Be Grateful!!!!

Go Ahead And Shout - My niece Morgan, looking like she shouting
@Rozie37 (15499)
September 23, 2007 10:07pm CST
I just recently came across a song that I have been listening to since I was a teenager. This song has always had an impact on me. But, this weekend I felt like I heard it for the first time, again. The song is by Walter Hawkins and the Hawkins Family. The song is titled, "Be Grateful." Now the one line that always gets my attention is the one that says, "Be grateful, because there is someone else that is worse off than you. Be grateful, because there is someone else who would love to be in your shoes. To me, that is one of the deepest lines I have ever heard. We all(me included) complain entirely too much about what we want, what we don't have, but feel we need. And I will tell you that the Holy Spirit is very dillegent in reminding me that there are people in this world that are worse off than me and don't complain as much as I do. The very fact, that I am breathing on my own, means that there are zillions of people who are worse of than me. And believe it or not, every second of the day, someone is worse off than them. Because, someone just died, and someone just died again, and again, and again. The thing that really got next to me is that while I was listening to this song, my roommate could not even hear it because she was crying and moaning about her arthritis. Now, do not get me wrong, I do not know what it feels like to be in constant agony all the time, but I know this, I would still be praising God for every breath that I breathe. She went to the market down the street. When I asked her how her walk was, she said terrible. I asked why? She said because I can not walk the way that I use to. I told her, well that is because you are not as young as you use to be. But, thank God you are still able to walk and that you are alive. Her response to me, she said, whatever. Now, today is her birthday and she is 52 years old. She has some medical problems and so do I. The difference with me is that I do not even realize how many ailments I have most of the time. Recently, I started seeing a new doctor and when I was telling him all my sicknesses, I started to get depressed. I told him, I didn't realize how sick I was until I came to see you. I mean, it is nothing really life threatening, but I do not constantly dwell on those things. I give them to the Lord and I keep on going. When a new thing comes up, I give it to the Lord. So to hear about them all together in one sitting was a bit disheartening, but then, I just gave that to the LOrd and kept going. I am nothing, if I am not grateful to God. I remember how messed up my life was when I came crawling to him on hands and knees. I know how much the Lord has delivered me from. I should have died a million times already. In fact, I should have never even been born. My mother was hit by a car and actually knocked down when she was pregnant with me. When I was a baby, there was a black widow spider next to my baby bad. I was robbed at gunpoint. There have been many times that I was so lost and caught up in sin, that I was praying to die. I am here for a reason and I never take that for granted. I am blessed, because God is faithful. So when I listen to songs about being grateful and how the Lord has changed me, it takes effort for me to stop myself from jumping up and bouncing off the walls. Now, I understand why those women in church jump, scream, and shout, when someone speaks about how good God is. He woke you up this morning. That is reason enough to shout right there.
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9 responses
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
24 Sep 07
By the way...I changed my avatar...again.:P I think about being greatful more often too. I mean, I know I complain a lot. I'm 23 and I have arthritis in both knees and it's starting in my elbows, but you know what? I can still function and walk just fine. I also whine a lot because money is really tight right now and we don't buy groceries much. We just basically get what we need to last for a few weeks. I start whining about not having the food I want and I have to stop myself and think about other poeple. I don't know...I've just been filling the need to be more appreciative lately. I have so much and I really am thankful.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
24 Sep 07
Okay, so I went to your profile and saw that that is "New Kids On The Block." Okay well, they are not new anymore. If I know who they are, they couldn't be. I did not know they were still together, that is cool. Do they have a new album out? I am totally out of the loop. I have had times like you. There were times when I would have to decide to either buy food or pay the rent. I was living by myself then. I had only been saved for a little more than a year. Back then it felt like hell. But now, I see that it was one of the best years of my life because I learned to trust God so much in that year. I thank him for taking me through that.
