dealing with liars
friends who lie
purporting to be somebody youre not
sad and mistrusted
How Do You Deal With Lies?
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
September 26, 2007 5:13am CST
What if you've known somebody for years, and trusted and been honest with them, when suddenly, out of the blue, you find out they've been telling lies... not to just you, but several other people?
I found myself in such a situation almost a year ago, and I've still said nothing. I mean... if they want to lie and get found out, then it's up to them, don't you think? I just don't know when to trust them any more... everything else is just the same. So how would you handle this situation? Would you front them up at the risk of losing their friendship, or would you keep quiet and let them make their own mistakes? It does wrankle with me, because I see it as not trusting me, or any other of their friends enough to tell them the truth. Why pretend? In the end, you're found out, and I abhor lies, anyway.
What are your views on this?
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31 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Sep 07
That would ruin the friendship for me.
Apart from that, I would wonder why they lied. What did they have to hide ....or gain from lying? I would try to figure it out so I could give them what they needed or reassure them of our unconditional friendship but if There was no co-operation, the friendship would be neglected and fade and die.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
I think I did figure out the reasons, MsTickle, but when I subtly mentioned a couple of mistakes I'd noticed, I was told that I was jumping to conclusions and the blame was kind of lumped onto me! I took exception to that the second time it happened. So what I would like now is firstly for my friend to admit the deceit, and then sit down and talk it out. After that, or during, I would like an apology for being spoken to in that way. If they are willing to deal with the discrepencies, explain and apologise then in the light of the length and closeness of our friendship, I would be prepared to put it all behind me. We have a way of doing this things, by writing them on paper, burning the paper in ritual and then burying the ashes. There you go, something else for you to ponder! lol.
Brightest Blessings.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
1 Oct 07
I think you need to stop holding back from your friend and let them know what you know and tell them what you want...just like we've been discussing here. Your friend has obviously got themselves in a mess and they feel they cannot own up and accept the consequences, so they lash out when confronted. I think you both need for you to invite this person to sit down and clear the air and there's to be no bs. You need to offer them your respect and courtesy, remind them of your friendship and invite them to put the matter to rights and then to rest. I hope you can sort it out because it's obviously distressing you my friend. Brightest blessings.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Sep 07
I hope you read my comment I made here Ms Tickle --as I tell Darkwing the person in my life that was a chronic lier was my her case she was hoping to gain sympathy with her imaginary woe be gone poor me victim hard luck story that was so false it was laughable
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep 07
Well I think I know who we are on about here as you told me not so long back
I think personally you have to confront them whether it is that Person or not you need to talk to them and tell them that you have caught them out lying a few times
I know that is what I would do and I hope you will because you will put it kindly someone else might not
Love you and big Hugs xxxxx

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Sep 07
Yess I know and I know that you will deal with it the right way as you know this Person well and you know how to deal with it
I know you told me on the Phone about and I really hope that the Person will see sense and I wish they would take your advise as you are only trying to help
I did get here ok I will be going back home on Tuesday afternoon
Lots of Love and Big Hugs to you xxxxx
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
I guess this person would listen to advice if they had asked it but that's not the case here. In fact, they've been trying to keep it from me, but that didn't work, as you know. I can only assume that in being a fantasy writer, they have assumed a fantasy character as their other side. I don't know, but it saddens my heart, Gabs. I really wish I could get to the bottom of it and get it sorted because it's gone on way too long.
Brightest Blessings... glad you arrived ok. Have fun with the kids. xx
@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
Yes, I may be able to put it tactfully, but as you will know, if you're thinking of the right person, it's very difficult to talk to them without being shut out for a few weeks. I think they're aware that I know something but they don't know just how much, which makes both them and me feel a little awkward when talking. So, in having seen a little improvement, because I think in the light of my knowing something, they have decided to try and rid themselves of this trait. The trouble is now, the ground is laid and it's not so easy to retract. But, I will wait and see, yet keep my distance and not interfere until I see whether they are back on an even keel. As you know, I have already distanced myself some from all this, and I intend to do so until I regain some trust in them.
Have a great trip... love and hugs. xx
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@weemam (13372)
26 Sep 07
I hate lies I always have pal , I would say it SHOULD be faced up , but in saying that I know that me , myself couldn't do it , I know however that my friendship would never be the same , I also know that I would never be able to confide in that friend again , That is what a real friend is , Someone you can confide in and know it will go no further , But I hate to hurt anyone ,Sorry I havn't really been much help xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
Of course you've been of help, Weemam. You've advised me as to how you would deal with the situation were you to find yourself in it. It is difficult not to say anything because I feel awkward in their presence and I'm sure they know that I know something about what has been going on. I thought it better after being snapped at a couple of times for jumping to conclusions, to keep my mouth shut and just wait around for the time when they are going to have to deal with being found out, and learn the pain of lying.
