What are some of your favorite things to do?
@Perspectives (7131)
September 27, 2007 12:15am CST
This is a question I have been asking myself lately because I've spent a lot of time at my computer these last few months...doing my free lance writing work...setting up my Blog...posting a couple of things on Helium...and of course hours and hours of Mylotting and chatting to new friends I met here by direct e-mails.
So with Fall being here and a sense of 'new-ness' filling the air I decided to add some other dimensions to my life. To do that I had to stop and ask myself about what else I like to do beside sit at my computer for hours on end. So here are some of my 'other' favorite things to do...and then I'd love to hear about some of yours.
I love to dance, sing, do yoga, exercise on my stationary bike, lift light weights because these activities make my body feel great!. I also like to meditate in a quiet sanctuary we created up in our attic. Spending time with close friends is a favorite thing...taking walks with my Sweetie and our dogs...watching favorite television programs such as Survivor, House, the View, Oprah, Amazing Race, Boston Legal. I enjoy computer games such as SilverFall and Neverwind...reading, listening to music...hiking...traveling, scrap booking, rock wall climbing...taking pictures...playing with our cats...well that is enough about me.
I'd love to hear about your favorite hobbies, interests...or anything else you'd care to share. It is always good to learn more about valued friends within our sharing circle and connect with new ones in any discussion we have.
Look forward to hearing from you...so long for now..
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19 responses
@crazy_ol_lady (1014)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Hello perspectives,
This time of the year I do a lot of canning. I make hot salsa for my family using habanero peppers, tomatoes and spices. I make grape jelly from Concord Grapes. My family really enjoys this during the winter.
I love the fall season. It is a very pretty time of the year. I go for walks, take pictures of the scenery, do my yard work and prepare for the winter. A little at a time of course.
Some of my hobbies are cross stitching, reading,
travelling, quilting, knitting, scrapbooking, listening to music, watching tv, cooking, and making friends on-line.
I have 5 children, all grown and 17 grandchildren varying from 6 to 16 years of age. They are a big part of my life. I live close to the schools so most of them drop by regularly.
It is nice to get to know a little more about friends, whether they are on-line or in person. The on-line friends are somewhat of a mystery, making it interesting to get to know them.
I hope this helps you know me a little bit better.
Happy posting..
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Hi again...and I sincerely thank you for your willingness to allow me to get to know you a little better. Oftentimes my discussions run along deep philosophical questions...but I also have a lighter side to who I am just like everyone else. That is what prompted me to add other 'perspectives' to my site.
Having wonderful chats like these do put a more personal face to the connections we have with each other here...and that is something I am valuing as I immerse myself more within the Mylot community. I am sure you will find that too and I am glad to see you drop by here and add your responses to what I view as on on line sharing circle of like minded others.
I truly do value hearing about friends and their lifestyles and from the sound of it it you have a lot of wonderful outlets for you time and energy. It is hard for me to imagine what it is like to have an extended family as large as yours. My hubby David and I have no direct contact with family because our parents have passed on, I do not have siblings and David's brother passed on last year. However, we do have a feeling of 'soul family' because of the amazing bonds we have with friends that truly are our family.
From the sound of it you have a rich, full life. The fact that your prepare and preserve food for your family fits with a belief my Mom raised me with. And that the true meaning of any gift is within how 'love it cost.' You are offering gifts of much love to your family and it appears they value that.
Thanks for your willingness to share more of who you are with me...and I welcome any opportunity to continue sharing with you in other discussions.
Enjoy your Mylotting...we are fortunate to have you as a member. Wishing you and what sounds like a wonderful family the best that life has to offer.
Best regards,
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@sunshinecup (7871)
27 Sep 07
Wonderful discussion!!!
I reckon on my list of things I love to do the first one would have to be, being absolutely goofy with the kids and hubby. Setting around with the TV off, we can get really silly and I tell ya there isn't any form of entertainment on the market that could replace the pleasure I get from that.
I also love my yoga on a nice quiet morning when it's just me and the sunrise. Oh the peace that goes through my mind and body during that is just beyond words.
