Are the poor meant to be kept poor by the rich?
By Aussies2007
@Aussies2007 (5336)
September 21, 2007 10:32pm CST
We already know that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
This question was prompted by Yahoo for giving me a violation after I had the audacity to answer a question about peer to peer sharing.
Who else... but the poor... would download music and TV serials from the Internet. Those people cannot afford to go to the shop to buy CDs and DVDs. Without peer to peer sharing... they would miss out on most of it.
And lets face it... a mediocre .avi file or a MP3 at 128kbps would never be good enough for the rich. They want the highest quality and are prepared to pay for it.
So... who else but the rich would report someone talking about it? And of course... Yahoo itself... who enforce the rule... is not exactly poor.
In the eighties and nineties... people would copy everything from the television on video tapes. How is this different with downloading an .avi file?
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10 responses
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
22 Sep 07
This is going a little bit off topic but I have had a personal experience which seems to prove that the rich want to keep the poor, poor.
Twelve years ago I was living and working in a small town in Hawaii. Most of the people living there where poor Hawaiians. I had the idea of starting a computer centre so that kids would have access to computers, which they did not have at home. I tried to raise the money to start it from community leaders and was told that it was something that we did not need. The reason given was that they wanted to limit the education of the kids so that they would not hope for jobs other than service jobs in the tourist industry. A real case of trying to hold the poor down.
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@markmiyashiro (213)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Aloha Chiang Mai, I live in Hawaii, my children are Hawaiian, and so is my wife. After reading Poor Dad Rich Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, who came from Hawaii too, I found out the poor can become rich. But they must change their thinking and behavior
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
23 Sep 07
Well this video piracy almost killed our entertainment industry, our country lost credibility from those big companies abroad because of this type of crime. We lost great musicians, local film industry only produces less than ten local movies a year and big celebrities turned their acting on the boobtube instead.
I think the problem here is, the overwhelming production on this types of copying. While others used to copy on video tapes for personal use, these cd's were sold in a cheaper and larger number. Somehow, it did provided opportunity to small scale businessmen but the way they do it is in an abusive and illegal manner. Plus, some of those sold where poor copies and sometimes were different from what they were supposed to be.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Sep 07
Yes... but that is real piracy. When you make a copy of a real DVD or CD and re-sell it for profit, that is piracy. There is very little of that in the Western World as the law is enforced on that one.
We are talking about peer to peer.
It is mostly used to download low quality .avi files of TV series and low quality music at 128kbps. Music on a CD is 1400kbps.
You don't find that many movies to download.
If you go back 10 years... there were very few TV series that you could buy on video in the shop. People were making their own copies while watching it on tele.
The internet comes in... followed by broadband... and someone comes up with the idea of sharing their video copies with the rest of the world.
Please remember that the guy who shares with you his video copy does not make a cent doing so. On the contrary... it cost him money.
The Television industry see this and decides that there must be a market for it. They start making DVDs of every TV serie to release on the market and make a quick profit. But their greed for money makes them want to close down peer to peer so that they can have 100% of the market.
That is the real story. They saw the little guy enjoying something without paying for it... and decided that it was not right.
Those TV series are popular because of the work of the actors in them. Do you think the actors get a cut from the sale of those DVDs? NO!

@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
22 Sep 07
Just because a person copies things from the internet, that does not mean that they are poor. They could be cheap. Then, there are teens who want movies or music that their parents do not want them to have, where else will they get it from.
The Bible says that the poor will always be with you. But, I say to you, sometimes it is not in what you say, but how you say it that makes the difference.
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Well, lately, folks have been more discriminating as to who and what gets copied online. And like Roz said, the Bible does say The Poor will be with you always. However, I DO feel that a poor person doesn't have to be poor no longer(please read Donald Trump and Robert Kioyoski's, "Why We Want You to Be Rich") but then that is just a state of mind.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
22 Sep 07
I DO feel that a poor person doesn't have to be poor no longer(please read Donald Trump)
Only someone rich like Donald Trump would say something like that.
Is that's what you say to those 36 million Americans living in poverty?
You don't have to be poor... it is just a state of mind... Like hell it is...