Brightest Blessings, my friend. xxx
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Sep 07
I had a very serious situation that involved with my mother...She did have a lot of emotional issues, and was a chronic lier, so much so that it was like she was re-writing her history and after awhile believed the crap she was telling people as if it had been reality. I didn't find out about a lot of the lies she was telling until a woman I knew who lived around the block moved to CA. When she had lived here we were kind of friendly but not very, then when she moved we both started opening up to each other more--but then she told me all the crap my mother was dishing out to people. One was that, she was creating a woe-is-me, victim persona to people, that she had had such a tragically hard life...I had to laugh at this at this since the real truth my mother grew up a prima Donna pampered princess and had maids and housekeepers while she was growing up--and we're talking about the depression/war years when most people didn't have a pot to pee in! What twisted my mom's mind, was that when things got really ruff financially for her she just couldn't deal with, the woe begone poor me, my life is so hard speech. Then she was forever telling horrible lies about me---Granted I've been dealing with panic disorder, and at one time it was so bad I was completely housebound, but that hasn't been me in a long time, as I'm slowly conquering my problem. But I used to wonder, when I would bump into people we knew they'd say, "Oh, I'm so glad to see you OUT here." I was getting a complex, like what is the big deal? Well, my friend from California told me my mother was telling folks I'm agoraphobic and I NEVER leave the house...yes, that was me years ago, but not at the present time. Then she made me out like I was a blithering idiot who had never done anything in life except stay at home and stare at the four walls.
When I was trying for grants last year, I needed people for I took my portfolio of photos I had taken over the years, and the black and white gallery exhibition type prints I had done...The one person,Vi, was astounded at my work...she had no idea I had accomplished anthing like that nor have a THREE page resume of my photos credits
The WORSE though, was the real hum-dinger of a lie...Now my mother in the last few years of her life was losing a lot of weight--part of it could be attributed to the fact, that it turned out she had cancer...but there was another reason....She was actually telling people, that "Oh, my daughter never feeds me, she's letting me starve." The truth??? She was doing a bulimic thing...she'd eat her food, then race to the kitchen and stick her finger in her throat to purge her food--THAT was why she was losing so much weight...she just wasn't eating, or at least keeping it down
When I told that to a friend of mine, she said, it's a wonder she didn't say this to the WRONG person otherwise maybe I would have been investigated into for abuse toward my mother.
Now of course Darkwing, I confronted my mother..big time....but talking to her was like talking to a zombie...she just wasn't functional or all there to begin with. She continued her lies up to her passing--the GOOD news is, is that when the people who knew my mother then got to know me better, they too, saw what a lier she was and never believed a word she
I too abhor lies...and as you said the truth always comes out did in my case when people got to know me better and I told them the real story about things
sorry, I'm venting here a bit...but this really struck a nerve with me, as it was my own mother who was such a friggin' lier in life!
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
Thank you for sharing that story about your Mother, Pye. It sounds to me as though she was attention seeking because she lacked the pampering in later life that she received in childhood. It must have been a cultural shock to her to grow up and not find any of the conveniences she had in childhood.
That's no excuse for her lying of course. There are other ways to attract attention but perhaps that's the only way she knew how. I'm just trying to help you understand something that might not have been quite as bad as it seems.
I'm really pleased that people got to know the real you in the end, because to my mind, you're a special person and to hear from them what your Mother was saying about you, must have been quite a knock back.
Brightest Blessings, my friend.

@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
26 Sep 07
It would depend on how serious the situation is. Are they lying about something to hurt someone? Or to avoid hurting someone's feelings? Or did they do something terrible & they're covering up for it?
I would probably keep quiet too -- unless it was utterly important that they know that I know the truth. Does that make sense?
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
Ok... this is the way it seems to me, Gwen. The lying is not verbally to me... it's to others, and I think to cover up their own insecurities. Also, when tackled about it on a couple of occasions, they have lied to me, and accused me of jumping to conclusions, thus the blame being put on me. So, I think maybe in their own way, they're trying to protect me from the hurt of finding out about the lies, whilst unbeknown to them, I already learned about them from others. Confused yet? lol. I am!!!
Brightest Blessings.
