Why would someone HATE kids?
By disvachic
@disvachic (10117)
United States
26 responses
@anonymili (3138)
21 Sep 07
Not sure where you were going with this discussion LOL. You say you have 3 kids and can't understand why someone would hate them. Has someone said something to you recently about hating kids? I have decided with my hubby not to have kids but it's not because I don't love them, it's because we are both 40ish and don't feel it's the right age to start a family now as we've already got various health problems and don't want to be in our 60s when our kids are going off to uni. I don't know why people would hate kids but I can imagine young people, say, teenagers, saying in the heat of the moment "I hate kids, I'm never having any!" but years later they will feel very different. Don't worry about anyone who tells you they hate kids, it's their loss. Kids are a blessing and those who have them are very lucky indeed. Peace. xx
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I know they are a true blessing and I thank God for my three.I seen where someone said they dont want any kids because they hate them and i thought i would bring it up.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Hey, Nita, some people just don't like kids, because they are sat in the own ways, and don't like a lot of noise. My husbasnd is like that, he doesn't like the Grandkids to come over because they make too much, noise, He doesn't have kids of his own, Those are his step-grand kids. when ever he does that I half to get him strait and tell him, Look! those are my grand-kids, you deal with me you deal with them. I am so crazy abut my daughters fratenal twin boys, the are so cute. but you half to watch them like a hawk,they get int everything, terrible 2's.

@marciascott (25529)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Talking about terrible 2's, I had one of the twins yesterday, I couldn't take them both, uless I had one of the other kids with me. I took the one Chaz over My sister's house, before I could get in the house, this boy was going toward the street, she has a big yard. my sister was showing me here flowers that I gave her, and just that fast he ran towards the street. I ran to get him, he almost gave me a Heart-heart Attack, my heart was beating so fast. He needs to be on a Track team, he is so fast. It will be a long time that I get him again, but if I have one of his sisters with me I will take him. Ok, have a nice week-end, I made the Banana Pudding, I couldn't help my-self, I ate a little of it, now I half to put some more pudding in it to fill it up, were I ate some LOL, I had a little bit for breakfast.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I know thats right marcia.Tell him you come with a package!!!I remember the terrible 2s with mine. their are times i want when i just want to be childfree which is "ME" time.SO i get that time but that doesnt make me hate them.Everybody needs some "ME" time
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Sep 07
I have heard of this. I believe that some people hate children, because they hated themselves when they were young. If you are constantly abused and made to feel like you are bad or in the way-just not wanted overall.
You can start to feel like kids are not good. When you get older, even though, deep down you know it is not true, on the surface you may not want children and push them away, because of how you were treated as a child. This is just one reason.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Thats sad.If they only knew the joy a child would bring into their life.
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@mommy20212004 (350)
• United States
22 Sep 07
This is a question I ask every time I see a news story about another child being murdered. There are just some people out there that are sick and selfish. Being the mother of five kids myself I could never understand what would drive a parent to commit such horrible crimes agains their own babies.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Then i cant understand why people have babies and dump them in the trash.When you can atleast leave the baby with someone or give the baby up for adoption
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
22 Sep 07
I can understand if people don't want kids, even disliking them but I can't imagine how anyone could hate kids as a general rule. Maybe someone has had a bad experience as a child or with a child and thinks that will always happen. I know of someone who appears to actually be scared to have children and says they hate them. I think the actual reason for them not wanting any is because they were abused or neglected as a child and feel they might end up doing that to their child. Possibly even that they felt they were never loved and have convinced themselves that they would not love a child. Maybe by instilling it into themselves that they hate kids, it makes them feel better. I can't imagine that someone could genuinely hate kids even if they don't like them or want any of their own.
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@saunty (604)
• India
22 Sep 07
How can any one hate their children?? i dont think any one could ever do so...or do u think or seen someone doing as such? Even for me when i will be a guardian i will never let any of my children feel that i hate him/her cz the truth is i will not be able to live without them...