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Ha ha. My friend and I are just trying to relive the 80s. They don't have a new album out, but it would be awesome if they did come out with something new. I'm a sucker for the 80s.:P It's hard when you have to decide on which life necessity you need most. The cost of living is ridiculous.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I can't argue with the attitude of being grateful for what you have in your life right now. If one cannot be appreciative of what they have, they surely cannot expect to get more. The list is never ending for all the things that you can be appreciative of. Instead of thinkig in terms of all your sicknesses, think in terms of living and being healthy. When you think of everything you can be grateful for in life, your depression should melt away. Place you attention on all the goodness in your world and create a happier life. God wants all of us to be happy, prosperous and in good health.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
24 Sep 07
I like what you said, it is very true. If more people in this world focused on the positive and not the negative, this world would be a much nicer and happier place.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Hi, Rozie, I don't tink I heard that one, I half to tell you about the sad news, I just lost my Great-Grand child,she was a girl, My granddaughter, got in a car accident, and lost the baby. go to my disussion, when you get a chance. and tell me what you think.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
24 Sep 07
I know it can be hard to forget our own troubles. I have back pain constantly and some days I can barely move because of it so I know how i feels to be in constant untreatable pain. I also know how hard it is when you don't have enough money coming in to live on and what it's like to be lonely. However, when I think of all the problems I have, I try to think about all the good things in my life, particularly my children. I am very lucky to have them and that they are such lovely people. I have a nice house to live in and I can have a meal every day. There are so many people much worse off than I am. The problem I find is that the fact that people are worse off doesn't always bring comfort. I mean, for example, if I couldn't look after my children, it would be the worst thing to me and no amount of people telling me how so many people were worse off would make a difference. So I can understand why people feel hard one by. What I really don't like however, is people who complain and have no real reason. I don't often complain about my own physical pain nor many other things but there are people who are better off than I am who will complain about how terrible it is to be them. Of course I know that there are billions of people worse off than myself but it really frustrates me when people better off than me complain about such ttrivial things like that they haven't been able to go to a restaurant this month or they have only had one holiday this year. I have not had a holiday in about 4 years and have eaten at a restaurant once this year and I don't complain about that because there will still be people who have never and will never do those things.
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• United Kingdom
25 Sep 07
Of course we can't tell if people are better off than us. I meant the things like if someone is ill, there are people who would complain of a cold in front of someone with cancer. Or someone who could afford regular holidays telling someone who has never had one that they are hard up because they have only had one this year. That's the kind of thing I meant by better off. I mean, they could be really miserable or something so in that way they would be worse off but I was talking in general, not anything specific.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
24 Sep 07
I do not know that I am able to really judge someone as being better off than me. I would have to be them or God to actually see what was really going on in their lives. People have been known to complain about one thing, when the real problem is much worse than what they are actually saying. It's like people will complain about the least of their problems just enough to fit in with the other complainers, but not enough to make themselves look less than anyone else. This is called pride. The way I see it, it would be hard for these people to receive a blessing because they never admit that there is a real problem.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
24 Sep 07
It is true, there is always someone worse off than you. I used to really get down over my son's disability. I would just look around his school and see the ones that were so much worse than him and I would leave, counting my blessings. I have also came to the realization that you take one day at a time. Don't dwell on the future. The little things that most people complain about are just not worth wasting my time or stressing over. They should ask themselves before complaining, Is it that big of deal.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
24 Sep 07
Yes, to many people spend their whole lives looking back with regret and forward with anxiety. Like you said, one day at a time. You are right, we need to learn to see things with the proper perspective. Some things are not even worth a second thought, yet we spend weeks or even months whining about it.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Roz, I know that I am grateful to God for a lot. Perhaps we should make this a praise corner or something because I just feel the need to praise God. I remember that song from years ago. I remember when folks would sing that song ALL the time. Now you don't hear it as often. Anyhow, I remember when I was a young child living in NYC, and wanted to cross the street, and liked to got hit by a bus. I felt so shamed because every one had seen it, and I went home and cried. But I should have cried for the simple fact that God and his angels saw fit to save me from that bus. My mom had complications in bringing me to the world because they felt she was being lazy pushing me out when in reality, she was too narrow to have me naturally, and she was supposed to have a c-section. Her regular doctor was on vacation, and it took another doctor to do his rounds and see what they overlooked. Mom said when they rushed her to the O.R. and I came out, I was fit to be tied because she had been broke her water, and though I was ready to come out, I couldn't and was in distress. To this day, I tend to think before I do. sometimes not, but most times I do. I was in a marriage that ended up in violence. My ex has since apologized for his actions. For years, I had hate in my heart towards him for what he did, but in retrospect, like someone said, "it is what it is" and leave it at that. Since I lost my father and aunt this year within six weeks of each other, he has since lost his mother last month, and knowing I went through this, he came to me, and I tried to help him through this. who would know that we both would have losses. I will admit I don't have things like I want to, but I'm grateful to God for what I do have. I wasn't able to go to church but was able to go two weeks in a row. so for that I am grateful. Peace.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