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@Valce1 (173)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
It's not that cut and dry. A lot of people are neither rich nor poor.
And yes, the rich do try to keep the poor poor. Why? Because only so many people can be rich at a time. It's not even active on their part, but they tend to sponsor systems that maintain the status quo, which basically keeps the poor from becoming rich.
That's not to say it's not possible... Most of the time, people who complain about 'the Man' keeping them down are not dedicated or talented enough to do anything about it :(
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
22 Sep 07
Most of the time, people who complain about 'the Man' keeping them down are not dedicated or talented enough to do anything about it:(
The rich only becomes rich through the exploitation of the poor. If everyone was dedicated and talented... nobody would be rich and nobody would be poor.
How can you become rich if the people you employ wants the same salary as yours because they are as smart as you? That goes from the people working in your company, to your cleaning lady, gardener, chauffeur, etc...
Without poor people to do the work... the whole capitalist system would collapse in a matter of months. By telling us that we are not good enough and that we are poor by choice... they are keeping us down by insulting our intelligence.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
24 Sep 07
What was it again about intelectual property rights? Only for the rich?
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
24 Sep 07
It is hardly intellectual. It is nothing more than entertainment for the masses.
They seem to forget that they only exist because of the people. With have the power on this one. If we did put a ban on them by turning our television and radio off... within 12 months... the whole entertainment industry would be broke and closing their doors.
The whole industry today is governed by greed.
But let me ask you this...
How did the industry survive 30 years ago when videos and dvds did not exist?
Nobody did force them to put movies and TV series on DVDs so that they could be copied. The solution is simple. Don't release it on DVDs.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Mar 08
I'm not really sure where the difference comes in. I know I have probably a good 200-300 movies all on VHS tapes that I recorded off tv...they are for my private viewing and I don't sell them even once I get them on DVD. I'm by no means rich but when I want a DVD I save up to get it, I look on Ebay for it or I look in the $5 bin at Wal-marts. I don't download them off the internet...but that's just me.
As for rich getting richer and poor getting does tend to go that way...I think simply b/c the rich have more access to the easier things in life and can afford all the comforts of life where a poor person has to skrimp and save just to pay their rent.
@Zmugzy (773)
24 Sep 07
Interesting what you said about Yahoo - seems our freedom of speech is once more under threat.
Regarding file sharing: as you say it's sharing and people shouldn't be condemned for doing it regardless of their economic situation, and as you say, the quality is poor. The problem is all to do with the power of the new technology and the internet to connect thousands of people who want to share and the industry can't control this and their power is diminished.
The whole problem of downloading music also has something to do with the very concept of property and how you actually define it. Is a musical sound really property? - because with a download that's all you're essentially getting. It's not the same as having an object in your hand like a CD or a vinyl record. And surely if we shared everything wouldn't the world be a better place? Isn't sharing a basic ethic at the centre of Christianity? Maybe Karl Marx was right when he said "All property is Theft".
Why people pay on average a $ per download is beyond my comprehension - people are being ripped off by the music industry as they have been for decades.
The argument that file sharing is ruining the music and film industry is a ridiculous and false one and people should wake up and realize that. Just how did all those movie stars and producers make money before the invention of the DVD and video tape? They all seemed to get by as far as I remember. And do Paul McCartney and Elton John really need any more wealth?
As for up and coming artists, file sharing and the internet has been a Godsend and they have benefited greatly because performers can now more easily sell direct and cut out the industry fat cats and parasites. The whole system of course is set up to benefit the corporations and their shareholders.
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Having been poor I kinda take offense to this discussion. Through hard work and little luck we're now upper-middle class so if you're willing to work you can change your situation. I also know people who are not well off but still wouldn't use a p2p file sharing program because they see it as morally wrong.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Sep 07
Why is it morally wrong?
Because the record company told you it was?
We pay $27.00 for a music CD in Australia.
The singer who did all the work only get $2.00
Do you think the record company has any moral values?
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
23 Sep 07
Because they see it as stealing. Taking something with out paying for it.
Personally I don't see it as any different than copying a c.d. but not every one feels that way.
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I just said I don't see it as stealing but just because I don't doesn't mean other people don't.