Singing HAS to be next on that list. I love to sing and have since I was just a small child. Singing whether though tears or laughter is such a rush for me. No, you won't ever see my face or name on a CD cover, but I still love doing it all the same. Oh yeah, my neighbors just LOVE me, LOL.
Being around children is another pleasure of mine. Children are just fun and you never know what they are going to say, do or ask. I reckon that is one of the reasons I volunteer so much at my girls elementary school. Honestly, I could SO do without the adults there, they are the ones that make no since most of the time, LOL.
So these are my top winners of things I love to do.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
Good to know you like this topic and chose to add so many lovely things that you enjoy doing to the growing list from others.
Hearing that you maintain a regular yoga disciplines makes me question why I do not. I remember one of my instructors telling the class that when you maintain a regular practice 'magic' happens. I know how good I feel when I do it..and am slowly making my way back to greater fitness. I've been sitting too long Mylotting over the past few months and really do need to increase my movement and stretching and yoga is my pick too1! So thanks for sharing what you gain from it..you have motivated me to get back to it and I thank you for that.
From what you have shared from discussions about your kids they seem to make your inner sunshine even brighter. I can appreciate that you must bring great joy to any of the kids you are around.
Singing..why don't you add something to the site Pyewacket tested her pipes on. I'd love to hear you share your special voice with others. Maybe you and your kids could sing something to brighten up our worlds!
Anyway...good to hear about the favorite things you like to do do...great fun!
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
27 Sep 07
I love spending time infront of my computer being creative, whether I'm writing, or designing something. I spend time here on MyLot so I can earn a few extra bucks to spend at the local coffee house, and all the while I'm listening to my favourite music.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Hi again...
I can say 'ditto' to all you have posted here..except I spend my 'sheckles' on some download sites my hubby likes. It is a win-win because he supports me in all my writing and creative ventures and often feels like a computer widower. While I am keying away he usually prepares the meals and tidies the house so we can relax together when I finally come down from my office to spend time together.
Speaking of favorite music..what kind do you like to listen to? I like Celtic music of all kind, Enigma. Sarah McLaughlin, easy listening, soft rock and new age. I find that having favorite music playing adds to my creative process and I take from this response that works for you too!
I appreciate hearing more about you..every little bit adds dimension to the chats we share.
So long for now...and take care..Eh!LOL Couldn't resist the corny comment about our Canadian definer...
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@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Write poetry, take photos, paint, spend time w/ family & friends & pets, surf the internet, listen to or play music...
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
I appreciate hearing about some of your favorite pass times and things you like to do. Much of what you enjoy are similar to mine...ain't life grand!
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
Hi again, my friend!^_^
I like your question. Reminds me of the things that I really like doing. Because of my daily chores, I tend to forget about them eventually.
Hmmmm...let's see. The favorite things that I like to do when I'm not busy with the usual things are:
1. Dancing with my son!lol We sometimes do this and just dance like crazy. He usually likes to dance with me because I include some tickling in that dance that just makes him breathless with so much laughing!
2. Plugging in the microphone and whipping out my karaoke dvds and sing my lungs out! And only to be disturbed by my son because he will grab the microphone and wants to be the one to sing.^_^
3. having the time to do some adjustments of our family photo albums. I started this when I was 4 weeks pregnant with my son. I stayed home most of the time and I was so sick and tired of watching tv to occupy my day. So I've decided to put out our ordinary-looking family photo album and let my creative side do the magic! And 4 years after, we've got two very, very thick family photo album that's full of colors, captions and plenty of pictures that will make you dizzy.lol
4. I also love to just lie back and relax and watch a movie. Either from cable tv or from the many collection of dvds that we have. I much prefer to watch zombie movies. I like to scare myself sometimes.lol
5. tend to my roses and garden. Sometimes I get so focused on what I'm doing in the garden that the only reminder that I get that I'm already staying too long, are the aches in my back.
So, that's just some of the things that I like to do besides my usual chores and of course, from Mylotting. ^_^
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
I am really enjoying these last two discussions because this one and the one on love are providing new awareness about valued friends like you and what you love and enjoy doing. I can appreciate how much fun it must be to sing and dance with your son. What a delightful image that brings to mind.
