When Is The Best To Start Solid Food
By itkasp
@itkasp (266)
September 20, 2007 6:12pm CST
My daughter is 5 months old. Recently, I notice that she likes to chew. She chews everything from her soft toys, finger until her bibs and blanket. Everything that we give to her, she will put into her mouth and chew them ;( I'm wondering is this a sign that she is ready for solid food? At what age that we could give baby solids? Doctor always says to give baby solid after 6 months old. But what could happen if we give solid before 6 months?
Has any of you given solid to your baby before 6 months?
Thank you for sharing :)
10 responses
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
i gave my children teir first baby food when they are 3 months. and started to feed them mashed veggies when they are four. but i make sure that the veggies are soft. i gave also bananas and soft fruits. i start to give them soft rice around 6 momnths. well i was with my mom during this times so i was not that afraid to feed them. and of course a little by little.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
no milk. i just lightly scrape the spoon in the banana and feed it little by little.
@dani_marie2003 (33)
• United States
22 Sep 07
With my first son, I started giving him rice at 2 months. Then started with other cereals a week or so later. Then started with the 1st jarred food at about 4 months - he was a big boy. Now, with my second son, I will be starting him on cereal here in about a week - he'll be 3 months. I waited a little longer because he is a little smaller than my first. The doctors and nurses do say to wait, however, telling a little fib about what you are feeding your child, isn't that big of a deal - the way I look at it is either tell them the truth, so that they can reem you, or just let it slide until the next appointment and tell them you started a couple weeks ago.
In the end, you are the parent and if you truly feel like your child is ready for solids, then do it. My older son is three now, and there's nothing wrong with him. If your gut says she's ready then she probably is.
@lucyobythomas (276)
• China
21 Sep 07
my daughter is five months old now and i have started feeding her little solid food like smached rice,fruits,hi protein milk rice(cereal),custard.she always want to chew anything she lay her hands on and that is the sign of her gum itching so she tries to use anything to scratch it.
@bharatibajaj (133)
• India
21 Sep 07
Hi!Well,depending on the child, solid food can be started any time after 3-4 months.Start with mashed banana,first mixed with milk.You may also give mashed biscuits[MARIE or GLUCOSE]mixed with milk. You may then slowly &gradually add on to DAL & RICE mashed , once it gets used to eating a little.
@vinzen (1020)
• India
21 Sep 07
I guess she is under going the teething phase and its a sweet age and i think starting of semi solids should have started by now, and in fact whn shes not eating and instead of giving her toys and other artificial things to chew upon, you can try giving her a carrot and let her chew that under your supervision as kids enjoy that as they feel they are achieving something when they get the carrot juice in thier mouths too.
And it would all depend upon the maturity of your baby, as some babies are ready to chew when they are even 4-5 months of age, it would depend upon their weight i think more than anything and of course their teething and i feel that your babies right, doctors would be different in a lot many things but mothers instict and how well she knows her baby is what counts in the end of the day , isnt it.
I feel you can easily start her with giving her semi solid and semi mashed food and the sooner you start her on with mashing the food you yourself eat, the better, maybe you can try mashed rice, and a mixture of 2-3 vegetables, adding a little salt to it, like a 'khichdi' what we call it in our place. Kids usually love it, plus its nourishing and home made as well as it has protiens, vitamins, carbohydrates etc, or even when they are nearing 8-9 months or so, we usually give them 'rotis' mashed in lentils or rice and they love that too, and those with a sweet tooth can be given sweet things like rice , milk and sugar- 'kheer' or things like that. These are better than the market ready made things.
@ola_sy (3)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
6 months is the best time to give ur child a semi solid food, like mushed potato, carrots ..etc any thing that is soft.. Your asking, wat if you giv food to ur child before 6 months? the baby may not digest the food well, because her stomach is still immature.. she myt develop spasms and diarrhea. give her a teether if she keeps on chewing. i dont recommed pacifiers because, the baby will swallow more air,it can also lead to gastric irritation or spasm.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I started giving my son baby cereal when he was 4 months old. But that's what his doctor recommended. We started giving him veggies and fruit when he was around 5 months old.
Talk to the doctor about it before you start. There may be a reason that her doctor wants you to wait until she's 6 months old. One common reason is that there are allergies in the family, but there are other reasons as well.
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
21 Sep 07
chewing and nibbling on there fingers is normal all babys do it but that dosnt mean they are ready for solids, every baby is different and there tummys develope differently so i would be carefull what i did with out asking the dr. just because sussie down the street could tolorate it at 4 months dose not mean your baby can do the same.
@cheryl2783 (229)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I started veggies at 4 1/2 months and fruits at 5 months. This was per my doctor, so I knew it was ok. It takes a while to get them used to eating off a spoon anyway. Just start with a couple spoonfuls a day, until she gets used to it. At first, she will have no idea how to get it into her mouth then swallow. If your daughter is anything like my son, she won't realize she has to bring her tongue back into her mouth to eat. She will love the new tastes and textures!