from my readings it is not me who will go to hell. It is you who plays "god" when you kill in the name of one. That is also a sin and will get you straight into your hell. Unless I am wrong and your book lies? Humm! Thats a thought! To many "god" believers claim to be from god or that god choose them or that they follow the ways of god yet they do nothing to support that. If you support this god then you would be an all out good person. You would never do anything against the 10 commandments. You would do nothing that god specifically has restricted you from doing.
Get educated! Thats all I ask. Before you rant about even your own beliefs first research what you belief is all about. Read it clearly and thoroughly. I know it is all about interpretation but come on it does not take a rocket scientist to read something that is so in depth. The problem lies in people interpreting it the way they want to instead of the way it was meant to be. That is why many people I have run across have apologized to me. I have actually read many a "good" book, front and back, over and over. It is not that difficult. It does not mean you are questioning the word it means you are doing your so called "god given right" and using your brain to it's full capacity.
Ok thats enough for now. I will continue after the bashing of me begins! :)