Arranging photos...wow..another commonality. I have done that from the time my hubby and I met and we have volumes that have captured different stages of our lives. Like you I cut and paste captions and make a big mess too! That is so wild!
You mention your garden...and I can't remember whether you told me if you'll be gardening all year there or not. Our garden is losing its lush luster very quickly although we haven't had killer frost yet.
So you have a lot of lovely pass times and I am happy to hear about a few new things you enjoy doing. Of course there is Mylot...we can never forget how much regulars like ourselves love spending time here.
Another good addition...thanks a heap! I have been so busy giving my long responses here that lately I haven't had time to visit friends sites. My comments are the first thing I do. Sometimes that is it...so I hope you know I plan to come back to visit you...but my discussions and my chatty ways are a commitment. So thanks for understanding that and showing up here the way you do!
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
29 Sep 07
It's ok with me if you don't have the extra time to check up on our profiles. What's important is that you do come back and give back comments that comes straight from your heart. And for that, it's worth the wait. ^_^
I don't do much gardening these days because of the rainy season. The only time that I can do some weeding is that if the sun does decide to show up even for just a few hours.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Sep 07
You are so understanding...and I value that. I guess either way we are keeping in touch..but you post some great topics too and I feel rather cheated when time does not permit me to visit with you there.
However, I am happy that we are chatting..and your comments are real heart-warmers..so I feel connected however it works out and glad you do too!
In regard to your gardening...can you garden all year though..I men if it lets up? I imagine your weather is not as dramatic as ours where the perennials have to go into hibernation under all the snow and then come back in the spring. Do you have plants that stay green all year or do they have a die off and come back too!
Thanks again for the comments on friendship...what is written is the mark of a really good friendship alright!
Best regards,
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@anuj291 (574)
• India
27 Sep 07
well i very nice dis my frnd
my fav things will be,,to play guitar,,which i do almost all the time
then i also liek to read novels,,i also like to play games,,be it indoor,outdoor,computer
then i like to travel to different places ,,on my bike its too much funn,,go to gigs and parties,,,and many more things that i am not able to think of right now
thnx and tc
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Sep 07
never been rock climbing with the ropes and all always founbd a diferent way to get up the hihll or mountain lo
always loved tro dance and still do sometimes by myself out on back patio .
Reading is great hiking fishing altho I need to find some river around here to fish in Lake MEade not good
Liten to music alot traveling but not much lately.
walking will start again now Doc said I can. swimming alas not till next year now . sun tanning with a good book. so there I kill to birds with one stone!
Oh yes cant forget going to the casinos or going to the 1st and 3rd street stages to watch free concerts.
Watch sunrise and sunsets / Got to get back at night to watch the moon. Watch the planes fly over head. Really enjoy it when the Thunderbirds are in town go set out by the base and watch them to their flights . Love the sound of the jet engines . Might be weird but I know when I hear them our country is saver than most I have always felt like this since I was a kid the engines of the jets always gave me a thrill.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Sep 07
oh yes I love planes I would have been a piolet if they would have let women do it back when I was young.
also My dad was a jet engine machanic
I have Chey watching the planes too she spots them way off
Got to take her to the base so she can hear them take off
o kwill do on the vits I am going to start taking them today and then I will be a good testimnial for daughter when she is trying to get people to buy huh?
The ones I am to take was recommended by a women that works for that company and has been well for 8 years
Good talking to you too will again soon
hugs and blessings to you and David both and those angelwings are working real good
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
I am so glad I posted this discussion because I am learning more things about you...and others. Topics like this create a more personal face to posts. Good to hear that you are going to be able to begin walking again.
Sunning and reading is fun. We love to sit outside and watch shooting stars and the moon too.
I wasn't aware of your love of planes and the sound of the engines. Fun to hear what makes you...so uniquely you. Great talking to you today...let me know how you make out with your new vitamin regime. Good to know that you are doing so well in such a short time...you've got a strong will and a strong body. A great combination to bring you to a complete healing.
