Do you think some people raise their children too strick???
By peanutjar
@peanutjar (5198)
September 21, 2007 1:15pm CST
Causing them only to lash out in anger?I definitly agree on this one!Ive seen what it can do to children.They dont have a life,not trusted and in the long run after years of this,they turn on them.Its the only way they know how to release their feelings.It would be like me,if i was always hounded and dont do this,dont do that,you need to do this now!!I would definitly lash out at the person.How do you feel about parents being too strict on children?How would you feel if it were you being always told what to do every second of the day to night???
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16 responses
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
21 Sep 07
YES, My dad was one of these. OK i couldnt wear shorts, spegetti strap shirts, bathing suits, had to listen to only christain music, could only watch certain shows, couldnt stay at a friends house unless they went to church, Couldnt wear thongs, so on and so forth. this resulted me into running away. I think all of this hindered my prepration for the outside world he was trying to keep me away from it and that left me not knowing stuff. You should let you children follow there own calling and not force it on them. I think im such a better person b/c of my running away and learning from the mistakes i made. I will make sure my kids will have enough room to find there own calling because of this.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Yes,this is exactly what im talking about and what happens in the long run from some parents being too strict on their children.Youve experienced it and you want to make sure your children dont.Im proud of you.Hugs!:):)
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@Stiletto (4579)
21 Sep 07
I think it's all about getting the balance right. Children need to have discipline (I don't mean physical discipline), and they need to be taught good behaviour and the right values, etc. Some people go too far though. I have a friend who is way too strict with her daughter. One of these days that girl is going to rebel SO much. Probably sooner rather than later as she's coming up for 15 years old now. I mean, it gets on MY nerves listening to my friend going on at her daughter sometimes - goodness knows how annoying it must be to be on the receiving end of it. Everyone needs their own space and kids are no different. An upbringing should never be so strict that there is no room for fun!
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Dont that just burn your butt when you see someone doing that.Bugging,nagging and controlling their every movement.Grrrr.Im sure like you said,she will rebel.:)
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
22 Sep 07
My parents were ok at that time I had this idea that they were very strick (what do you mean I cant go out because I have school in the worning so what if its tuesday? sort of thing). Now I know that actually they were not that strick at all. If I was told no few times in a row I would rebel and I did ( I would snick out but it not like I ran away I would normaly be 50m from the house sitting with my friends).
Now we have these friends that have a daughter same age as my son (and most of the kids in our group). All the kids play she sits next to her parents. They raise her so strick its unbelivable. You know she is 4 she looks like a 4 year old but she has this serius look on her face and she is not comunicating well with anyone expecially kids.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
24 Sep 07
This is not good at all.Kids are kids.When they are this young they should experience being a child because it does not last long for them and soon they finish school and leave,starting their own life.Times flies too fast for people to start making their children become a grownup at such a young age.I want my daughter to stay small and young for as long as she can,but i know its not possible.I even act like a child when we play,i love it!LOL:):)
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
24 Sep 07
Freedom makes them feel more independant instead of being strapped down and feel like they cannot have no grip on the world that evolves around them.:)
@enigmatic7 (132)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Sep 07
i think parents should try and strike a balance there are soemthign s they should lay down the law on ...for hte good ofthe kids and soemthings which they should allow children a bit of lee way to do as htey please and to allow them to develop their own personality and esteem.
My dad was always pretty strict when i was kid and when i was growing up, and it at times i got the urge to rebel ..and do things which i normally wouldnt just to spite my dad.. but thank fully my mom new how to handle me better and used a softer approach. Sometimes tho i fell coz i have been brought up strictly over all im better prepared for life than other kids, and have protected from a lot of crap thats out there.
