What is one of your greatest faults?

@Pose123 (21635)
September 25, 2007 1:38pm CST
We all have our shortcomings, and sometimes it's good to acknowledge them. I sometimes speak in anger, only to realize later that, had I taken a few moments to 'cool down', I might have said something completely different, or not commented at all. There are some things that I am very compassionate about, and I still haven't learned to control the tongue, when I feel that someone is being irrational. I know that we have not all been taught the same, and tolerance is a great virtue. Comments please.
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19 responses
25 Sep 07
I do have a bit of a short fuse on occasion and can lose my temper quickly. However, just as quickly as I blow up then it is all over.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi recycledgoth, Mine don't last very long either, thank goodness. Thanks for commenting. Blessings.
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• United States
27 Sep 07
Yeah I am on that same page. I have about a 3 second get over it rate and as long as whatever is going on around me or whoever is bothering me stops for a few minutes, I get over it. So I guess that's a good thing.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Not just one of my greatest faults, but my greatest fault indeed is the fact that I am way too hard on myself. I just do not give myself a break when it comes to certain things in my life. I know that the source of this issue is a well meaning father who raised me to always ask how I can do something a little better the next time. While I have a laid back, down to earth attitude towards those around me, I am just too hard on myself.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi makingpots, Now that is another of my faults as well. We should never be hard on ourselves though, it doesn't always make for a happy life. Blessings.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Well, I hardly ever get mad ,but if I do is not a pretty picture. I believe in confrontation if necessary ,but sometimes I'm capable of hurting someone's feelings. I need to learn to hold my tongue if I'm upset. I need to learn that is not what you say ,but how you say it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi Mirita, You've certainly got a point there, how we say something often makes all the difference. Blessings.
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• United States
26 Sep 07
Mirita and Pose, I will definitely agree with the two of you there. The way you say things can be very harmful to those around you. It's not what you, but how you say it that hurts the most.
• United States
25 Sep 07
My greatest fault is my moodiness. Little things make me go crazy and I can go from being happy go lucky to a complete (for lack of a better word and not wanting to cuss) brat. I know with women it's a hormone thing but it makes me nuts because I take it out on those I love most. I guess it is kind of like your temper problem. It's hard though to stand back and see that maybe its you over reacting instead of someone else doing something wrong. I understand where youre coming from completely.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi tifluvnick, Thanks for responding. I think it helps us understand others a little better too, because for a little while we can't seem to control our thoughts. I wonder if most people have the problem, only on different levels. Interesting thought. Blessings.
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@sures77 (44)
• India
26 Sep 07
Yes. Tolerance is a great virtue. We should learn to control our temper. Also learn to look from others point of view before deciding to shout
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi sures, You are very wise. Thanks for responding. Blessings.
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• United States
26 Sep 07
I believe everyone has shortcomings as well, and yes it is a great thing to acknowledge them, because if you don't then you may never learn from them. My biggest fault is that I will speak before thinking when I become angry, therefore really hurting people around me. This is something I have learned to control to a point, but I need to control it completely. I also have a bad habit of when answering a question, rather than give a straight answer, I tend to answer it with a question. This really irritates my husband! I am working on trying to get that under control as well.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi jennwhite, It's very true that we all have faults. Thanks for telling us about yours. Blessings.
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• United States
26 Sep 07
Hmm let's see. I don't have any faults. I'm perfect. :) I'm just kidding. Well...I would say that my greatest fault is that I'm self-centered. If someone I'm close to is upset or whatever, I immediately think that it has something to do with me and so forth. I'm trying to work on that but it's not easy since it's part of my nature.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi candiec, You have discovered something very important, it's very hard to change something that is part of our nature. I've struggled for many years to rid myself of a fault, and haven't had much success yet. Thank you for visiting and for your comments. Blessings.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I'm a hopeless procrastinator! I know it and I try to change it but it really is hard! My father was the same way and my mom has told me since I was a kid that I'm just like him. I'm really working on improving that about myself now, though, because sometimes it does come back and bite me. Annie
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi anniepa, We all have faults, being a procrastinator is very common. Thanks for commenting. Blessings.