You are in my thoughts and prayers...sleep well and we'll chat here tomorrow and keep in touch.
Hugs and blessings,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Sep 07
What a fun thing to do with your grand daughter. Anytime a special care giver gives any child an appreciation for something that they both enjoy it often lasts a lifetime. Tea with my Nanny when I was little has stuck with me throughout my life...and I am sure it the association with good times with her that started it.
It is fun to keep learning new things about each other your love of plans is good to know. You would have loved the apartment I was in Winnipeg...right over the air force base..and a flight path for the Winnipeg airport...they were coming and going 24-7.
It will be good to hear what great healing results you receive from the vitamins and to be a living testimony for Linda...no that is a win-win for sure!
David says next time you call he'd like to say hi and share a little chat...he passed the phone over yesterday before he realized who it was....then he said the southern belle accent let him know.
It is good to know those Angel Wings and your dear hubby's gentle touch are all adding to your full recovery. Continue to take things slow....and be as good to yourself as you are to others...
Hugs and light filled blessings to you and your family..
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@rosie_123 (6113)
27 Sep 07
Hi Raia - and thanks for yet another interesting and thought-provoking question. My favourite things to do - oh - so many - I probably haven't got room to fit them all onto a myLot page! But to keep them as brief as possible....
Travelling is my passion - my great love. I caught the travel bug when I was about 5 years old, and watched the trains leaving Victoria Station for Mainland Eueope, and it hasn't canged. As a teenager and student I back-packed around the world - often sleeping on the beach, or in very disreputable hostels etc that I would probably think twice about now (LOL!) - but at the time, it was fun, eductional and character building, and I still love to travel today. At least twice a year we will go somewhere "different" where we have never been before - I love the excitement of waking up the first morning in a new place, new sights, new language, new scenery, new smells (often unpleasant smells - LOL!), - but they all add to making travelling my favourite thing todo.
Then - after that - I love my tennis - whether going to live tournaments at Wimbledon and the French Open in Paris for example, or watching the further flung tourneys on TV! I love the sound of the racquet hitting the ball, love the Cathedral-like silence durng points broken by the Umpire saying 15-0 or whatever, I love the intricacies of the scoring system, and ghe atmosphere of going to matches live.
Other than that - well my cats (and all aniamls in general) are my favourite things to spend time with. I do voluntary work at the weekends for a cats charity as well as having 6 of my own.
I also adore music (rock, classical, jazz - anything realy but Rap and country which I loathe with a passion - LOL!), - I love dancing, walking in the fresh air, clothes shopping, chatting to my friends on the Internet through MSN or wherever. I enjoy gardening, learning new languages (I am fluent in 5 and speak another 3 passably), and I have an addiction to reading newspapers and keeping up-to-date with International news. So I do have very many favourite past-times, which when you add them all to my full-time job means I don't always have time for al f them - but I do try! Life is for living after all.
Hope I didn't go on too long and bore you!

@rosie_123 (6113)
29 Sep 07
Hi again Raia. Well the language thing is the easy thing for me! As I think I have told you before, my Mother was Russian, so I was bought up bi-lingual, and actually spoke Russian before I spoke English. Also, our next door neighbours when I was a child, were from the former Yugoslavia, and they often babysat me, which obviously gave me a linguistic grounding that has enabled me to be able to pick up other languages very quickly. We learn French and Spanish from the age of 7 here too - plus my partner is from Argentina, - so that explains the languages! As for job - well - I trained a s Journalist, then worked as a Tour/Holiday guide in both Spain and the former Yugoslavia, and now work as a Social Worker/Interpreter dealing with refugees and asylum seekers coming into the UK.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
My goodness...hearing about friends and their interests is never boring to me. As we are chatting more I enjoy hearing what you do and do not like (Rap and country!) They are not high on my priority list either.
You seem to have a rich full life, with diversity of interests. Your ability to sounds wonderful. My hubby traveled all over Europe, the far East and South-east Asia when he was younger too. I have only been to Bahamas, the southwest U.S. and B.C. Hopefully there will be more opportunities to travel more in the years ahead. It is good you have a trusted girlfriend to look after your cats..I wouldn't have a good time unless our 'children' were in good hands as well.