24 Sep 07
I was not expecting to come across anyone on this site who had ever heard this song before. I mean there are some genuine old school old school Christians, but I wasn't expecting any to have heard of that song. I love to listen to the stuff that I grew up on, because now, it makes more sense to me. When I was younger, I would just sing along, because that is what everyone else was doing. But now, when I hear those songs like "What A friend We Have In Jesus," it all makes sense. Those people really knew what they were talking about. Those songs can really bring you through. My birth was hard on my mother too. I was a breech presentation. They had to push me back up, turn me around, and pull me through. My parents had three girls, my dad wanted a boy, but after me, my mother got her tubes tied. That sister said, that is it for me buddy. I am glad that you ex was there to comfort you. We all have the same basic needs and it is good that he did something to make up for being such a jerk in the past. Be blessed, in Jesus name.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Yes Rozie I am grateful and I teach my kids to be grateful.I used to complain but it took alot for me to realize that I should be grateful.Just having a roof on my head,having food on the table,clothes on my back is enough for me to be grateful.I mean some people do not even have those things.I made a discussion about being happy and thankful a while back
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
25 Sep 07
thank you.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
25 Sep 07
I read your topic and I really enjoyed it. Sometimes it can take something major happening for us to realize how much we are blessed. I would hate to look back and see how blessed I was though.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
24 Sep 07
AMEN Rozie!! You are sooooo right. We can all look around us and find someone else who is more troubled than we are. With me, unless you know I have liver cancer, you'd never be able to tell it, b/c I look healthy and I smile all the time. I got so tired of everyone pitying me and making me feel sorry for myself that I had to leave town and I moved and started over, now not a lot of people know about my cancer. Don't pity me, it could be worse. At least I am living, and my cancer is SLOW growing, so for that I am so grateful to my Lord & Savior. He didn't make me sick, but He walks with me every step of the way. I love songs like that b/c they remind me of just how blessed I am. I am so glad I found you here on mylot, you have made my day sister! I too have done things in my past that I was forgiven for and I was caught up in this world. My hubby is a Christian man and his mother is a Christian woman, but his siblings and his kids and even his friends are not. Some go to church or proclaim to be a Christian, but don't walk the walk. I used to be so close to God, it was as if I couldn't do enough to serve Him, but when I was diagnosed with cancer and my life began to fall apart and my marriage then failed, my hubby walked out on me when I was so sick (turned out to be a blessing for both of us that he did), but anyway I turned my back on God and I became rebellious for awhile. God never let go of me, never. I am still not back to where I need to be with Him, but I will get there, and my friend I want to tell you that I needed to hear what you had to say this evening. I feel it was posted just for me. So I thank you for being a willing vessell for the Lord to work through. Can you hear me shouting??
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
24 Sep 07
God is bigger than cancer. I know that for a fact. God gave me the most wonderful mother in the world and when I was ten years old, she passed away from cancer. For many, many years, I could not even speak of her without crying. My heart was so broken. I thought, God, why did you take my mom, of all people. I had never and to this day have never met anyone who loved the Lord the way my mother did. As wonderful and kind as my mother was, she did not teach my older sister's and I much. But, she taught us about love and demonstrated it in everything that she did. One day the Lord spoke to me and let me know that it was okay not to cry for my mother anymore. He said, remember how much your mother loved you? I said, yes. He said, I am the one who gave her the ability to love you like that and I love you so much more. He said, your mom taught you more in ten years, than most mothers ever teach the children. That was life changing. It blew my mind to realize that someone could love me more than my mother. And time has proven that she gave me all that I would ever need to make it in this life. When I focus my whole heart on Jesus, everything else in my life falls right into place. This is why I say that God is bigger than cancer. It does not matter what afflicks your body, you are not going anywhere until God says it is time. So all you have to do is trust in him. "Don't tell God about your problems, tell your problems about your God." I am so glad that you were blessed by this.
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@Bunsdk (242)
• Denmark
24 Sep 07
Much respect for you beliefs gal. I think to some extend thats how it should be. A helper in times of needs. Half of my ailments throughout time are actually self caused to seom extend, and as I always say, its ok. I know why they are there, I took the chance so I dont regret it. Im dealing with things a bit different from you though, I dont believe in a higher power. I dont give my ailments to the lord, but rather embrace them for making me unique in my way. I am gratefull to be alive, not starving and able to do things my way, but my thanks goes to family, friends and my own hardheadedness :D I know the song that inspired you to this post, and truely it is a mind opener if you really listen. Have fun Rozie and keep it real.
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