Do you think I am pregnant?
By MrsFrizzle
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
United States
October 27, 2006 12:52pm CST
My husband and I have been trying to have a baby. We started this month. I am 4 days late for my monthly friend. I had one day of spotting a week before my period was due. That was not like me. I am very regular. I am experiancing many symptoms Naseua, frequent urination, lower back pains, slight cramping on my left side, head aches, and I am very tired.
I took several Hope pregnacy tests and they all keep comming back negative. I was told it may be to early for the tests to pick up the pregnacy and to wait a week and then test.
What do you think? Am I?
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49 responses
@devincrump (14)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I went through a very similar situation myself about six months ago. My period was late, which was not normal for me, and I was experiencing symptoms of pregnancy just like the ones you described. Also, like you I took several pregnancy test and they came back negative. So, of course, at this point, I was really getting worried. I went to my doctor and had a pregnancy test done and it was negative again. So I chalked it up to simple stress because I was going through a rough time. So more than likely you are probably stressed.
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@devincrump (14)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Of coure, I hope you are pregnant. I am not trying to put on damper on your hopes. Just relax and you should be pregnant before you know it.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
No, that is true I have been stressing about it espicaly since I have no idea what is going on having always been on time. Thank you I want to be pregnant but another few months of trying would be fun too.. It will happen when the time is right.
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@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
27 Oct 06
Go to your doctor and get a blood test, if that comes back negative then he will find out why
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@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
27 Oct 06
This is a little gross but to get the earliest result you should use your uring from your first trip to the bathroom in the morning. It is more concentrated. Sounds promising to me! Good luck, hope I didn't gross you out to much!
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Oh that is not gross. I was chatting with people on a baby board and the things they say are far more gross. I have been using first moring urine.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thanks I guess I should get one of thouse. I am going to check and see what their hcg level is
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@Kelly990406 (206)
• United States
27 Oct 06
well my last pregnancy was a bit weird i was never really regular around every 18 and 28 days well on my 18 day marker i took a test cause my period wasnt showing any signs i took an el cheapo test showed + had hubby buy the expensive one showed - bought 6 more cheapos all were + went to the docs done the pee test was - asked for a blood test it was + i conceived on the 31st of dec found out on Jan 11th it just depends on your HCG levels anything lower then 50 will no show on most tests you have to look for what HCG levels they detect also same for the docs office anything lower then 50 will not show on their pee tests
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I have the cheep dollar store tests however they have a great rating on and other websites they test at 25 mil . I am assuming I am either not pregnant or I do not have enough hgc yet. I just wish I knew for sure for the weekend so I could have a few drinks..
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Oh and I did take a good expensive test but after I took it I found out that one had a 100 mil level.
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@Kelly990406 (206)
• United States
27 Oct 06
yes the little sticks you are talking about are wonderful if you order them i hope you get your + mark i wish you the best and if your pregnant have a happy and healthy 9 months
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@alicia6068 (547)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Its hard to say. I would wait a week an try again. Also when I first got pregnant the only symptoms I experienced was cramps and frequent urination. I didnt have any other symptoms for a bit.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
If I am pregnant I am almost 5 weeks if I ovulated when I was suposed to.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I just started to get the nasuea about two days ago. It could be a cold or something.. It is so frustrating haveing to wait..
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@Jessabean19 (79)
• United States
27 Oct 06
i am a mother of two and just from hearing your symptoms I don't think its pregnancy...I mean four days after your period...still negative tests, thats almost 2 weeks after conceptions so it should have been plenty of time to establish the pregnancy hormone. Also the naseua usually doesn't start until around the 6th week after conception ...if I were you I would go to your doctor and get a blood test--they're 100% for sure. In the meantime try not to worry, and good look on getting that baby!
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Thanks but I hope your wrong.. lol.. But seriously your right and I need to not get my hopes up to high. I have heard some people who never got a postive test due to low hcg.
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@mom2hn (107)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Don't give up hope!!! You never know... you may have ovulated late and if you did then your cycle will be longer. So what seems like two weeks past conception may only be a week or so. I've had two babies and trying for #3 right now and I know the last two months I have ovulated later. Unless you have a 28 day cycle you are not going to ovulate on day 14! Hope this helps and good luck!