You haven't said what type of work you do. The fact that you do volunteer work to support your love of felines is great to hear. So many of them do not have a voice and end up so terribly abused.
Tennis is not something I've had too much exposure to...but it sounds like it is a passion for you all right. My interests in music are Celtic...love Enya and Clinnad.
It is always playing in my office it helps me with all creative pursuits.
I am curious how you have managed to learn so many languages...do you take classes..or do you you do it through CD's or audio tapes?
Dancing, shopping...chatting with friends...yep...those all have my vote too. So no sharing is never boring and I am glad you took the time to share this discussion and chat it up some more...much appreciated!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Sep 07
My goodness a woman of many talents along with the diversity of your interests. Thanks for explaining how you are able to master so many languages...I think that is wonderful. It must come in handy with your love of travel. Being able to dialog with the locals must create a different kind of travelling experience than those who cannot speak the language.
Your journalistic background also helps to explain how well you put your ideas together. They are very readable and I appreciate that. Your openness and honesty during all our conversations means a lot to me...because it has created a meaningful place to conduct our 'respectful dialog' and have some heart-to-hearts that I wouldn't have thought possible when I first became a member here. I member questioning Tammy...why would I want to talk to people I have never met? Well surprise! It has and continues to be a wonderful experience. Especially with on-line friends like you that are willing to make the conversations worth showing up for.
So that as they say is a wrap for this evening..but I know we'll be back live soon.
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@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
This is an interesting topic. It makes us know a little more about each other's personal preferences. I, too, love to dance. It gives me a feeling of 'high' whenever I get to dance to my favorite music and get out of funk. I love going to the gym and working out, that too, gives me some sort of renewal. But, lately I haven't been going there yet, I'm stuck in front of the computer all this time. I love reading novels, books that somehow inspire but not those that intentionally do so for its purpose, some poetry, and magazines as well. I love arcade games. I love playing with my daughter and making her giggle and laugh. I love watching dvds with my husband, though I'm not much of watching TV, on a Sunday night eating junkfoods. I love the show Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, and we're starting to see this Heroes series. As you can see, I love mylot, haha. I love going to the mall with my little family. I love updating with friends. I love to eat, haha, experiment and eat different kinds of food.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
29 Sep 07
Other than playing on the pc, I like to read, do cross stitch, play with our cat, bake, watch CSI, talk to my family and visit them. I'd like to get a stationary bike or treadmill so I could use them at home. I also like music and making quilts.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Oct 07
My favorite CSI is Vegas and then Miami. I never got into the New York series. I have the first CSI Vegas season on DVD and am buying 1 season a month till I have them all. It'll take awhile. LOL
I love your kitties. They are so little compared to our Morgana. She is huge. I weighed her the other day and she is just over 21 Lbs.!! Talk about a big cat and she is just going on 2 years old.
Thank you for sharing the picture and for a great discussion. I'm glad I'm getting the chance to get to know you.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
1 Oct 07
Good to get to know more about you as well..so we have mutual feelings on this idea. Our kitties were small in the photo...but are bigger now that they are a year old. However, your cat does sound big..is it a ginger cat by any chance. The twin on the one in the photo is getting really huge too. Evidently ginger cats tend to be that way. If you have a photo that you want to share I'd love to see it. I will comment and rate it as well as a way of saying thanks for adding it. If not...maybe you can describe Morgana.
Glad to know you enjoy CSI though..it will remind me of you when I watch it now. Associations tend to be like that.
Anyhow, thanks for popping back..and we'll keep in touch. I haven't much time to do anything else but respond to responses here...but that is always my first priority because I like keeping the chats going!
So long for now...and may you also have peace within.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Sep 07
I have a stationary bike, universal gym, free weights, stepper and balance ball and a whole whack of yoga, Pilates and other fitness CD's and videos...and now all I need to do it life my hiney up from the chair and pry myself away from my computer long enough to use them! LOl
We like CSI too..do you have a favorite...Miami..New York..Las Vagas? I enjoy them all..but from character development I really enjoy Miami. Playing with our 5 cats is another big pleasure for me too..they are very entertaining and I am always posting images of them whenever possible...and oopps I did it again to show you ours. 3 of the 5 sleeping on our couch. They are around 1 year now. Hope you like it. From one fellow cat lover to another!
