
@Ravenladyj (22902)
United States
September 25, 2007 5:11pm CST
So the pilot for a new show called Chuck was on last night and I was curious about it so I taped it..well the kids and I just finished watching it and we all liked it..Did anyone else watch it? Do you think you'll watch it again or was it a take it or leave it deal for you?
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7 responses
• United States
26 Sep 07
I watched it and thought is was pretty good and I probably will watch again but only if there is nothng better to watch (like a good movie).
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Sep 07
Dang, I missed it. Hubby was watching The War on PBS at the time. I doubt he would have let me switch stations. He has seen the commercials for Chuck and thought they were foolish. Hopefully I can catch the next one.
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• United States
11 Jan 08
I really liked the pilot. I have seen a couple episodes after the pilot and the rest are saved on my DVR. I just haven't had time to watch them. I think it's fun and hope it sticks around
@raychill (6525)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I just finished watching it as I'd taped it last night too. It was pretty funny. I enjoyed it. I was curious about it up until I saw the preview that direct tv had on it. it made it look super lame. However, I also very much liked it and am definitely going to stick with it!
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• Canada
29 Dec 07
I love Chuck, this show is highly entertaining with ribald humour. I try not to miss it, escapism at its best. A program different from the norm espionage with a modern twist. We need more television shows with a blending of fun, romance and intrigue.
• Brazil
27 Jan 08
CHUCK IS AWESOME the best tv program of 2007, i really loved it :)
@hhhxxccc (222)
• United States
19 Nov 07
I adore this show. It is defiantly one of the best shows of the 2007 season and it's a shame that it will probably suffer some damages to the writing strike occurring and with the show just starting to create a fan base. I do hope the writers strike is resolved soon, so we can new episodes of our favorite shows, without too much of a break time. RERUNS :(