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
26 Sep 07
Its a hard situation. I hate it when people lie, and dont see why some people seem to constantly do it. As you say, they end up getting found out and they look the idiot. I think it depends on the situation for what to do. Sometimes i have known that people lie, but i dont worry about saying anything. I dont really know why, but i just in a way feel sorry for them that theythink they had to lie. But i have been on the receiving end of some lies, and i havent kept my mouth shut. I dont even talk to a couple now, and never want to. Noone believes what they say, and they dont have friends. Unfortunately, they seem to think they are above others, but they arent.
Anyhow, i hope that you are keeping well, and take care
Your friend, Kay xx
@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
I think maybe whether you keep quiet or confront them about it actually depends on your relationship with this person. If it's a close friend, you'll maybe keep quiet, or approach it in a very subtle, round-about way, but if a casual friend, you'll probably think nothing of having it out with them, not caring too much whether they walk away or not.
In this case, it's a close friend of some years standing and I don't particularly want to lose them because for all their faults, I love them, and have spent many happy moments with them. I hate the knowledge that they're going to be hurt in the end but at the same time, I feel rather disappointed that I'm hurting through their actions. So, I have to wait and deal with this on my own. Then, I guess, I have to be around to pick up the pieces, and maybe then, and only then, I will let them know that I was aware of their lies, but left them to find out the pain of being found out, and being branded a liar, without my interfering.
I am well, thank you, my dear friend... just busy at the moment, and have a catastrophy with the darts league to deal with but it will all sort itself out, despite making me run around like a headless chicken. ha ha ha.
Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. x
@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I have a family member who cannot tell a story straight, even if it is something plain and simple as "I went to the store and bought groceries." Many years ago I talked with her once, about it, and she said she just can't stand to tell stuff that is boring, when it can be improved upon. I used to get incredibly outraged. My younger sister always just said, "If she is not hurting anyone, why hurt her by confronting her." I do not think that is the right approach, but this is a close family member and I cannot live my life in conflict, either. I mostly just avoid being around her, sometimes in public, I outright contradict her. When she first moved to the state I was helping her by taking her to some clinic appointments. She was complaining about her situation, as it was not of her choice, necessarily, but she was going to be homeless. She was telling people she was "kidnapped and brought to Kansas". I told her upfront, in front of the same people "No, you were losing your home and we gave you a place to live." I do not know the best way to deal with liars, as I am painfully direct.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
I quite agree with you that whilst perhaps you like to make a story more exciting, you don't need to tell lies to do it and if this family member of yours is left to do so now, she will always lie.
As for my friend, it's something similar I suppose. They're not actually verbally telling lives but using a lie to make their life more exciting but what can they get from pretending and lying. I can't see it myself but there you go.
I have seen an improvement in that I believe they're trying to deal with the problem, so just now, I'm standing a little distance from them, waiting and hoping that they will realise what they're doing and how to cope with it without my interference, because I don't want to lose such a good friend.
Brightest Blessings.

@Darkwing (21583)
1 Oct 07
No, I wont... well not entirely. After years, I find it so difficult to walk away. I've just backed off for now, but something else reared its ugly head... not a lie, but something a bit upsetting.
September was a bum month all round... I just hope October proves to be better, or I'm going to start to wonder whether life's worth the effort. xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
I have subtly mentioned it my friend, on three occasions, but twice, I was told that I was jumping to conclusions and the other time, it was laughed off, but they were embarrassed because they twigged that I know something.
They have, I feel, attempted to put things right, but I fear it's probably to late to start putting the pieces back together now. It must be a very sad situation to be in, knowing you have deceived people, and are now being found out! Methinks this person will end up a very lonely soul, but I can't just walk away... I need talk!
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. Hope you are recovering well and the chemo goes ok. Love you. xxx

@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
26 Sep 07
I think it would be better if you'd back away from them, leave them and stop communicating. I wouldn't waste my time dealing with them after finding out about their filthy lying. It's better if we move on, forget them and think of more productive things which is better to work at.
Always put in mind that, their loss is not your's. Nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
I find it difficult to actually walk away from somebody I have been so close to, but I have cut down communication and I have backed away some. I think they are aware that I know something. They didn't actually lie to me verbally but they are doing something false and deceitful and when I tackled them about parts of it twice, I was told I was jumping to conclusions, so I feel it's almost impossible to discuss the way I feel about this.
I do feel things are improving and that they're trying to get out of the hole they've dug themselves, but it's not so easy after all the lies they've told. So, I'm patiently waiting to see if they learn their lesson without my help.
Brightest Blessings.
@recycledgoth (9894)
26 Sep 07
A couple of years ago I found out that a friend had been lying to me and to a lot of other people too. She was a very insecure person, with little self confidence and self esteem and her lies are mainly to bolster her own feelings of inadequacy. While I can't condone her lies, I felt that I could understand them in the circumstances and never said anything about it. I guess I simply accepted her lies, she is a good friend, and friends are important to me. I accept all my friends, warts and all, and try to ignore the faults.