Thanks for sharing some of your interests and pass times...topics like these add a more personal touch and I greatly appreciate that.
Take care...good to hear from you as always.
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@kuting (885)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
i love you discussion and i love some of the responses you've got.
there are a lot of things right now that i could consider my favorite things to do. simple things that i cant always do so i get real pleasure when i do them.
i love to take care of my son, playing and teasing, hearing him laugh, coo, say simple words are mostof my favorite thing in my life right now. as a single mom, i work away from him and have my parents care for him so i make most of my time whenever i come for a visit. i also love shopping for him, seeing nice baby clothes, toys makes me really want to buy for my baby.
i also love visiting my hometown, the husstle and bustle of the city sometimes gets on me. i love the quite of the province, hearing the birds in the morning, seeing a famous volcano each time i look out the window, planning and climbing a mountain to unwind and get my mind off working. i love sitting in a rock up in the mountains and look far beyond, appreciate everything that god has created, and feel more closer to him.
i love being with the people i love, my friends and my family. i love talking to them and catching up on what's happening with their lives right now.
i love to dance, listen to my favorite music. i love to daydream and think of happy memories..
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
There are quite a few friends I chat with from the Philippines and from the chats and photos I've seen there are some beautiful places to explore. Hearing about the love for your son and how much your enjoy spending time with him is a great thing for any Mom to feel. He is lucky you are so devoted to him. Raising the citizens of tomorrow is something that is a very responsible thing to do.
My it must be amazing to look out the window and see a volcano...what one is it? Your appreciation for your friends and loved one is touching...and it sounds as though you value so much that you have in your life. Your attitude of gratitude is lovely to read about...and I am sincerely pleased that you added your views here...thanks!
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@furqanoops (363)
• Pakistan
29 Sep 07
in my life their are differnet things to do on different time. i love to watch movies and i cannot live with out internet i dont know but that is true i love to make girl friends not for a night for my entire life thats true that the things that atract to make girl friend is all boys weakness but its life dear their is in compromize.
my favourite channels are dicovery, hbo, m-net, Nat Geo, etc and i love to make sound tracks on fruity loops
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
Hi again..thanks for the friends request...it was accepted.
Movies and the internet are some of my fun pass times too. I am not sure what you meant about the love for life and what attracts you to make a girl friend...and the boys weakness...would you might clarifying that please.
Your favorite channels are similar to some of ours...HBO, National Geographic....sound tracks on fruity loops...what is that about? Sounds interesting and different...
You have added some new interests here and your input is always welcome.
Best regards,
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
27 Sep 07
My favourite things are:
1. Writing my blog as well and spending time in MyLot.
2. Going to my in-laws' every Saturday (my mother-in-law'll cook us lunch and then we'll have sauna there in their portable sauna - I LOVE sauna!!!)
3. Going to sauna. It relaxes me SO much.
4. Enjoying nature here 'coz it's a new country for me: looking at birds and squirrels and reindeer here.
5. Taebo!
6. Watching a movie together with my hubby.
7. Talking to my Mom via Skype.
8. Chatting with my friends.
9. SLEEPING with a clear conscience HO HO HO...
10. Reading a good novel on weekends.
11. Cooking or baking something that turns out to be SO tasty (I've just learnt to cook).
12. Eating something I've been craving for days or months and the taste is EXACTLY like I expect it to!!! YUM!!!
13. Going to my Finnish classes as I get to meet my friends and learn more Finnish he he he...
14. Making love with my hubby he he he he he...
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
Hi ailema...
I really appreciate your lovely list of favorite things to do. They all sound delightful and the enthusiasm within your response shows how much you enjoy all of them.
It is always fun to hear about things people like to do and why...and you have made up a wonderful list. I sincerely hope you continue to find enjoyment in all the things you love to do...it is what makes life sweet and meaningful!
