Night Photo

Clouds around the Moon - Some light clouds come around the moon when I was taking picture.
@matte5 (1913)
September 26, 2007 12:57pm CST
Yesterday nihgt when I was out taking photos of the moon, I took alot and I hawe been looking at them today to see witch I will keep and witch I will delete. I would like to post a serie of photos to you. I can only post one up atime and thats is sad, so I shose this one of the moon with some light clouds around. I hope you like it.
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7 responses
• United States
26 Sep 07
Oh! I really do like it. It looks really cool. Of course it's one of your pictures! Geez, I'm jealous! lol. I am going to get a good moon shot one of these days! =P You'll see! lol. Great work :)
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
26 Sep 07
Moonclouds - Some nice moonclouds.
Hello my frend. I think this is fun you are jealous of a photo so I will pot one more to you. I am waiting to see your moon shots and thanks for the great respond.
• United States
26 Sep 07
*gasp* i am jealou again! lol. This moon kind of looks like a spotlight =P What's it looking for? lol
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
26 Sep 07
lol I dont knowe what its looking for. I only take arond 60 pics of it so I hawe some.
• United States
27 Sep 07
I've tried to take some night photos with my small digital camera, and sadly none ever come out to the full extent of the beauty I see. I feel that the camera isn't showing the full moment and serenity of the moon or stars that i'm taking into the film. It just goes to show you some cameras aren't cut out for night photography, and some are. Although I did want to say that I rather liked your photo's and would love to see some more. I like to photograph flowers, they are so bright and beautiful to me. I just can't get enough of photography, its just life in still motion.
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
29 Sep 07
Hello. To take photos at night like this one you hawe to use tripod and long time settings and no flash so its not so easey to do this. I hawe photos in all my discussion and there are flowers to so you hawe to look there.
@Stiletto (4579)
26 Sep 07
That's very pretty. Just one question - isn't it really cold standing outside in the middle of the night taking photo's? You're braver than I am - I like to be nice and warm tucked up in bed lol. Still it's worth it I guess if you get lovely pictures like this one.
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
26 Sep 07
Hello Stiletto. Thanks for the respond. No it was not so cold you shold hawe seen me I hawe only my dressing gown on and was out for about 40 minuts and it was worth it I get some nice shots.
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Wow, another great photo. How long have you had an intrest in taking photos? With fall and winter on it's way, I'm sure you will have many great ones ahead. I can't wait. :)
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
26 Sep 07
Hello OURDEW. Thanks alot for that, I started with a regular camera for about 15 years ago but this camera I get in Juni this year but I hawe another digital camera before that in 5 years. You hawe to wait for the winter shots but fall I hawe posted you hawe to look in my discussions.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Breath taking. I hope you know how good this picture is. I like it even better than the other one. It's spooky in an enchanting kind of way. I am really looking forward to you posting pictures in series.:)
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
27 Sep 07
Hello flight. I am glad that you like them and its sme kind of spooky. It has been great to post pictures in serie but I dont wee can get that in mylot.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
27 Sep 07
This shot is great Matte, and very beautiful, and mysterious :) Congratz! TheFortunes
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
27 Sep 07
Thanks alot my frend.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
26 Sep 07
thats really neat and so interesting to lookat.great
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
26 Sep 07
Hello and thanks alot that you like it.