auto-piloted cars, who else wants one?
By stormdragon
@stormdragon (49)
United States
September 23, 2007 4:56pm CST
The 1 thing that causes the most difficulty about being blind is not being able to drive (legally). I got to thinking how great a car that could drive itself would be and started discussing it sith some pel\ople. Turns out, most people who can see hate driving with a passion. So, I would be willing to bet that an autopiloted car would sell like crazy as soon as it came out. I am betting it's not too far off because of GPS, it's kind of like the missing loink in the whole thing and now that it's here and getting more accurate, it's probably only a matter of time. Would you get aqn autopiloted car?
2 responses
@netmoneynews (38)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Funny you should mention that because I did watch a show or news segment the other day that showed a car that drives itself. The man just sat in the passenger seat and the car did the steering and even parked itself.
As many people that have car wrecks every day, I would say a car that drives itself, could not be worse and could only be better. But I think I have an even better solution. And I have not seen my solution discussed.
When I was a kid, and I am 51 years that was a long time ago, I have a little game set that I got for a present or Christmas, or something. Actually, come to think of it I believe it was sort of a grab bag present.
Anyway, it consisted of a board, with highways and stop signs on it. The board had tiny holes all over in it. And the game came with several tiny little styrafoam cars. I really cannot remember any object of the game. The little cars were different colors, pink, blue, etc.
When the cars was placed on the board, they would move down the highways on their own. No electricity. No batteries. You can think of it as receiving a package with those little peanut packaging....and that stuff just fly's around every where because it is light as a feather or lighter.
Over the years, I have thought about that game. And much more recently of course with the sky high gas prices, global warming, air polution, high cost of vehicles, high cost of highways and highway maintenance.
Instead of vehicles, there could be moving highways. And possibly little light weight cars that one would get into and then go along the moving highway. Pull a string like in a trolley car when you want it to stop.
The highways could be built not with electicity but with air. Just like that game. Air would rush up from under the highway and make the cars move.
I don't think some of those ideas are far fetched. I just think with all the technology we have today, and all the money that is spent on car insurance, and as stated above, that we could gradually move into a better highway system in which cars do pretty much drive themselves and without accident.
@stormdragon (49)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I want one of those cars! There was something similar in production a few years ago, but it required magnets or something in the lines on the road and was way to expensive. That sounds like a neat game you had. Often times, something simple works as well as something high tech, but for a real life application with this sort of thing, maybe the more high tech the better. Perhapse when I get my car it will be solar powered or something. I hate giving money to the oil companies.
@netmoneynews (38)
• United States
24 Sep 07
It's almost difficult to guess what there will be any more. Hard to guess the near future. Many years ago I read an article in a Readers Digest magazine that was about inventions. It said over 70% of everything was already invented. I kind of figure that article was incorrect. There has sure been a lot invented since the day of man but if the world continues, I think there is room for loads more.
I know I would hate to go out and buy a brand new car one day and the next day it be obsolete due to some new invention. Maybe everyone will be flying some day. In futuristic movies, they often show flying cars.
I wonder about things like TV. Television has not been around very long when one thinks about it. When tv first came out, it was only in black and white and all tv's were very heavy and had tubes. I can remember taking tv tubes to the store to test them. Grocery stores had a free tv tube tester sort of like a battery tester. There would be different shapes and sizes and you would stand there with your tube, trying to place it in the correct port like a peg board. Then you would know if that tube was bad and needed to be replaced with a new one.
Anyway, what I am saying about television is, it has really came a long way very fast. It's almost to the point if you don't have a flat screen tv, you are in the dark ages. And what sort of tv are they going to come out with next? I figure it will eventually be some sort of 3D or Virtual Reality.
I guess my age is showing. When I was a kid I can remember my folks being scared of new things. I am starting to get that way I think. I mean, a lot of the stuff they came out with is just so difficult to figure out.
I bought one of those game thingies. I even forget the name of it. Whats it called, inbox or nooo not xbox....well its after 1:00am in the morn here and I cannot think of the name and not going to get up and go look. Anyway, bought one of those and some games about two years ago. I could not figure out those games to save my life. One was that 'Miami Vice' game. All I could do was make the guy run around in circles, swat at stuff, jump in and out of his car, and drive on the sidewalks. Never could figure out what was suppose to be accomplished with that. It did not take me long to say the heck with it.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
23 Sep 07
It would be great to own a car that drives by itself. Ive always wished they would invent one of those which I know they will someday its just a matter of time before they do. But I hate driving and that would be perfect for me to own because I could just sit back and relax when ever I go out and dont have to worry about being so tired when I drive.