Thanks for your great addition...have fun...
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Sep 07
Well with the list of things you love and are grateful for it would appear that you have a lot of conscious awareness about the large and small things that enhance your life. I am sure with that level of appreciation you won't forget it...and your wonderful list provided some reminders for me too...and I appreciate that! Again thank you for taking the time to add so much to this delightful topic!
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
29 Sep 07
Hi, Raia, this is a good discussion and yes, that's why I love the little things in life...those are the things what makes life exciting! ;-D I'm determined to enjoy every little thing in life...I hope I'll always remember this all through the days in my life. ;-D
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@athomeakodito (50)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
I love watching movies and travelling to different places here in the Philippines. Doing these things helps me relax and get away from all the stress that the city as well as the work gives me. When travelling I enjoy it most with my friends.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
From what I am learning from other friends from the Philippines there are some lovely places to travel to in your country.
Thanks for adding your favorite things to the discussion...always interesting to hear from others about their interests and pass times.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
Sounds like you have a some quiet and contemplative things you like to do. Thanks for letting us know what they are.
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@mepibot (387)
• Brazil
28 Sep 07
Wow, usually i spend most part of my day studying by myself for the tests, but, now the test over and i have a little time to enjoy what i like to do, listen music, paint (i paint pictures and in clothers), talking with my friends, walking with my dog, ...and now i bought a book for study chinese (write and speak), i don´t like of english, so, i just learn a little because i know this is necessary (i´m brazilian). So, i like to read books too and sometimes pratic writing in chinese...i love see "The Simpsons", "Futura" and all Adult Swim cartoons, but recently i don´t watch TV too much. Movies i just stop to watch if was about sci-fi, haha, i´m seaching other activities (like walk without destiny, hehehe) because my neurologist said this is good for me (i have anxiety and panic), so, just my antidepressives don´t i´ll help me, i have to help myself. (;
Have a nice day! (and srry for my bad english) ^__^
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
Hi...and thank you for stopping by and adding the things you like to do. I think your English is fine...you are coming through loud and clear!lol
Sorry to hear about your anxiety and panic attacks...they are not fun. Even in the face of them it sounds as though you live a full, rich interesting life. I admire your determination to learn Chinese...I understand it is not an easy language to learn.
Sounds like you have a talant with your artwork...and we have dogs we love too...and of course our cats add a lot to life too.
Thanks for adding your favorite things to the topic..and I wish you success in overcoming your anxiety problems...sounds like you have lot to contribute to this world!
Best regards,
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@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I like to read, scrapbook, spend time with friends and family, play video games, and watch tv.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
I am finding there are a lot of scrap bookers out there. I am one as well. Thanks for adding your favorite things to do to the discussion.
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@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
3 Oct 07
hi... i love reading books, watching TV, watching DVDs, going out for movies, malling, playing word games, reading online, mylotting, creating handicrafts and digital designs...
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
3 Oct 07
Hi Shiloh..
I appreciate you dropping by to add to the discussion. It sounds as though you have a quite a few enjoyable activities that you enjoy doing. Always good to meet new members and learn what adds to their quality of life. It appears that lots of things do that for you.
Best regards,
@smin2x (46)
27 Sep 07
I like to spend my time with my children and cook for my family. When I was still working, I spent only a few hours with my children, other days I don't have time with them. As I work, my mind is always on my kids and I felt guilty of not doing my role well as their mother. I missed the time and joy of being the one to shower them or cut their fingernails. So I quit my job and now I enjoy this new career which is my favorite thing to do.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Sep 07
Hi...and welcome. Hope you are enjoying your Mylotting experiences. I was just commenting to another on-line friend about how much I praise Mom's for the wonderful 'work' they do. Although it is only work if you don't like it..and it sounds like your new career is full of everything that gives you joy.
In my mind there is no career more important that raising tomorrow's planetary citizens. So thanks for doing that for all of who chose not. You couldn't have a more valuable, worthwhile career...and good for you.
Thanks for your post on the celebration of motherhood...and why you love it!
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