On Having Choices and Making Decisions

Life is about choices. - ....At some point, you have to stop analyzing, stope thinking and stop weighing the cost.. and simply Launch Out!

How would you know what you can accomplish when you don't even try, right?
@sr0415 (1140)
September 23, 2007 9:54pm CST
"If your dare to grab destiny by the throat, and make a tough, important decision, ...it will change your life." -Rich Devos --- I forgot what was the title of the book where I got this quote. *toinks* (hehe...) --- It's soooo true. I am about to make a decision that would "impact" my destiny. I am faced with decisions right now and am struggling on figuring out what to do. Deep within me, I already know what to do and the decision is right on my very hand - and whatever it is, I know it is what I am supposed to do. (confusion? hehe...) Funny? I tend to put myself in the "unsure" stage, when unconciously, I am doing things that lead me on making THE decision. :) --- Oh well... I lift up to the Great Man above all of my plans and decisions I'm about to make in my life. Am I afraid? Yes. I am. Do I worry? Yes. My human frailty makes me weak and tends to put me on the "procrastination" stage. I continue to put my trust in Him. And you know what? I felt peace, loved and taken cared of (as *always*) whenever I surrender every detail of my life to Him. :) My human reasons are overpowered by the unconditional love He provides each and every day of my life. ------------------------------ I want to share this one to everyone: I know that most of us are afraid to take risk. And even if we are ready to take one, we still count everything and analyze everything: which at times, take most of our time. At some point... we have to stop thinking, stop analyzing, and stop weighing and counting the cost, and simply.. just Launch Out! :) How would we know what we can accomplish if we didn't try, right? :) --- Have a great day everyone! God bless! \(",)_
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