Have you experienced a DÉJÀ-VU ?

September 21, 2007 11:50pm CST
Today I read on yahoo news about DÉJÀ-VU, and tried to remember how mone of short time ago actually - 3 months more or less, and it was about a movie that both me and my partner knew we haven't seen before, as it just came out in the cinema theaters, more exactly Die Hard 4 with Bruce Willis. While we were watcing it I kept telling him - I know this movie already as I have seen it before! But how is this possible if it was just a few days that it came out in The Netherlands? And we didn't have it copied from the Internet either, so it was really really puzzling happening for me, a real DÉJÀ-VU as I had seen it somehow and knew exactly what will happen before it happened on the screen. Has something like it happened to you? Or an other kind of a DÉJÀ-VU?
8 responses
• India
22 Sep 07
hi my dearest dejavu lady, i have had this feeling many times and have thought about it. i think that when some one is very comfortable in a situation this happens, it is like you know what good is coming next. all the niceness ever, apple.
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
Hi Apple my friend, and very interesting view you have on the DEJA's. There are too many questions remaining unanswered in regards to these that is bugging me though ;) TheFortunes
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• Netherlands
24 Sep 07
Hi Aplle my friend, you might be right about asking guidence with an open mind and heart. It should work ;) TheFortunes
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• India
24 Sep 07
i know , we have many questions and few answers, but i am sure the answers are ther but we get a bit scared about them when they start coming i guess. i am a strong believer of GOD and can face satan himself if it has to be to get over any sort of weakness in life, even if i die i will die in GOD'S love. this life is too short too get all our answers but yes there are answers and we need to be guided. Put all your rust in GOD ALMIGHTY, close yor eyes and tell HIM you want to be GUIDED and you will be.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
23 Sep 07
Happens to me all the time. Sometimes it's very vivid and other's it's kinda vague. I usually "know" things also, but I' not always sure if I really know it or think I do until it happens.
• Netherlands
24 Sep 07
Hi Reinydawn, it sounds like you really have the kind of DEJA's, and of course, some of these are not very clear until they happen in real life TheFortunes
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
25 Sep 07
It's just part of my normal life any more. It doesn't happen as often as it used to, but I usualy know when something bad is going to happen or has happened. I did go to a palm reader once and she picked up on it right away. She said that I can channel it if I work at it, but I don't think I want to really know too much (well, lottery numbers would be nice!!!).
• Netherlands
25 Sep 07
Yup, the lottery would be the nicest, hehehe. But for this kind of gifts it doesn't seem to work, even though I wish it was :) TheFortunes
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I had this dream that I could've sworn was real. I was driving home from friends & for some reason had to go to the other side of the highway to a restaurant. So the next time I was driving back from her place I was surprised that the restaurant wasn't there! I told my then roommate about the dream & how real it was. About a year later they actually BUILT that same restaurant where I dreamed it! I hadn't been down to my friend's place for a while because I had been moving & stuff so when I saw it I did actually know where my DÉJÀ-VU was coming from! Tho I didn't do exactly what I did in my dream. This former roommate has DÉJÀ-VUs all the time, tho not as frequently as she used to.
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I found that one particularly irritating, because I keep looking for the place after the dream it was so real. My friend does find it freaky. In fact, the other day she had one so bad that I had to leave the room. Generally if I say some random word way off the topic, like bumblebee, it breaks the DÉJÀ-VU, but I was too distracted to do so.
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
Hi Elic, and thank you for sharing your expirience in here ;) You are lucky to have had some pretty good once, but don't you find it spooky and unsettling sometimes? I do, and probably because I keep wondering what exactly is happening, and why, to what purpose, etc TheFortunes
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
Hi Elic, I haven't ever tried breaking the spell, so to say, but maybe I should when i find what is ahppening getting too spooky. Thanks for the suggestion ;) TheFortunes
• Malaysia
22 Sep 07
HA! HA! if it happened to me I won't see the movie twice. No more the thrilling part for us to watch. So far not having Deja-Vu, yet. But I don't like to be in that such way or situation. :::michael:::
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
LOL Michael, obviously I havent seen the movie again. But since you havent replied about DEJA's of yours I guess you haven't had any as of yet? Maybe you don't remember these? TheFortunes
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• Malaysia
23 Sep 07
HA! HA! HA! maybe!!!
@Valce1 (173)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Of course :P Sorry to say, but that sort of deja vu doesn't make you special :P
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
Hi Valce1, your answer has nothing to do with the purpose of this discussion TheFortunes
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
And the discussion had nothing to do with how special I am or am not ;) TheFortunes
@resuab (265)
• United States
23 Sep 07
one day, when i was working on a project with some friends, and one of them proposed that we do it in a bigger room, and that comment triggered something in my head as if this even has already occurred to me before and i can predict whats going to happen next. its happened just a few times, so i don't know if its a coincidence or not
• Netherlands
24 Sep 07
Well Resuab, coincidences do not exist some say, and I think it was a DEJA in your case TheFortunes
@twowizdom (860)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Having a Deja-vu is kinda a normal thing to me. i experience this almost everyday especially at school. Well I have read an article once about Deja-vu and it is stated there that having a deja-vu is a normal thing and its a bit like a mental problem. People are experiencing deja-vu because every day as our life goes on all the things that our happening to us are getting processed by our brains but since this is a lot of things not all of the things that we experienced are getting stored in our brains this includes the sound, smell, taste, or even the feelings we had during that day. And this is when Deja-vu comes in, Deja-vu occurs when that same old feeling, smell of the surrounding or happening is a bit the same of what we had before. but since not all of the details of that certain happening was stored in our brains, we always taught that these day has happened before since we cant really actually remember when did it happened. Due to this somehow we believe that we really have seen the future cause we know whats gonna happen next but the truth is you're just having the same feeling/ atmosphere just like before on a certain situation.
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
Hi Twowizdom and thank you for sharing your views in here. As I replied to the previous responce, these are all theories, and what we are doing is trying to find the right answer in a maze. And while the DEJA's continue we get lost more and more into this maze ;) I'd love to find out what exactly is going on as it is at times spooky to say the least TheFortunes
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
This happens to me everyonce in a while, especially when my subconscious-mind is very active. I think these are also what we have in our dreams, the only difference is, we are awake!LoL I always feel some occurence that is a repeatition of what I thought had already happened, wierd as it seems but I believe most of us experienced these things already!;)
• Netherlands
23 Sep 07
Hi Raijin, and nice to see you in this discussion too ;) When you dream something that later on happens in your real life - and continues from where you dream ended, than it gets spooky, or at least this is what I feel with dream DEJA's. TheFortunes