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I chose not to have any children but I helped raise a few and thank goodness they all turned out to be wonderful adults.
I personally have nothing against kids in general and I certainly don't hate them, but I'm finding that so many children are incredibly rude today. It could just be the neighborhood I guess, though that shouldn't matter. I live in a very poor end of town. I grew up in this neighborhood and none of us acted like these kids do.
My garage and driveway face an alley. I rarely go more than 2 or 3 mph down the alley because of all the kids who ride around on their bikes and don't pay attention. A few weeks ago I was coming down the alley and a kid from down the street came flying out on his bike from behind a garage. Didn't even look to see if a car was coming. I slammed on my brakes and missed him by less than 2 ft. He stopped and looked at me and flipped me off! He couldnt' have been more than 7 or 8 yrs old.
The very next day a group of 5 kids, ages 14-15 were standing at the end of the alley just hanging out. As I go to drive past them one of the girls turned around, looked right at me and purposely stepped right out in front of my car! I had to slam on my brakes and came to a stop about 5 inches from her legs. She didn't bat an eye, just stared at me daring me to get out of the car. I rolled down my window and said, "Will you please get out of the way?" She said FU, slapped the hood of my car while they all stood there laughing at me. She went back to chat with her friends like nothing happened. Oh I so wanted to get out of the car and kick her butt. It might have even been worth a trip to jail to teach her some manners! LOL.
This kind of behavior is the norm here. Not all, but many have no manners, no common courtesy, and actually go out of their way to be as rude as possible. It's just sad.
Then again, I had a teenager who looked like the biggest thug off the street help me at the grocery store a few days ago and was polite as could be, even called me ma'am. I thanked him and complimented him on being so nice. I even gave him a cookie out of the bag I had just bought. I just wanted to hug the kid! LOL. It all depends on the parents I guess. If they care, they raise kids who care.
For the most part I don't regret being childless. I don't hate kids at all, but there are so many out there who make it real difficult to like them.
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@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
23 Sep 07
A lot of times, especially so young, it's the parents who are the major problem. If the parents would kick their little @sses every once in a while, you wouldn't have to go to jail for doing it. I know my siblings and I got the crap beat out of us when we knew we were wrong, and we were the best-behaved kids in out neighborhood. A switch never hurt anybody......
Blessed Be
@kishusia (1066)
• India
22 Sep 07
I have never met a person who hate kids. There are some people who do not go overboard to love kids but hating kids is something I have not witnessed. You have perhaps met some people who hate kids and felt concerned about it. I will only say, people are people.
Give my love to your kids. May God bless them.
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@frecklelip334 (1668)
• United States
21 Sep 07
i don't understand that either. but have heard people say that. it's hard for me to like other people's kids sometimes, but it's a control issue with me...i can't control other people's kids, they're not my kids to discipline...i really mean discipline, not control, but you catch my drift. so when kids are running around stupid at wal-mart...and their mom just stands there, i get upset...and dislike those kids, haha!
but my son is my world...
but there are mother's who carry their children full term, then want to deny them after, like being pregnant was such a drag and yuck, now a kid to take care of? i thought you were supposed to bond with your child in the womb, but it's just not for everyone! it breaks my heart to hear those kind of stories/remarks.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
21 Sep 07
What some people fail to realize they are children they have to be taught.We all been there as a child but that is no reason for me to dislike them.
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@latsmom (824)
21 Sep 07
I think that people who do not want children are at least being honest with themselves, but anyone who can hate a person jsut becasue of their youth is beyond me, like yourself I love my child with all my heart, and would go to the ends of teh earth adn back to help her if I had to. I know some people find the noise, crying ect annoying but then there is so much more to children especially young ones, there honestly for example, the light in their eyes when tehy discover something new that we woudl take fro granted. I think hatred is such a straong word, but unfortunately there are some people out there who seem to hate without knowing teh reasons themselves.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I don't like kids. I don't like other peoples kids. I wouldn't say I necessarily "Hate" kids. I have two nephews. I generally like them. Except when they start whining or pouting or crying or being bratty. ha ha. They just aren't my thing. I don't know if I want to have kids or not. I'd imagine having my own kids would be different than tolerating others kids.
