Which planet would you like to visit ? Do you want to live there?

@quelsg (51)
September 23, 2007 12:20am CST
Let say we are in the future and the planets are now well developed which of the planets would you like to visit first? Would you like to live there and start a new life? Who would you bring there?
3 responses
• Canada
24 Sep 07
I would like to visit Pluto first as I remember as a child saying, I want to go to Pluto. I think it's because I loved Pluto the dog with Mickey Mouse, not sure, but I think that's the reason or at least that's what I remember. I would have to check it out and see what it is like before I would know whether or not I would want to live there. I would like to bring my fiance, my friends and family.
@quelsg (51)
• Philippines
24 Sep 07
Yeah, we should always bring our loved ones wherever we go. How sad it will be to be separated from them no matter how beautiful your new place is.
• Canada
24 Sep 07
Yes, I agree, I couldn't be separated from my family and friends too long especially to another planet. I would definitely have to bring them all including my fiance. Oh and I can't forget my dog Nakita. She would have to come too. I couldn't leave her behind.
• Finland
23 Sep 07
Interesting discussion. I would visit Mars first but I have to make sure before I visit it that the temperature there is not too high. For I am afraid of too hot places. Who would I bring there? Well all my family members and friends, but the point is they have to be willing to.
@quelsg (51)
• Philippines
23 Sep 07
When you're there don't forget to send me a postcard or leave me a message here...hehehe. Extend also my greetings to the martians. BTW, thank you for finding this discussion interesting. I'm just trying to expand my imagination. There are so many great wonders that man has not been discovered yet and man will not stop until he reached his limits. Let's keep in mind the lesson we've learned in the tower of babel that we should not be proud in the sight of God where knowledge originates.
@astaha (129)
• India
27 Oct 07
i want to learn to live a good, moral, ethical life on earth between other human fellows here on earth and acheive perfection