@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
Yes, my friend, I think this person also suffers a feeling of insecurity and perhaps little self confidence at times. Not that they're not confident some of the time, or indeed a lot of the time, but there are times when they falter.
Also, I agree with the fact that if you make a good, close friend of somebody, whom you normally get on great with, then when something like this crops up, you tend to accept it as part of them, but hope it will eventually go away. I don't want to lose this friend completely, and I don't want to harp on about their faults but this is hurting me. They're making a complete fool of themselves with others, who unbeknown to my friend, are also my friends and telling me all! ha ha ha.
I believe this person is trying to deal with the matter... they are aware that I know something but I doubt they know exactly how much, and they seem to be trying to get back out of the hole they dug for themselves. I have just been sitting silently back, waiting to see whether they succeed.
Brightest Blessings.
@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
26 Sep 07
Hi Darkwing
People can lie for many reasons I suppose, but I don't like them. If I were in the situation I would call the person on it and then go from there. Sometimes lies don't always have to end a friendship, but it can create mis-trust. It takes me a while to trust someone, and when they break that trust it takes them a WHILE to get it back if they do get it back at all. If the friendship is strong enough then it has a chance of surviving, but if it isn't then I guess it wasn't meant to be. I guess that is part of the saying that "You find out who your real friends are".
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
Therein lies a problem, my friend. I have called them on it twice, in a subtle kind of way, and was told that I was jumping to conclusions.
I backed off, and left them to it, but they are unaware of the fact that I too have friends, and some of those are the ones who are being deceived. So, what happens? They come to me, and I tell them the truth. Can you see where I'm headed? I feel there's going to be one almighty roll of thunder and this friend is going to crash to the ground, and there they will lie, because nobody... and I mean nobody, will be willing to pick them up. I've stood beside them through all of this, but I'm really not prepared to for much longer unless they offer some sort of explanation or apology, or succeed in bettering their ways, which they do appear to be attempting to do. I have an inkling they feel just a little bit embarrassed, because they are beginning to learn that I know what's been going on. We'll see, I guess. :)
Brightest Blessings, Purple, my friend. x
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
I really hope that this person really is trying to change and make things better because if not then yes, they will crash to the ground and will have serious credibility issues with anyone. Hope things get better hun, and fast!
Love & Hugzz, Your Friend, PurpleTeddyBear ;)
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
Thank you Purple... you're such a sweetheart. I hope so too.. and fast because as you say, they will end up with serious credibility issues. I can't believe they've done what they've done... perhaps I don't want to, or perhaps I'm concerned at my incorrect calculation of their honesty, but I'm sure something triggered this off and it has got to a stage where it's difficult to turn back the clock, so to speak.
Brightest Blessings. x
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
I don't believe this friend to be an out and out liar. This is the problem. They haven't actually lied verbally, but they are doing something which I know is false, yet others don't. There are "victims" in this who are totally unaware and that makes me angry that my friend can hurt them, and hurt me in the process with his falsities. They are aware I know something, I'm sure, but they know not just what or how much, so I'm standing off right now, in the hope that what they are trying to deal with is this problem, as I have seen some improvement. The problem really is that I feel awkward when I see them and they obviously feel awkward with me, so I keep quiet, and hope that they will realise that their lying will get them nowhere and it's time to stop.
Brightest Blessings, Aissha.
@sephrenia (567)
26 Sep 07
If it were me I would be angry beyond belief. However, rather than telling all my friends about it straight away, I would rather go and confront them quietly and let them know i've found out about their lies and see what they say about it.
If they admitted straight out that they lied and were sorry about it, I would try and find out why they lied, like did they have something personal going on that made them do it, that kind of thing. Then I would try to help them rehabilitate themselves and rebuild my trust in them, although that would be a long time coming.
If they refused to admit to any deceit, then I would quietly tell all my other friends that they have lied and to watch this person quietly so that eventually, they will be caught out by more than just me and will have to face losing all their friends. I dont see the point in lying, you only get caught out anyways.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
That sounds like quite a rational way of dealing with things. The problem here, is, the person didn't actually verbally lie to me, it was something they did, something false, which I found out about, and when I confronted my friend, was told that I was jumping to conclusions and was wrong. I have backup from others that I'm NOT wrong, but I left it, in the hope that they might change, as they'd been forewarned that I knew something. But, although there's been some improvement, the temptation still seems to be there, and I don't know really what to do about it without upsetting my friend. I can't break the bond after such a long time, so I'm having to close my mind to it a bit and let it run its course.