I worked in a daycare. I didn't mind it but some kids I just did not like at all. I also don't oogle over strangers kids. cause like.. i don't know. i don't know this kid, why should i oogle? who cares if it's cute or whatevs.
I have a few friends who don't like kids. Don't want to have kids and don't like kids whatsoever. obviously, as you have kids, you wouldn't understand. It's like, some people hate Arsenio Hall. Some people like Arsenio Hall. Some people love cold weather. Some people hate cold weather. Some people like dogs. Some people Hate dogs. Some people like kids. Some people don't.
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@Buggheart (445)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Take out the part about working in day care and you could stick my name right onto Raychill's post.
I don't "hate" kids but I'm not crazy about them either and I don't want any of my own. I have one nephew who is 8 and I love him a lot but only for about an hour and then I'm ready for him to go away. I have no patience and I'm not good with kids. I have no idea what to say to them nor what to do with them. I never wanted kids and most of the people I knew from when I was a kid don't want any either which is good because I find it trying and boring to be with people who have kids because it seems like they lose themselves once they have kids. I went to a neighborhood block party last week and got stuck in the womens' circle talking about which teachers at the elementary school are good and bad, illnesses, childbirth, and playdates and I was so bored I thought I'd die. It's just not an interest I have at all.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
21 Sep 07
raychill,You donot hate kids though which is good.I really didnt make myself clear this person was saying they dislike kids and they are not a blessing and a gift that sounds rather cruel to me.What this person fail to realize is that they were once a child before.I just dont get it.You are not saying any of those things there.I have a cousin who says she doesnt want kids but she never said she "hates" them.She just want it to be just her.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Buggheart.. I'm glad you agree with me. I don't like babies at all! I don't understand babies...and I didn't even bother with either of my nephews until they were at least 1/1 and a half.
True, I don't hate kids. But, as I said I know people who do.
You have to remember that while everyone was a kid once, they didn't ask to be born and maybe their parents didn't ask for them either. To some people a child is not a blessing. I think, because you have kids, you just can't fathom life without them and you can't understand how someone would not think they are a blessing when you know yours were. But not everyone sees things that way. Just because you were a kid once doesn't mean you have to like them.
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@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I agree something must have happened to tese people as children for them to hate kids. I don't think that it is really anything that I would care to understand. Very touchy subject as far as I am concerned. Hopefully none of these child haters ever have children. I wonder if there is any kind of help for them out there? Makes me wonder what they were like when they were children.
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@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
8 Oct 07
I think childrens are Gods gift and it is not possible to hate them.I dont have any childrens not yet and my wife is pergnent and anxiously waiting for the first kid.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Look, I have nothing against people having children, I love children, but for me to ever have children, it may never happen. I am just not mother material.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Sep 08
Kids are fun, lovable but still you find people who can be cruel to them. After that I had my son, I have become more sensitive to child's issues.
@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I don't understand how any one can hate kids either. I love people in general. I see beauty in everyone.
KIDS especially. They are a blessing. I think that people who hate kids must not like them self too much either.
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@mouse27 (1155)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
i know what you mean that just maked me furious. i have 3 children to of my own and 2 adopted ones and i love them all more then anything in this world and i would do anything to make sure that they had what they needed
my adopted daughters are 17 and 19 i'm 27 my 17 year old is pregnant right now. i love kids very much and i can
t see how anyone could hate something so precious
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@jeanbug23 (992)
• Philippines
5 Oct 07
Children are gifts from the Lord, as the bible states. They are innocent and must be loved. There are times they could not relate to mature people like us. So all we have to do is understand and teach them the good things in life and not hate them.