If killing is crime , then what about Abortion ?
By juniorance
@juniorance (250)
38 responses
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
25 Sep 07
I read some of the responses and I have to say things really got off topic. The original poster asked if Abortion should be a crime. What does religion (aka morality) have to do with law. Get YOUR morality out of OUR law. Morality should have NOTHING to do with law, law needs to stand on its own independent of any moral viewpoint.
Why you ask? Why shouldn't we live in a country with morality based laws? Simple, morality and religion, is a very personal issue. Check out my views here:
Abortion should NOT be a crime since there is no logical non-morality based reason not to allow it, and plenty of cases where it should be allowed.
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@AeroChickie (459)
• Canada
1 Oct 07
Agreed. The church and state were separated a long time ago. Our laws should not be based on one religion. Just because one person believes something, it doesn't give them the right to force it on everyone else.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Wow first I have to say good topic, and its a very senstive one too. Secondly even though there are those that don't agree with abortion, no its not a crime. Here's the thing, in order for it to be a crime it has to be illegal plain and simple, its not, abortion is legal so therefore its not a crime. I also don't think it should ever be considered a crime. I don't always agree with those who have abortions however I do understand their need and would never try and take that right away from someone. It is not our place to force someone to have a child that they don't want and nor is it our bodies.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Sep 07
no abortion is NOT a crime...at least not in the U.S or Canada but I couldnt say what its like in other countries...Do I think they should outlaw it? Absolutely NOT.....
"It certainly has to be a crime bcoz by aborting you are killing "
Sometimes by NOT aborting you could be killing...
Abortion is a necessary option as far as I'm concerned....If it'd been outlawed when I had my abortion a few yrs back I would have found another way which could have put me in serious danger and could very well have cost me my life which isnt an option....
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Abortion is murder...plain and simple. No matter how you may try, you just cannot justify it. It may be "legal", but it is murder.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Amen!!!! i agree with you 200%. like i told a few other people, i am so glad there are people out there that still have morals and values. we live in a sick and twisted world these days. i wish people could wake up and see what they are doing to their children. it really saddens me with what all goes on in this world today and saddens me that by the time my children grow up it will probably be ten times worse then it is now.
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@anuj291 (574)
• India
24 Sep 07
well,,for certainn abortion is a crime,,how can u even think of killin someone--that to a baby
there shold be laws againt abortion,it should not be allowed
i dont think there can be a soft corner to this,,cuz the only reason that u need abortion is cuz u indulged in something that u were not supposed to..so its totally ur fault,,and the punishment should be thr for that
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Why shouldn't the children who already exist, pain and cry everyday be more important than a fetus that can't think, feel, or even know it exists yet?
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I totally agree with you!!!!!! That child is a child from the moment of conception. he/she wasn't given the option and i don't believe, and how dare, the mother should do that. if you don't want a child, give them up for adoption to someone who has cried for a child their whole lives. thank you so much for your comment. i'm so glad to know that their are still people out there that are pro life
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I never once said that infants are the only ones worthy of adoption. I do weep for the children in foster care to. they deserve someone to love them like any other child. the issue was about abortion though. i think all children that are not loved by their biological parents deserve a family that will love them as their own.

@Springlady (3986)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Whaaaat??? I cannot believe you said that! You were a baby once too!
It is a human life from conception.
I pray you will change your attitude.
God bless.
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@terrych (1227)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Well everyone has the rigth to think whatever they want.
But do not forget that you were a baby... I do no know how long ago, but you were a baby...
If you do not want babies, good for you, because I think you do not deserve it!
Anyway be carefull and do not get pregnant, that will save you time and money!
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Killing isn't a crime, murder is a crime. Killing refers to the inocuous termination of a living organism. Murder refers to the malicious killing of a sentient being(most often human, but sometimes animals). An early fetus does not posess functioning organs, nervous systems or brains. They do not have the physiological capacity to think, feel, or even be aware of their own existance. As such, untill they have the viable capacity to exist as a physically independant being, they are merely tenants of the body of the woman and is subject to her will. If she does not want it to be there, then she has the right to expel it. If she does, then she has the right to gestate it.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I'm with you on that, but the problem is that it's not legal everywhere and that means that there are still women who are being controled by their uterus and are still subject to the trauma of botched, back-alley abortions.
And there are still people in the countries where it's legal who want to see that law overturned and throw the rest of us back into the dark ages.