@acdc0805 (979)
• United States
27 Oct 06
my hcg levels are very low, so it takes like 6 weeks after a missed period for anything to show up on a home pregnancy i end up just waiting it all out,but if i'm really sick, or in pain, i go get a blood test.
@LeroyBrown (110)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Hard to say.. I guess you should just wait it out a week and see what happens. If you still feel this way then and you are getting a negative test result go to your doctor.
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
See my response above. It is so hard not to get my hopes up!
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@felixfeesh (36)
• Belize
27 Oct 06
i've been there so my answer to you is yes u are. i'm a regular too, had the frequent urination and the fatigue also had cramping but on my right side. don't get excited yet, hold that for your second trimister. and please go see a doctor. good luck and God bless.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I will defintly go to the doctor but I don't want to go if it will not be posative. I mean I would like to at least have a posative test before then.
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@ilse72 (1450)
• United States
27 Oct 06
No one but the doctor can tell you if you are pregnant. The symptoms do not matter as many women do not experience any at all and some that do, have a positive pregnancy test before they have any of the symptoms. And, others experience symptoms because they are either afraid of being pregnant or they want so badly to be pregnant. However, the very first symptom, will be a missed period. So, since missed your period, go to your doctor for a blood pregnancy test. A blood test is far more sensitive and will pick up the HCG hormone much faster. Also, some women have a slow rise in the level so might miss two periods before ever testing positive on a urine pregnancy test. A blood pregnancy test will tell you now so please call your doctor. Good luck! (I'm an R.N.)
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thnak you I guess I really do not have much of a choise but the get a blood test I just wanted that stick to turn pink first.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 06
I think it is too early. I think it's between 2 and 6 weeks when you can tell, depending on the quality of the test. Could be that you should try a different brand of test. You should definitley go to the doctor anyway, because you have all the "symptoms" of pregnancy but even if you're not pregnant, you need to get checked out especially as you are trying for a baby.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Yeah I guess I will have to call my doctor. I am going to have o wait until monday though. Hopefuly I will get a posative test by then.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
You get a plus because I really really hope you are right..
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@tsmeesa98 (576)
• United States
27 Oct 06
It's not unusual for home tests to come back negative if you're less than a week late. All of those things sound like pregnancy symptoms but I've also found that if you want it a lot then sometimes it can make you miss a period and have the symptoms.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I have heard that this has happened to women. I do want it alot. Someone else had told me this on a pregnacy board I talk on. Since I have tried to pretty much calm down about it. I am doing better and instead of being as worried I am just thinking when it happens it happens. I just wish I knew for the weekend cause I would like to have a drink.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I already have missed it or at least it is 4 days late.
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@earnwithme (27)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Well, I hope you and your husband are pregnant. Your situation sounds just like mine a few years back and I was Pregnant!!!
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Thats great. I hope so to. I am 5 days late now and I bever am late. I guess I will find out soon!
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@HandKH4602 (326)
• United States
28 Oct 06
It does sound like you might be pregnant. Though you may want it so bad you have tricked your body into thinking you are, thus the symptoms. I did that when we were trying to get pregnant. I'd wait at least 2 week, maybe 3 after your period would have been due to test again.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
No I have not taken any medicine. I have been taking prenatal vitamins
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@emilylynn2003 (876)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I think you might be .. but .. I also think and you already know not to get your hopes up.. even if you are pregnet something could happen.. and if you are ment to have a baby then you will have one.. its okay if not now but you will have one when you are ment to have one.. everything will work out in the end.. I am here crossing my fingers the whole time.. !! I think that you should just stop worrying .. and STRESSING.. and stop talking to people on mylot .. putting ideas in your head and just go about your life like if you had no idea.. and let it happen.. okay.. and good luck
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
28 Oct 06
lol. I know that that is what I should do but it is whats on my mind.
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@cplpacesgirl (754)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I think it's possible. It could be wishful thinking. If you worry and stress over it, it can cause your period to be late. I think you should wait a week or two then take another test. And then go to the doctor after that.. no matter if the result is positive or negative. You can get false readings.
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