My uncle on the other hand, cant say no to my cousins and though they are bright and potentinally could have turned out great students and done well, have turned out into spoiled brats which no one likes.
so if your parenting is a bit on the strict side its ok ..just dont got to extremes.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
I know,given too much slack they become spoiled.Given too much disciline they rebel.There has to be a way in between the two in order for it to work out for the best.:)
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@isleng17 (47)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
yes, my neighbor does exactly just that. what makes it worse is that she embarrasses her child in front of other people whenever he makes mistakes. i tell you, that kid has no self-esteem and follows his mom down to a T.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Thats a real self esteem buster what she does,for sure.Just wait for the after affect of this happening.:):)
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I dont think its good to tell a child what to do every second of the day. Unless there was something wrong with them mentally. Then you would have to. But constantlyl being on a child about things will definetly effect them in the future.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Of course if it was a situation like that its quite understanding.:):)
@Only1Andrea (796)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I do believe that some parents can be entirely too strict. Nevertheless, I do believe in discipline and having your child grow up in a respectful manner. I think too many parents today are way to lenient on their children and it is like their children are raising them. They are completely disrespectful - even at age 3, 4, 5 and up.
I do think that there is a way to raise children to allow them to have their fun, but to still teach them morals and values that will help them to grow up to be responsible and respectful.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
21 Sep 07
Hi!I do discipline my daughter but i dont tell her every 5 mintues not to do something like "sit somewhere else,pick up that,go do this,dont sit that way,no you should play with the toy like this not like that"Ive seen that with my boyfriends sister in law and her boy ended up rebelling against her big time!There is a difference of being well disciplined and too much dicipline and the feeling of "owning" every move that child makes.And what do you do when you see this behavior from a parent?Keep quiet,say something?We never said anything but really for for this boy,hes like a caged in animal,he even has ulcers and hes sooo young!:):)
@saunty (604)
• India
22 Sep 07
Well!! i think that now a days parents are getting more and more linient towards their children, and this ultimately taking them to the dearth of morality , they fall for some indescent activities during their i would rather suggest parents to better keep a check on your children since they are infant only..........
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
21 Sep 07
The parents or probably trying to help them to not makes the same mistakes they did or other people have. They probably have good intentions but don't deal with it the right way. I had a parent like that and I rebelled more. These parents either turn their kids into robots or turn them into people with no selfconfidence
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Thats right.Not dealing with it in the good way.Your absolutely right barbiegirl!:):)
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@psycho74 (124)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I agree, it's not a good idea to be TOO strict. Because when they get older and get out of the house, they go crazy. That's what I did and my mom and dad really weren't that bad, it's just that they were trying to keep me safe. But you need to let kids experience things for themselves sometimes.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Yes thats very true!They try to experience as many stuff as they can in a small amount of time.Kids being kids,have to learn by themselfs most of the time and we are just the teachers for some part of it and mostly giving a helping hand in guiding them the right way.:)
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Well I can relate to what you've been experiencing since my parents are strict.
We are often confined to school or house other than that are subject for approval. But as I grew older I tend to do things I like and go to places I've never been.
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@christineli (525)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
Discipline is good but not up to the point of causing trauma to the child. It might damage his moral and self-esteem and thus cause him to be a failure in life. On the other hand, if he understands why he is being disciplined, or the right and wrong were explained to him clearly, he will grow to be an able person and credit his parents for giving him life's necessary lessons.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
22 Sep 07
hello there peanut:) i totally agree with you..i think thats why soo many kids that have parents in the Service or Government..especially The Marines from what i know personally threw some friends..they can be the worst of strictness...A child needs to have thjeer own space to a point..and need to be a child..and learn from there mistakes and parents need to let them make there own mistakes and learn from them,,although i know keds need disapline as well..or even worse things can happen mom was strict to a point..but i think she was strict where she shouldnt have been and wasnt when she should have..but thats my never the less..i think i turned out ok:)
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Yes, some people do, and it cause their children to rebel a lot when they do that. My cousin really rebelled against her mom to the point she called Social Services on them. She was not allowed to see her mother for two years because of how bad things had become between them. I wish that she had called me and talked to me about what was going on and I might have been able to help her out without the police and SS getting involved.