What are your thoughts on the role of women ~
By kathisharpe
@kathisharpe (140)
United States
September 26, 2007 2:00pm CST
What are your thoughts on the role of women - in society, in the home, in church (or within whatever religion you happen to be) ?
What do you think of women who choose career over family?
What are your thoughts on women who choose to stay home and raise their children?
Personally, I believe that Paul's intention regarding the role of women in the church has been grossly misinterpreted by many - this evidenced by the fact that women WERE leaders in the early church, and Paul himself makes that clear - so does Jesus!
Women are strong and powerful leaders because God made us that way! I don't see men OR women as being "better" suited for roles within the church; God calls as He will.
Within the home, I do believe in the concept of "one flesh" within marriage, and that the husband should lead the home with the full cooperation of the wife - if he is loving her as Christ loved the church there should be no power struggles!
I do feel very strongly that children should be raised and schooled at home by a stay-at-home parent. In most families this'll be Mom - partly by "nature" and partly because of the fact that in our culture most men have greater earning power.
So - what are your thoughts?
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8 responses
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I believe the husband is the head of the home and the wife is the heart of the home. Both men and women have special roles to play in every aspect of life.
The husband and wife should love each other and respect each other. Just as you said, love each other as Christ loves the Church.
There are so many women today that want to be treated exactly like men are. I don't really agree with that. God made man for certain things and women for other things.
I really think it is best that a mother stays home and raises the child, but I understand that in today's world, it sometimes is not possible. Most of the time, it takes two incomes to afford the things needed. I am so grateful that my mother was able to stay home with us (6 children). My dad worked and provided the money that we needed. We didn't have many luxuries, but we sure had all that we needed. I would not have had it any other way!
As far as the church goes, women can do so many things to glorify God. We can teach Sunday School, sing in the choir, ring the bells, lead Bible study, prepare food for different occasions, visit the sick and the shut-ins, pick up people to bring to church who cannot drive...so many, many things! God calls each one of us to do something to help. Bring glory to God.
@kathisharpe (140)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I wouldn't want to be treated "like a man" -- even if I'm doing things that have traditionally been men's roles.
For a lot of large families, it's less expensive for Mom to not work (or work @ home) and homeschool the kids - much cheaper on "back to school", no day care costs, home-cooked meals and lunches...
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
13 Apr 11
I'm pretty much in agreement.
I'm interested to hear how you interpret St Paul's views on women in the church. It seems what St Paul had to say regarding women, slavery, etc, differed significantly from Jesus' teachings & the preaching of James, John & Peter.
Assumed Question: “James, Peter, and John taught us that women may preach the doctrine Jesus preached. Women traveled with Jesus, and women are teaching in their homes. Should women be allowed to preach?”
I Corinthians 14:33-36: “…women should be silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as the law also says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.”
I Timothy 2:11-15: “Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent.”
Assumed Question: “James, Peter, and John taught us that all people deserve to be free from slavery and oppression. But my owner, a believer, tells me I will not be set free. Why am I, and other men and women, still being held as slaves?”
Colossians 3:22-25: “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything, not only while being watched and in order to please them, but wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord. Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters, since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve the Lord Christ. For the wrongdoer will be paid back for whatever wrong has been done, and there is no partiality.”
I Timothy 6:1-5: “Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be blasphemed. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful to them on the ground that they are members of the church; rather they must serve them all the more, since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved.”
Luke 4:16-20: “And [Jesus] stood up to read; and there was given to him the book of the prophet Isaiah. He opened the book and found the place where it was written, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.’ And he closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down…”
Jesus said he came to free the captives and those who were oppressed. That would surely encompass both slaves and women. Apparently, Jesus wasn’t fond of the gospel Paul preached either. Mary Magdalene was far more developed spiritually than any of the other male disciples & was entrusted with many things that the others were not.
@biggerb (2024)
• India
27 Sep 07
Let me first unravel the enigma called woman- she is like a light at the end of a tunnel,a twinkling star,man's greatest strength and God's most beautiful creation.
Nobel prize winner,Amartya Sen has this to say of women"Women's empowerment can positively influence the lives not only of women themselves,but also of men and ofcourse those of children" A woman today straddles many world's, wears many hats and lives life to the fullest.They are grounded,gritty and are go getters.Women are no longer confined to home and hearth.She is truly walking shoulder to shoulder with a man in all walks of life.A sense of self esteem is very important for women.While it is important to have a family it is equally important for women to have a sense of self esteem which they get from their work.A woman has many roles to fulfill as a a daughter,wife,mother,daughter-in-law, a professional,a friend etc.Women are inherently multi-taskers they are able to do all these things well.Staying at home or going out is ofcourse each individuals choice.There are many reasons why women are opting to work.
1.To be financially independent
2.To utilise their education
3.To have a position in society
4.To look after the family
Inflation,materialism and the very need to improve the quality of their life has driven them to take on the world.
@kishusia (1066)
• India
28 Sep 07
Men and women have complementary roles. Men work outside and earn money for the household. Women work inside and manage the household. This is the best arrangement for keeping the family intact and in turn the society. This arrangement is no doubt flexible and minor adjustments can be done here and there. Let me explain it through an example. If in a household wife also works outside then husband should also share jobs related to management of the household.
@kaerfaima (103)
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
Women has always been very important in this world we are. At home, she is the light of the house who would always care for her family. In the society, women can now be government officials not like in the past. In church.....I don't know. hehe
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
27 Sep 07
I think as long as the woman can handle juggling career, home, kids, and other stuff, then it's fine if they choose to be career woman. I do believe that women CAN be leaders, but it's up to the women themselves to choose. If they try juggling career, home, kids, friendships and they end up being exhausted, they won't be able to give their best anymore.
Concerning home school, I don't think it's suitable for any nation. For example: in Indonesia we never heard about such a thing.
There are kids who need their Moms to be with them more than others. I know some friends of mine whose mothers were career women. One of them resented her mother because of that and then she became a SAHM. One of them followed her mother's footsteps and she had no hard feelings toward her mother, so now she becomes a career woman. I guess it all depends on your kids, too. What do they NEED? I think when you have a family, your biggest responsibility is your family's well-being. That's what women should think about first.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Sep 07
the only "role" a woman is suited for is whatever role she WANTS to be suited for..there is no set rules about it and there is no wrong answer..if a woman wants to be a SAHM then thats fine, if she wants to be a Career woman thats fine...if she wants to be a Stay at Home Career woman thats fine too...As for within the church I know 2 women who are ministers and one of them is a lesbian....When it comes to homeschooling I think for some ppl its the right choice..I know it did wonders for my kids BUT for some ppl even if there IS a parent at home its NOT the best choice...
Like I said there is no "set" way to be a woman and there is no ONE way to be a woman....we are all different even within our own families and what is right for one wont be right for another....thats how it should be..
@jennwhite07 (130)
• United States
26 Sep 07
For th most part, yes men have almost always had the greatest earning potential. Times however have changed, and many women are now the "bread winners" in the family.
Women, like myself who choose to stay at home and raise their children shouldn't feel like they aren't contributing to the home life, because they are in so many ways.
I also believe that no matter who the "bread winner" is all major decisions should be agreed on by both adults.