Yes, I'm all for agree to disagree and all that, but it's not about that most of the time. There are many people out there who don't believe that it is a choice at all, that women are meant to have babies, end of story. No matter how it got there, whether she wants it there or not, whether she wants it or not and that is just wrong.
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@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
murder is the act of taking away life. Killing is termination of life...in other words taking away of life.
They are both the same. fetus is in developing phase... a life functioning to develop.
Whether we accept it or not, abortion is murder of the unborn child. The difference is woman can make it an excuse to kill... because the fetus is in her womb. So its her decision. She can make excuse out of everything.
Lucky are the kids who wont have a mother that in very beginning cant take responsibility...instead make excuse for their weaknesses.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Lucky if you want to think that way then we should arrest every guy that jerks off because he is potentially taking a life right? I mean thats what causes children to be born, or how about we stop every woman from having a period so that she won't flush the eggs from her body cause they are living organisms too right. Fact is until it is deemed illegal abortion is not murder, its not killing its not anything but what it is. By medical standings a fetus isn't alive until it can substane life outside the womb on its own, until then its is considered a parasite feeding off of a host. Am I saying this is right no, but guess what its legal and so sitting here whinning about what someone elese does with their bodies is just kind stupid. If you don't like abortion THEN DON'T GET ONE, but leave alone those that do its none of your damn buisness what they do with their bodies.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
25 Sep 07
At least here in the States it should stay safe and legal.If you must think of it as Killing then think of it as justifiable homicide.It is either the mother's life or the babies. And with that choice, I would pick the mother's every time.But just because it is legal, doesn't mean that every woman will have a an abortion, that is what is so great it is a woman's choice. That way babies are born that are really wanted. and even if the mother decides to give the baby up for adoption, the baby will be wanted.It is all up to the woman. And even if abortions were to be illegal, it wouldn't stop them, they would just go underground and they wouldn't be safe and unfortunately there could be less chances for more children in the world. Why? Because a woman could choose to have an abortion and if they were illegal and unsafe , she could lose the ability to give birth at all, and she could have wanted a baby later but now she can't.It is all about the freedom of choice here and abortion is just a part of it.But it could and should be different all over the world.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
25 Sep 07
It should become illegal and if the woman still chooses to do it and it messes her up to where she can't ever have a child again, GOOD! That is what she gets for killing her child. you can't just pick and choose which baby you want or don't want. that is insane. at least if it became illegal again, not as many people would do it. anything is better than letting it become the way it has become. Thanks to Clinton, you can now have an abortion up until your due date. What a sick world we live in. Do you know how they kill these babies once they are past a certain stage. they induce you, make you go into labor, turn the baby to where it's breech, and as the baby is coming out they then stick scissors in the back of that poor child's head and then suck it's brains out. DO NOT tell me we don't live in a sick world.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
27 Sep 07
Abortion is murder. I wish that I lived in a world where it did not exist, but it is legal in America to kill your unborn child. I have wanted a baby since I was 14 years old and all of these people are killing babies left and right.
I wonder do they ever think about if their mom had aborted them? They would not be alive to kill anyone else. God, in his word, clearly spoke about the shedding of innocent blood.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
27 Sep 07
How is it my problem, responsibility or concern that you wish to have children? I wanted to be a parent from a very early age too, so I am. If I were infertile, I'd have adopted and/or gone through treatments to become a parent. But no one owes it to me or to you to go through a pregnancy to give us a healthy, bouncing baby.
The Bible is full of directions allegedly from God, encouraging the shedding of lots of innocent blood. In the old testament if you were not one of God's chosen people, your blood wasn't considered all that precious at all.
If my mom hadn't wanted to be a parent, then she would have terminated her pregnancy. I'd not exist & that'd be that. Just like every egg that is shed monthly by women who didn't conceive that clump of DNA left the gene pool. It's neither good nor bad, it's just the way it is.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
25 Sep 07
It's not a crime & it's not killing anything. To be killed something must be alive. An early pregnancy is not viable, does not have life supporting organs & is not a person/life yet.
No there should not be any laws against it. It's a private matter between women & their doctors. The government & society has no business regulating what happens within women's bodies.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
25 Sep 07
If you had been terminated as a pre-born, no matter how young, would it have taken your life?
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
26 Sep 07
"If you had been terminated as a pre-born, no matter how young, would it have taken your life?"