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• China
26 Sep 07
me too. sometimes i speak in anger, I know i hurt someone at that moment. if i had taken a second to clam down.I think thing will change. this is my greatest faults.Control my temper, talk before think over, this is very important to me
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi vivianyan, It's good to know that there are others like me. I need to take time to cool down as well. It's a fault that I have always wanted to control. Hopefully some day I will. Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
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@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
26 Sep 07
My weakness is not bein able to trust people and I dont take what people say as a matter of fact I seldomly listen to people unless they are close friends.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi Sharon, There are many people who can't be trusted, yet I wish that wasn't true. I guess sometimes we really need to trust people. Thanks for commenting. Blessings.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
26 Sep 07
My greatest fault is procrastination... it seems like I have so much time, then that time passes and I'm doing things at the last minute, no matter how far ahead I plan. It may have also to do with my penchant to keep adding 'details', when they are unneeded and unnecessary.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi alamode, Thanks for commenting. Procrastination is very common. I'm sure my wife would say the same for me, but I'd better not confess to more faults LOL. Blessings my friend.
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@jipang (39)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 07
hi... I do have my foult that hardly to reduce it. I don't know why. I always postpone to do anything. Always say, wait a moment, wait a moment ... like that. Just to share, may be you or friends there have any good suggestion for me.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi jipang, Thank you for responding. To procrastinate, or put off doing something is very common. It's not always a bad thing. There is really only one answer, think things through carefully, make a decision and follow through. Easier said then done, I know. Blessings.
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
26 Sep 07
I think some of my greatest faults are: taking things too personally sometimes, having too high expectations of the people I deem important, and keeping score cards because of the second fault. Cynicism is also one of my latent enemies he he he...Gladly it hasn't reared its ugly head for quite some time now. ;-D
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi ailema4ever, Thank you for responding. Sometimes it's good to look at our shortcomings. Blessings.
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@meikaidi (24)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I am quite impulsive! I often do not think before I react and that has gotten me in a lot of bad situations. It is also a good thing, though... i mean i am quick to react as well!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi meikaidi, Thank you for responding. Sometimes it works both ways. Blessings.
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• India
15 Oct 07
My greatest fault is that I am too impetuous. Though I am in the mid of my life (I am actually a middle-aged lady) and custom demands that I be typically matron-like with a seriousness in my features and composure, yet I fail to achieve that required calm and confident attitude in myself. I am too garrulous and jump to conclusions too easily. I trust people and mistrust them with equal alacrity. Though my experience in not less or trivial, yet it seems I have not learnt much from them. I am prone to making the same mistakes and don’t take adequate time to reason out a situation before coming to conclusions. Though I have tried, yet I cant get over this. All in all, I am very childish at heart and in nature.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi sudiptacallingu, Thanks for your comments. Blessings.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Oct 07
LOL I think one of my BIGGEST faults is definately my stubbornness....I'm a VERY headstrong, stubborn woman who doesnt back down and sometimes wont let things go until I'M fully satisfied that my point has been made etc.....
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi Ravenladyj, Thanks for commenting. You are not alone in this one. Blessings.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
26 Sep 07
We usually have the one we'll admit to, and the few we keep tucked away!LOL! I have two others (at least) that I'm working hard to overcome, so maybe someday I really will be down to just one! Great question... its making me take a close look at how I can improve! Keep 'em coming, make us think... and have a great day!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi alamode, Thanks for you comments. How true that is, we always keep a few tucked away. I still believe my temper is my greatest fault, it doesn't last long, and I feel bad later, but of course that's no justification, just stupidity, because feeling bad just hurts myself and helps no one. Blessings.
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• United States
26 Sep 07
Hello pose, Sarcasm is one of my greatest faults. When ired, I don't think, or let my brain engage before I open my mouth. The first thing out is something very sarcastic. If I take the time to think, my reaction is considerably better, just a little sharp, and sometimes I regret that too. I try to live by this saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all". Another is the way people perceive me. They feel I am harsh and have little feelings for things that affect them and that I'm blunt and aggressive in my interactions with them. I am trying very hard to improve this one. I try to think things out before I approach someone that needs to do something in particular for me. I smile, engage in small talk, then slowly commence the real reason for my approach. That is working a lot better. Happy posting..
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
Hi crazy_ol_lady, Great response. I like your saying and I would love to live by it too. I regret to say that I fail as often as I succeed. Judging others without really knowing them is a fault of many people. Blessings.
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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
16 Oct 07
I think, ne of my greatest fault was falling for a guy and gave him everything to the point that nothing is left to e. So when we separated ways, I found it so hard to carry on. My life crumbled and it took me years before I was able to pick up the broken pieces and started living again.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi izathewzia, Thank you for commenting. Blessings.