Brightest Blessings.
@rajeb1 (9)
29 Sep 07
being truthful takes much toll of what kind of relationship a person has with someone, be it a friend, a special friend,a family, a colleague or even his/her own relatives.trusting a person in this context is difficult, for as you said, you found out that this person has been lying all it also awakens us what if all the things that person said or did were all but lies,then who he/she really is, is another scary reality to be unraveled. but if you just found out a lie, meaning not all were lies, then there is a reason that you need to ask the person to solicit the answer why he/she is doing so.confrontation isn't gonna be easy but the foundation of friendship is to be tested.i had this experience before, i found out that the person is lying, when i found out it was all because i didn't have the attitude who hears and really listens. i was more likely to open my mouth without getting into what my friend was trying to convey to me.the only way to deal with this is to properly assess things and be straightforward but make sure you do this in a non-convicting manner or you'll get bark at.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
No, they hadn't been lying all along. In fact, I regarded them as an honest person. There's just been this deceit going on for a couple of years, which I found about last Christmas time, thanks to a friend of a mutual friend. Then, it escalated from there, with two others telling me similar stories, and asking me questions. So now, a number of people know my friend is living a lie. This friend is a writer of fantasy stories and I'm wondering whether a story writer may have the ability to live their writing? Maybe that would be an explanation but until I can get them to sit down and talk about it, I will never know.
Brightest Blessings.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
27 Sep 07
Actually it happened to me about 2 mobnths back.
I was shattered.
It was such a big lie which I never dreamt of.
He once was so called best friend of mine.
He even proposed me once.
Thank GOD I declined.
recently he behaved so badly are we are no more in touch.
I understand all were lies.
It hurts me and i waNT TO forget him completely.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I find it hard to deal with lies if it's from my husband. That hurts the most. It also depends on what they say too, sometimes I brush it off and don't think too much into it, and other times I hurts me to the core. But I move on as best I can and deal with it as best I can. It may not end up where I want it to be, but if I don't get over it then it eats away at me.
I have told a few lies in my lifetime and have not been proud of it - my husband is still with me so I know even though it hurt him at the time, he has forgiven me and we have moved on together.
I hope you are able to my friend.
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
I was ready to put it behind me a long time ago, but my friend is in denial. Either they are trying to keep it from me, or they're just out and out ashamed of what they've done. Either way, if they would offer an explanation and an apology for being rude to me when I tried to raise the subject, I could still put it behind me, because this person is a close friend.
You and your husband have done very well dealing with each other's problems. As you say, it's best to forgive and forget... that's a true sign of friendship or love.
Brightest Blessings.
@dexsha28 (73)
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
Do come by vent your steam - i know exactly what you are going through. I have been there too. All slightly different situations but still dealing with the same foes. I count myself lucky that I was able to eventually just walk away. I feel for you, caught up in this situation. It's like dealing with very naughty children who aren't going to change. Try and raise yourself above their silly lies and games and see them as wayward children. Maybe, when their lies don't matter to you, you will be able to resist being drawn into the game and being hurt. Once you are cool and not drawn in, then you are no fun for the person to play with. They will go looking for easier and more fun victims to taunt.
@ssf12ster (488)
• India
27 Sep 07
see the best way to deal is by telling the truth to them again and again.also people will move away from you if u tell les in the long run they trust u and then they find u r lying they try to avoid u.also they tell other about it.that makes u very sickest of all.i used to tell them depending on the situation. but when i told the turth some dint like it.speak nothing but the truth
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
It's not me caught in the lie, it's a close friend of mine and yes, I agree it's always best to tell the truth because your memory copes with that in a much better way. If you lie, your memory doesn't recognise what you've said, and you get found out in the end.
Brightest Blessings.
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@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
27 Sep 07
I have to make sure that someone is lying to me first, then I call them out on it.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Sep 07
The lie to me was only when I tackled my friend on the subject. I'm quite sure this happened because three separate people came to me with similar stories. Then, when I tried to raise the subject, I was told I was jumping to conclusions. I just backed off and waited in silence, to see what would happen when they were found out.
Brightest Blessings.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
It really hurts if someone you've trusted for so long are lying to you always. I will confront that person and we will have a heart to heart talk. I will ask her directly what I did wrong to deserve all her lies. If she explains it to me clearly- with no shade of lies at all, then i am willing to continue my friendship or any relationship with her. But if she lies again, then I will just let her go. I read it in an article that if someone is not a good influence to you, leave her, because there are still alot out there who will influence you for good.