No, it wouldn't have taken her life, it would have prevented it from happening, which is the whole point.
"..or would you still be here now?"
What a ridiculous add-on No, she wouldn't "still be here", she never would have been. It's a prevention, not an ending. Do people count their age from the moment they are concieved or the moment they're born? My birthday is May 7, not August 3.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
24 Sep 07
In my country, abortion is illegal so it is a crime punishable by law... the abortionist and mother would go to jail if they are apprehended... we believe that life begins upon conception that is why the baby inside the womb is already considered as a person with rights...
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Good for your country!!!!!!! it needs to be outlawed here. it makes me sick to think of all those unborn babies that are never given a chance to live outside the womb. i'm so glad you are against it as well. nice to know there are still some people with morals and values out there.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Hun, the reason why w're called "first world countries" is because we lead the rest of the world on socio-economic practices as they develop. Only the lesser fortunate countries still enforce abortion laws. And it's also in those countries that women still die of unsanitary and uneducated termination procedures.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
25 Sep 07
...surely such advanced countries could find a more humane means of birth control?! But alas, abortion (holocaust upon the pre-born) is a veRy profitable business.
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@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Your agument is highly flawed.
A fetus---or a unborn baby as some people would state---does not gain any rights under the law until they are born. I do not care what you think. The fact that they do not gain any rights until they are born is FACT.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Way to go Juniorance.....lmao
You got myLot a rocking with this one, go on fess up, you knew this would happen didnt you?
Bay xx
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@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
29 Sep 07
This is just something to talk... exchanges of belief. Nothing personal. We all have different outlooks in life because we live in different culture, countries, environment. We may disagree on one topic and agree on the other. Thats how we are made. We think differently.
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
1 Oct 07
BTW BayleighGray, its just a way of exchanging ideas. Now, if nobody wants to share his opinion...and just agree in what other say...there is no need for discussion. As I've said... nothing personal.
I am not here to change anyones belief... Im just sharing mine... just the way everyone does.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Hello there Lucky,
May I ask what is your point behind commenting on me? Im neutral in this subject, if you do great, if you dont great! Everyone mind their own business and let people make their own choices. Thats MY opinion. Just like everyone else here arguing about it, Im entitled to my opinion. Did you read any one elses opinion? I think mine is the best! lol
Most of the comments here are full of anger because they cant get someone to feel the same way they do about it. So, your against abortion from what I read, but if I choose to have one tomorrow, tell me exactly how that is going to affect you?? This post is all about whos right and whos wrong, no where near someones opinion. It cant be left at that, it has to be argued. There is so much drama on the first 3 pages of this post, it did my head in trying to read through it all. Thats why I said what I said.
Also, Thank you, but I dont need you to school me on the whole idea of myLot, I think after 370 posts I have it. Trust me, I see clearly what myLot is ALL about! LOL
And another thing...lol....where is the author of this post? Have you seen ONE comment from them on here? NO! They just started a thread that they knew was going to blow up and cause a lot of anger and debate. They had no intentions of participating in this. Those people are called instigators.
Everyone have a great day!
Bay xx
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@linben (132)
16 Nov 07
So many postings here. I just wanna say, i don't think abortion a right choice. If you don't wanna a baby, please just take every possible way to prevent from pregnacy. It's not fair to baby and mother(cos it will do harm to her health too). There maybe some exceptions, of course.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 Sep 07
Yes abortion is also a crime..!!
In someway or in another way you are killing a life!!
But I don't think any such law to be made to prevent this!!
Cause some may really need to abort that baby say those girls who are being raped or who made a mistake in there lifes!!
Abortion is bad you should not do it just because you feel so!!
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
There is a law about abortion, anyone caught doing this will received punishment from our government. Abortion is a crime and most of all against God's law. Killing innocent life is very much cruel. All man and woman need to be responsible in every move that they will make, they must think the possible outcome of the short time happiness that they have.
@AeroChickie (459)
• Canada
1 Oct 07
I do not think abortion is a crime. You are not killing anyone, you are merely preventing a life from developing. They are not the same thing.
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@ramza93 (4)
27 Sep 07
I think that not even under the worse circustances you can abort a baby. Dont you know who was bethoveen mother? or jesus itself.
Both were in terrible circunstances when their mothers were pregnant.
And also, for the user who said that the one who aborts has to die.
I dont have comments, there is no right to take life from another person, even if this person killed 300 people.
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